< Postanak 7 >

1 Onda Jahve reče Noi: “Uđi ti i sva tvoja obitelj u korablju, jer sam uvidio da si ti jedini preda mnom pravedan u ovom vremenu.
The LORD said to Noah, “Come with all of your household into the ship, for I have seen your righteousness before me in this generation.
2 Uzmi sa sobom od svih čistih životinja po sedam parova: mužjaka i njegovu ženku.
You shall take seven pairs of every clean animal with you, the male and his female. Of the animals that are not clean, take two, the male and his female.
3 Isto tako od ptica nebeskih po sedam parova - mužjaka i ženku - da im se sjeme sačuva na zemlji.
Also of the birds of the sky, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive on the surface of all the earth.
4 Jer ću do sedam dana pustiti dažd po zemlji četrdeset dana i četrdeset noći te ću istrijebiti s lica zemlje svako živo biće što sam ga načinio.”
In seven days, I will cause it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights. I will destroy every living thing that I have made from the surface of the ground.”
5 Noa učini sve kako mu je Jahve naredio.
Noah did everything that the LORD commanded him.
6 Noi bijaše šest stotina godina kad je potop došao na zemlju.
Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came on the earth.
7 I pred vodama potopnim uđu s Noom u korablju njegovi sinovi, njegova žena i žene sinova njegovih.
Noah went into the ship with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, because of the floodwaters.
8 Od čistih životinja i od životinja koje nisu čiste, od ptica, od svega što zemljom puzi,
Clean animals, unclean animals, birds, and everything that creeps on the ground
9 uđe po dvoje - mužjak i ženka - u korablju s Noom, kako je Bog naredio Noi.
went by pairs to Noah into the ship, male and female, as God commanded Noah.
10 A sedmoga dana zapljušte potopne vode po zemlji.
After the seven days, the floodwaters came on the earth.
11 U dan onaj - šestote godine Noina života, mjeseca drugog, dana u mjesecu sedamnaestog - navale svi izvori bezdana, rastvore se ustave nebeske.
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the sky’s windows opened.
12 I udari dažd na zemlju da pljušti četrdeset dana i četrdeset noći.
It rained on the earth forty days and forty nights.
13 Onog dana uđe u korablju Noa i njegovi sinovi: Šem, Ham i Jafet, Noina žena i tri žene Noinih sinova s njima;
In the same day Noah, and Shem, Ham, and Japheth—the sons of Noah—and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered into the ship—
14 oni, pa sve vrste životinja: stoka, gmizavci što po tlu gmižu, ptice i svakovrsna krilata stvorenja,
they, and every animal after its kind, all the livestock after their kind, every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind, and every bird after its kind, every bird of every sort.
15 uđu u korablju s Noom, po dvoje od svih bića što u sebi imaju dah života.
Pairs from all flesh with the breath of life in them went into the ship to Noah.
16 Što uđe, sve bijaše par, mužjak i ženka od svih bića, kako je Bog naredio Noi. Onda Jahve zatvori za njim vrata.
Those who went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God commanded him; then the LORD shut him in.
17 Pljusak je na zemlju padao četrdeset dana; vode sveudilj rasle i korablju nosile: digla se visoko iznad zemlje.
The flood was forty days on the earth. The waters increased, and lifted up the ship, and it was lifted up above the earth.
18 Vode su nad zemljom bujale i visoko rasle, a korablja plovila površinom.
The waters rose, and increased greatly on the earth; and the ship floated on the surface of the waters.
19 Vode su sve silnije navaljivale i rasle nad zemljom, tako te prekriše sva najviša brda pod nebom.
The waters rose very high on the earth. All the high mountains that were under the whole sky were covered.
20 Petnaest lakata dizale se vode povrh potonulih brda.
The waters rose fifteen cubits higher, and the mountains were covered.
21 Izgiboše sva bića što se po zemlji kreću: ptice, stoka, zvijeri, svi gmizavci i svi ljudi.
All flesh died that moved on the earth, including birds, livestock, animals, every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man.
22 Sve što u svojim nosnicama imaše dah života - sve što bijaše na kopnu - izgibe.
All on the dry land, in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died.
23 Istrijebi se svako biće s površja zemaljskog: čovjek, životinje, gmizavci i ptice nebeske, sve se izbrisa sa zemlje. Samo Noa ostade i oni što bijahu s njim u korablji.
Every living thing was destroyed that was on the surface of the ground, including man, livestock, creeping things, and birds of the sky. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those who were with him in the ship.
24 Stotinu pedeset dana vladahu vode zemljom.
The waters flooded the earth one hundred and fifty days.

< Postanak 7 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood