< Hagaj 2 >

1 Druge godine kralja Darija, sedmoga mjeseca, dvadeset i prvoga dana u mjesecu, dođe riječ Jahvina preko proroka Hagaja:
In the seventh month, in the twenty-first day of the month, the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, saying,
2 “Reci ovako Zerubabelu, sinu Šealtielovu, namjesniku judejskom, i Jošui, sinu Josadakovu, velikom svećeniku, i ostalom narodu:
“Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people, saying,
3 'Ima li još koga među vama koji vidje ovaj Dom u njegovoj staroj slavi? A kakva ga sada vi vidite? Prema onome, nije li to k'o ništa u vašim očima?
‘Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory? How do you see it now? Isn’t it in your eyes as nothing?
4 Budi, dakle, junak, Zerubabele - riječ je Jahvina - budi junak, Jošua, sine Josadakov, veliki svećeniče! Budi junak, narode sve zemlje - riječ je Jahvina. Na posao! Jer, ja sam s vama! - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama!
Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the LORD. ‘Be strong, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the LORD, ‘and work, for I am with you,’ says the LORD of Armies.
5 Po obećanju što ga vama dadoh kad izađoste iz Egipta, duh moj posred vas ostaje. Ne bojte se!'
This is the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, and my Spirit lived among you. ‘Don’t be afraid.’
6 Jer ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: 'Zamalo, i ja ću potresti nebesa i zemlju, i more i kopno.
For this is what the LORD of Armies says: ‘Yet once more, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the dry land;
7 Potrest ću sve narode da dođe blago svih naroda, i slavom ću napunit ovaj Dom' - kaže Jahve nad Vojskama.
and I will shake all nations. The treasure of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of Armies.
8 'Moje je zlato, moje je srebro' - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama.
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,’ says the LORD of Armies.
9 'Slava ovoga drugog Doma bit će veća nego prvoga' - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama. 'I na ovom ću mjestu dati mir' - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama.”
‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of Armies; ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of Armies.”
10 Dvadeset i četvrtoga dana devetoga mjeseca, druge godine kralja Darija, dođe riječ Jahvina preko proroka Hagaja:
In the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, saying,
11 Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama. “Pitaj svećenike što kaže Zakon i reci:
“The LORD of Armies says: Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying,
12 'Kad bi tko u skutu svoje haljine nosio posvećeno meso, ili bi se skutom dotakao kruha, jela, vina, ulja ili kakve god hrane, bi li to postalo sveto?'” Svećenici odgovoriše: “Ne!”
‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with his fold touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any food, will it become holy?’” The priests answered, “No.”
13 Hagaj dalje upita: “Kad bi netko koji se onečistio dodirnuvši mrtvaca dotakao nešto od onoga, bi li to postalo nečisto?” Svećenici odgovoriše: “Bilo bi nečisto.”
Then Haggai said, “If one who is unclean by reason of a dead body touches any of these, will it be unclean?” The priests answered, “It will be unclean.”
14 Onda Hagaj ovako reče: “Takav je i ovaj puk, takav je ovaj narod preda mnom - riječ je Jahvina - takvo je svako djelo ruku njihovih, i sve što ovdje prinose: sve je nečisto!”
Then Haggai answered, “‘So is this people, and so is this nation before me,’ says the LORD; ‘and so is every work of their hands. That which they offer there is unclean.
15 “A sada, promislite u srcu, od današnjega dana unapredak: Prije negoli se poče stavljati kamen na kamen u Jahvinu Svetištu,
Now, please consider from this day and backward, before a stone was laid on a stone in the LORD’s temple.
16 kakvi ono bijaste? Dolažaste hrpi od dvadeset mjerica, a bješe ih samo deset! Dolažaste kaci da zahvatite pedeset mjerica, a bješe ih samo dvadeset!
Through all that time, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty, there were only twenty.
17 Udarao sam snijeću, medljikom i grÓadom svako djelo vaših ruku, ali nikoga nema k meni” - riječ je Jahvina.
I struck you with blight, mildew, and hail in all the work of your hands; yet you didn’t turn to me,’ says the LORD.
18 “Stoga dobro pripazite od današnjeg dana unapredak - od dvadeset i četvrtoga dana devetoga mjeseca, kad se stao graditi Hram Jahvin, pripazite dobro
‘Consider, please, from this day and backward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, since the day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laid, consider it.
19 ima li još žita u žitnici? Ni vinova loza ni smokva, ni mogranj ni maslina nisu rađali! Al' od ovog dana ja ću blagosloviti.”
Is the seed yet in the barn? Yes, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree haven’t produced. From today I will bless you.’”
20 Dvadeset i četvrtoga dana istoga mjeseca dođe riječ Jahvina Hagaju drugi put:
The LORD’s word came the second time to Haggai in the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying,
21 “Reci ovako Zerubabelu, namjesniku judejskom: 'Ja ću potresti nebesa i zemlju!
“Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, ‘I will shake the heavens and the earth.
22 Oborit ću prijestolja kraljevstvima i uništit ću moć kraljevima naroda. Prevrnut ću bojna kola i one na njima, konji i konjanici njihovi bit će oboreni, past će od mača brata svojega.'”
I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms. I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them. The horses and their riders will come down, everyone by the sword of his brother.
23 “Toga dana” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama - “uzet ću te, Zerubabele, sine Šealtielov, slugo moja” - riječ je Jahvina - “i stavit ću te kao pečatnjak, jer tebe izabrah” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama.
In that day, says the LORD of Armies, I will take you, Zerubbabel my servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says the LORD, ‘and will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ says the LORD of Armies.”

< Hagaj 2 >