< Hošea 11 >

1 Dok Izrael bijaše dijete, ja ga ljubljah, iz Egipta dozvah sina svoga.
Early in the morning were they cast off, the king of Israel has been cast off: for Israel is a child, and I loved him, and out of Egypt have I called his children.
2 Al' što sam ih više zvao, sve su dalje od mene odlazili; baalima su žrtvovali, kadili kumirima.
As I called them, so they departed from my presence: they sacrificed to Baalim, and burnt incense to graven images.
3 A ja sam Efrajima hodati učio, držeći ga za ruke njegove; al' oni ne spoznaše da sam se za njih brinuo.
Yet I bound the feet of Ephraim, I took him on my arm; but they knew not that I healed them.
4 Užima za ljude privlačio sam ih, konopcima ljubavi; bijah im k'o onaj koji u čeljustima njihovim žvale opušta; nad njega se saginjah i davah mu jesti.
When men were destroyed, I drew them with the bands of my love: and I will be to them as a man striking [another] on his cheek: and I will have respect to him, I will prevail with him.
5 U zemlju egipatsku on će se vratiti, Asirac će mu kraljem biti, jer se ne htjede vratiti k meni.
Ephraim lived in Egypt; and [as for] the Assyrian, he was his king, because he would not return.
6 Mač će bješnjeti njegovim gradovima, uništiti prijevornice njegove, proždirat će zbog spletaka njegovih.
And in his cities he prevailed not with the sword, and he ceased [to war] with his hands: and they shall eat [of the fruit] of their own devices:
7 Narod je moj sklon otpadu; i premda ga k Višnjem dozivlju, nitko da ga podigne.
and his people [shall] cleave fondly to their habitation; but God shall be angry with his precious things, and shall not at all exalt him.
8 Kako da te dadem, Efrajime, kako da te predam, Izraele! Kako da te dadem kao Admu, da učinim s tobom kao Sebojimu? Srce mi je uznemireno, uzavrela mi sva utroba:
How shall I deal with you, Ephraim? [how] shall I protect you, Israel? what shall I do with you? I will make you as Adama, and as Seboim; my heart is turned at once, my repentance is powerfully excited.
9 neću više gnjevu dati maha, neću opet zatirati Efrajima, jer ja sam Bog, a ne čovjek: Svetac posred tebe - neću više gnjevan dolaziti!
I will not act according to the fury of my wrath, I will not abandon Ephraim to be utterly destroyed: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One within you: and I will not enter into the city.
10 Za Jahvom će ići on, k'o lav on će rikati; a kad zarikao bude, sinovi će mu veselo dohrliti sa zapada;
I will go after the Lord: he shall utter [his voice] as a lion: for he shall roar, and the children of the waters shall be amazed.
11 k'o ptice će dohrliti iz Egipta, k'o golubica iz zemlje asirske, i naselit ću ih po kućama njihovim - riječ je Jahvina.
They shall be amazed [and fly] as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of the Assyrians: and I will restore them to their houses, says the Lord.
12 Opkolio me lažju Efrajim i prijevarom Izraelov dom. A i Juda još je nestalan Bogu, Svecu vjernome.
Ephraim has compassed me with falsehood, and the house of Israel and Juda with ungodliness: [but] now God knows them, and they shall be called God's holy people.

< Hošea 11 >