< Hagaj 1 >

1 Druge godine kralja Darija, šestoga mjeseca, prvoga dana u mjesecu, dođe riječ Jahvina preko proroka Hagaja Zerubabelu, sinu Šealtielovu, namjesniku judejskom, i Jošui, sinu Josadakovu, velikom svećeniku:
[I am], Haggai, a prophet. I received a message from Yahweh on August 29th, during the second year that Darius was the king [of Persia]. I told this message to Shealtiel’s son Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and to Jehozadak’s son Jeshua, the Supreme Priest.
2 “Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama. Narod ovaj govori: 'Nije još došlo vrijeme da se opet sazda Dom Jahvin!'
Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, told [me] that the people were saying that it was not yet time for them to rebuild Yahweh’s temple.
3 Zato je došla riječ Jahvina preko proroka Hagaja:
Then Yahweh gave me this message [to tell to the people of Jerusalem]:
4 A vama je vrijeme da stanujete u pokrivenim kućama, dok je ovaj Dom razvaljen.
“It is not right [RHQ] for you to be living in luxurious houses while my temple is only ruins!
5 I zato, ovako sada govori Jahve nad Vojskama: Razmotrite svoje putove!
[I, ] Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, say this: Think about what is happening to you.
6 Sijete mnogo, malo dovozite; jedete, a niste siti; pijete, a napojit' se ne možete; odijevate se, a nije vam toplo. Poslenik zarađuje plaću, a stavlja je u prodrt tobolac!”
You have planted a lot [of seeds], but you are not getting many [crops] to harvest. You eat [food], but you never get enough. You drink [wine], but you are still thirsty. You wear clothes, but you do not stay warm. You earn money, [but things are very expensive], with the result that [it is as though] [MET] [your money disappears because] you are putting it in purses/pockets that have [big] holes in them.”
7 Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: “Razmotrite svoje putove!
[So] this is what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, says: “Think about what is happening to you.
8 Idite na goru, dovezite drva i podignite opet Dom; bit će mi to milo i proslavit ću se” - govori Jahve.
[Then] go up into the hills, [cut down trees, ] and bring timber [down here], and rebuild my temple. When you do that, I will be pleased, and I will be honored.
9 “Nadaste se obilju, a gle, malo je; što dovezete kući, ja otpuhnem. A zašto?” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama. “Zato što je Dom moj razvaljen, dok se svaki od vas brine za dom svoj.
You expected [to harvest] plenty [of crops], but there were few [crops to harvest]. And when you brought the crops home, I caused them to spoil [IDM] quickly. The reason [that happened is that] my temple is a ruins, while each of you are busy building your own [beautiful] houses.
10 Stog' je nebo uskratilo rosu, a zemlja uskratila usjeve.
It is because of what you [are doing] that rain does not fall from the sky, and [as a result] there are no crops.
11 Ja dozvah sušu na zemlju i gore, na žito i vino, na ulje i na sve što zemlja rađa, na ljude i stoku i na svaki trudno stečen plod.”
I have caused a (drought/severe lack of rain) on the hills and on your fields. The result has been that your grain [has withered], and your grapevines [MTY] and olive trees [MTY] and all your [other] crops have dried up. [Because of that, ] you and your cattle [do not have enough food], and the hard work that you have done will be for nothing.”
12 A Zerubabel, sin Šealtielov, i Jošua, sin Josadakov, veliki svećenik, i sav ostali narod poslušaše glas Jahve, Boga svojega, i riječi proroka Hagaja u onome radi čega ga Jahve njima posla: i narod se poboja Jahve.
Then Zerubbabel and Jeshua and all the others of God’s people who were still alive obeyed the message that Yahweh our God had said, and they heeded the message that I had given them, because [they knew that] Yahweh our God had sent/appointed me. And the people revered Yahweh.
13 Tada Hagaj, glasnik Jahvin, po Jahvinu nalogu ovako reče narodu: “Ja sam s vama” - riječ je Jahvina. -
Then [I], Haggai, who was Yahweh’s messenger, gave this message from Yahweh to the people: “I, Yahweh, declare that I am with you.”
14 Jahve probudi duh Zerubabelu, sinu Šealtielovu, namjesniku judejskom, i duh Jošui, sinu Josadakovu, velikom svećeniku, i duh svemu ostalom narodu te oni dođoše i prionuše na posao u Domu Jahve nad Vojskama, Boga svojega.
[So] Yahweh motivated Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the other people to want to rebuild the temple of our God, the Commander of the armies of angels. They gathered together and started to work to rebuild it.
15 Bijaše to dvadeset i četvrtoga dana šestog mjeseca.
[They started work] on September 21st, during the second year that Darius was the king.

< Hagaj 1 >