< Postanak 42 >
1 Kad je Jakov čuo da u Egiptu ima žita, reče svojim sinovima: “Što tu zurite jedan u drugoga?
Now Jacob, hearing that there was grain in Egypt, said to his sons, Why are you looking at one another?
2 Čujem da ima žita u Egiptu. Otiđite dolje te nam ga odande nabavite da ostanemo na životu i ne pomremo.”
And he said, I have had news that there is grain in Egypt: go down there and get grain for us, so that life and not death may be ours.
3 Tako desetero Josipove braće siđe da nabavi žita iz Egipta.
So Joseph's ten brothers went down to get grain from Egypt.
4 Benjamina, Josipova pravog brata, Jakov ne posla s ostalima. “Da ga ne bi zadesila kakva nesreća”, govorio je.
But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph's brother, with them, for fear, as he said, that some evil might come to him.
5 Među onima koji su išli nabavljati žito, jer u zemlji kanaanskoj vladaše glad, bijahu i sinovi Izraelovi.
And the sons of Israel came with all the others to get grain: for they were very short of food in the land of Canaan.
6 Josip je bio namjesnik u zemlji; on je dijelio žito svemu svijetu. Dođu tako i Josipova braća i poklone mu se licem do zemlje.
Now Joseph was ruler over all the land, and it was he who gave out the grain to all the people of the land; and Joseph's brothers came before him and went down on their faces to the earth.
7 Josip prepozna braću čim ih ugleda, ali se prema njima vladao kao stranac i oštro im govorio. Zapita ih: “Odakle dolazite?” Odgovore: “Iz zemlje kanaanske došli smo da kupimo hrane.”
And when Joseph saw his brothers, it was clear to him who they were, but he made himself strange to them, and talking roughly to them, said, Where do you come from? And they said, From the land of Canaan, to get food.
8 Iako je Josip prepoznao svoju braću, oni njega nisu prepoznali.
Now though Joseph saw that these were his brothers, they had no idea who he was.
9 Josip se sjeti snova što ih je o njima sanjao. I reče im: “Vi ste uhode! Došli ste da izvidite slaba mjesta ove zemlje.”
Then the memory of his dreams about them came back to Joseph, and he said to them, You have come secretly to see how poor the land is.
10 Oni mu odgovore: “Ne, gospodaru! Tvoje su sluge došle da nabave hrane.
And they said to him, Not so, my lord: your servants have come with money to get food.
11 Svi smo sinovi jednog oca; pošteni smo ljudi; sluge tvoje nikad nisu bile uhode.”
We are all one man's sons, we are true men; we have not come with any secret purpose.
12 On će im opet: “Ne, nego ste došli da izvidite slaba mjesta ove zemlje.”
And he said to them, No, but you have come to see how poor the land is.
13 Nato oni uzvrate: “Nas, tvojih slugu, bijaše dvanaestero braće - sinovi jednog oca, u zemlji kanaanskoj; najmlađi je sad s ocem, a jednoga više nema.”
Then they said, We your servants are twelve brothers, sons of one man in the land of Canaan; the youngest of us is now with our father, and one is dead.
14 No Josip im dobaci: “Onako kako sam vam već rekao: vi ste uhode!
And Joseph said, It is as I said; you have come with some secret purpose;
15 Ovako ću vas iskušati: odavde, tako mi faraona, nećete izići ako vaš najmlađi brat ne dođe ovamo!
But in this way will you be put to the test: by the life of Pharaoh, you will not go away from this place till your youngest brother comes here.
16 Pošaljite jednoga između sebe da vam dovede brata, a vi ostali u zatvor! Tako ću iskušati vaše riječi i vidjeti je li u vas istina ili nije. Inače, tako mi faraona, vi ste uhode!”
Send one of your number to get your brother, and the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are true; if not, by the life of Pharaoh, your purpose is certainly secret.
17 Potom ih baci u zatvor na tri dana.
So he put them in prison for three days.
18 Treći im dan reče Josip: “Izvršite to, i ostat ćete na životu, jer sam ja čovjek bogobojazan.
And on the third day Joseph said to them, Do this, if you would keep your lives: for I am a god-fearing man:
19 Ako ste pošteni, neka jedan od vas ostane u zatvoru, a vi ostali idite i nosite žito svojim izgladnjelim domovima.
If you are true men, let one of you be kept in prison, while you go and take grain for the needs of your families;
20 Poslije toga dovedite mi svoga najmlađeg brata, tako da se obistine vaše riječi te da ne izginete.” Oni pristanu.
And come back to me with your youngest brother, so that your words may be seen to be true, and you will not be put to death. This is what you are to do.
21 Zatim je jedan drugom govorio: “Jao nama! Stiže nas kazna zbog našega brata; gledali smo njegovu muku dok nas je molio za milost, ali ga nismo uslišali. Stoga nas je ova nevolja snašla.”
And they said to one another, Truly, we did wrong to our brother, for we saw his grief of mind, and we did not give ear to his prayers; that is why this trouble has come on us.
22 Ruben im odvrati: “Zar vam nisam govorio: Ne ogrešujte se o mladića! Ali vi niste slušali. Sad se traži račun za njegovu krv.”
And Reuben said to them, Did I not say to you, Do the child no wrong? but you gave no attention; so now, punishment has come on us for his blood.
23 Nisu znali da ih Josip razumije, jer su se s njim razgovarali preko tumača.
They were not conscious that the sense of their words was clear to Joseph, for he had been talking to them through one who had knowledge of their language.
24 On se od njih udalji te zaplaka. Opet se vrati i razgovaraše s njima. Onda izdvoji Šimuna između njih i naredi da bude svezan na njihove oči.
And turning away from them, he was overcome with weeping; then he went on talking to them again and took Simeon and put chains on him before their eyes.
25 Potom Josip zapovjedi da im vreće napune žitom; da svakome njegov novac metnu u vreću i da im daju poputninu. Tako im učine.
Then Joseph gave orders for their bags to be made full of grain, and for every man's money to be put back into his bag, and for food to be given them for the journey: which was done.
26 Tada oni natovare žito na svoje magarce i krenu odande.
Then they put the bags of grain on their asses and went away.
27 Kad na prenoćištu jedan od njih otvori svoju vreću da nahrani magarca, opazi svoj novac ozgo u vreći.
Now at their night's resting-place one of them, opening his bag to give his ass some food, saw his money in the mouth of the bag.
28 “Moj je novac vraćen!” - povika braći. - “Evo ga u mojoj vreći!” Zadrhta srce u njima. Zgledaše se, uplašeni, i rekoše: “Što nam ovo Bog uradi!”
And he said to his brothers, My money has been given back: it is in my bag; then their hearts became full of fear, and turning to one another they said, What is this which God has done to us?
29 Došavši k svome ocu Jakovu u zemlju kanaansku, kazaše mu sve što ih je snašlo.
So when they came to Jacob their father, in the land of Canaan, they gave him an account of all their experiences, saying,
30 “Čovjek koji je gospodar one zemlje”, rekoše, “oštro nam je govorio i optužio nas kao uhode.
The man who is the ruler of the country was rough with us and put us in prison, saying that we had come with a secret evil purpose.
31 Pošteni smo ljudi, kazasmo mu, i nikad nismo bili uhode.
And we said to him, We are true men, we have no evil designs;
32 Bilo nas je dvanaestero braće, sinovi istog oca, ali jednoga više nema, dok se najmlađi sad nalazi s našim ocem u zemlji kanaanskoj.
We are twelve brothers, sons of our father; one is dead, and the youngest is now with our father in the land of Canaan.
33 Ali čovjek koji je gospodar one zemlje reče nam: 'Ovim ću doznati da ste pošteni ljudi: ostavite jednoga brata kod mene, a vi ostali uzmite što vam treba za izgladnjele domove, pa idite.
And the ruler of the land said, In this way I may be certain that you are true men; let one of you be kept here with me, while you go and take grain for the needs of your families;
34 Onda mi dovedite svoga najmlađeg brata, tako da znam da niste uhode, nego pošteni ljudi. Poslije toga vratit ću vam vašeg brata, i vi ćete se moći slobodno kretati u ovoj zemlji.'”
And come back to me with your youngest brother: then I will be certain that you are true men, and I will give your brother back to you and let you do trade in the land.
35 Kako su praznili svoje vreće, svaki nađe u vreći svoju kesu. Opazivši to, zapadoše u strah - i oni i njihov otac.
And when they took the grain out of their bags, it was seen that every man's parcel of money was in his bag; and when they and their father saw the money, they were full of fear.
36 “Mene vi ostavljate bez djece!” - reče im njihov otac. - “Josipa je nestalo, Šimuna nema, a sad biste odveli i Benjamina. Sve se to na me svaljuje!”
And Jacob their father said to them, You have taken my children from me: Joseph is gone and Simeon is gone, and now you would take Benjamin away; all these things have come on me.
37 Onda Ruben reče svome ocu: “Ubij moja dva sina ako ti ga ja natrag ne dovedem! Predaj ga u moje ruke, i ja ću ti ga vratiti!”
And Reuben said, Put my two sons to death if I do not come back to you with him; let him be in my care and I will give him safely back to you.
38 “Moj sin neće s vama!” - uzvrati on. - “Njegov je pravi brat već mrtav, a on je ostao sam. Ako bi ga na putu na koji ćete poći snašla nesreća, u tuzi biste otpravili moju sijedu glavu dolje u Šeol.” (Sheol )
And he said, I will not let my son go down with you; for his brother is dead and he is all I have: if evil overtakes him on the journey, then through you will my grey head go down to the underworld in sorrow. (Sheol )