< Postanak 36 >

1 Ovo su potomci Ezava, koji se zvao i Edom.
These are the generations of Esau which is called Edo.
2 Ezav je uzeo sebi žene od kanaanskih djevojaka: Adu, kćer Hetita Elona; Oholibamu, kćer Ane, unuku Sibeona Horijca;
Esau toke his wyues of the doughters of Canaan Ada the doughter of Elon an Hethite and Ahalibama the doughter of Ana which Ana was the sonne of Zibeon an heuyte
3 i Basematu, kćer Jišmaelovu, sestru Nebajotovu.
And Basmath Ismaels doughter and sister of Nebaioth.
4 Ada Ezavu rodi Elifaza, a Basemata rodi Reuela,
And Ada bare vnto Esau Eliphas: and Basmath bare Reguel:
5 Oholibama rodi Jeuša, Jalama i Koraha. To su Ezavovi sinovi koji se rodiše u zemlji kanaanskoj.
And Ahalibama bare Ieus Iaelam and Rorah. These are the sonnes of Esau which were borne him in the lande of Canaan.
6 Ezav uzme svoje žene, svoje sinove, svoje kćeri, svu čeljad svoga doma; svoju stoku - krupnu i sitnu; svu imovinu što ju je namakao u zemlji kanaanskoj, pa ode u zemlju seirsku, daleko od svog brata Jakova.
And Esau toke his wyues his sonnes and doughters and all the soules of his house: his goodes and all his catell and all his substance which he had gott in the land of Canaan ad went in to a countre awaye from his brother Iacob:
7 Njihov se, naime, posjed jako uvećao te nisu mogli ostati zajedno: kraj u kojem su boravili nije ih mogao izdržavati zbog njihova blaga.
for their ryches was so moch that they coude not dwell together and that the land where in they were straungers coude not receaue the: because of their catell.
8 Tako se Ezav - Edom nazvani - naseli u brdskom kraju Seiru.
Thus dwelt Esau in moute Seir which Esau is called Edo
9 Ovo je, dakle, potomstvo Ezava, praoca Edomaca, u brdskom kraju Seiru.
These are the generations of Esau father of the Edomytes in mounte Seir
10 Ovo su imena Ezavovih sinova: Elifaz, sin Ezavove žene Ade; Reuel, sin Ezavove žene Basemate.
and these are the names of Esaus sonnes: Eliphas the sonne of Ada the wife of Esau ad Reguel the sonne of Basmath the wife of Esau also.
11 Elifazovi su sinovi bili: Teman, Omar, Sefo, Gatam i Kenaz.
And the sonnes of Eliphas were. Theman Omar Zepho Gactham and kenas.
12 Timna je bila inoča Ezavova sina Elifaza; ona je Elifazu rodila Amaleka. To su potomci Ezavove žene Ade.
And thimna was concubyne to Eliphas Esaus sonne and bare vnto Eliphas Amalech. And these be the sonnes of Ada Esaus wyfe.
13 A ovo su sinovi Reuelovi: Nahat, Zerah, Šama i Miza. Oni su bili sinovi Ezavove žene Basemate.
And these are the sonnes of Reguel: Nahath Serah Samma and Misa: these were the sonnes of Basmath Esaus wyfe.
14 A ovo su opet sinovi Ezavove žene Oholibame, Anine kćeri, unuke Sibeonove; ona je Ezavu rodila Jeuša, Jalama i Koraha.
And these were the sonnes of Ahalibama Esaus wyfe the doughter of Ana sonne of Zebeo which she bare vnto Esau: Ieus Iealam and Korah.
15 Ovo su rodovske glave Ezavovih potomaka. Potomci Ezavova prvorođenca Elifaza: knez Teman, knez Omar, knez Sefo, knez Kenaz,
These were dukes of the sonnes of Esau. The childern of Eliphas the first sone of Esau were these: duke Theman duke Omar duke Zepho duke Kenas
16 knez Korah, knez Gatam i knez Amalek. To su rodovski glavari Elifazovi u zemlji edomskoj; to su potomci Adini.
duke Korah duke Gaetham and duke Amalech: these are ye dukes that came of Eliphas in the lande of Edom ad these were the sonnes of Ada.
17 A ovo su potomci Ezavova sina Reuela: knez Nahat, knez Zerah, knez Šama i knez Miza. To su rodovski glavari Reuelovi u zemlji edomskoj; to su potomci Ezavove žene Basemate.
These were the childern of Requel. Esaus sonne: duke Nahath duke Serah duke Samma duke Misa. These are the dukes that came of Reguel in the lande of Edom ad these were the sonnes of Basmath Esaus wyfe.
18 A ovo su potomci Ezavove žene Oholibame: knez Jeuš, knez Jalam i knez Korah. To su rodovski glavari Ezavove žene Oholibame, kćeri Anine.
These were the childern of Ahalibama Esaus wife: duke Ieus duke Iaelam duke Korah these dukes came of Ahalibama ye doughter of Ana Esaus wife.
19 To su bili sinovi Ezava-Edoma, njihovi knezovi.
These are the childern of Esau and these are the dukes of them: which Esau is called Edom:
20 A ovo su sinovi Seira Horijca, žitelji one zemlje: Lotan, Šobal, Sibeon, Ana,
These are the childern of Seir the Horite the in habitoure of the lande: Lothan Sobal Zibeon Ana
21 Dišon, Eser i Dišan. To su koljenovići Horijci, sinovi Seirovi, u zemlji edomskoj.
Dison Eser and Disan. These are the dukes of ye horites the childern of Seir in the lande of Edom.
22 Lotanovi sinovi bili su: Hori i Hemam; a sestra Lotanova bila je Timna.
And the childern of Lothan were: Hori and Hemam. And Lothans sister was called Thimna.
23 Ovo su bili sinovi Šobalovi: Alvan, Manahat, Ebal, Šefo i Onam.
The childern of Sobal were these: Alvan Manahath Ebal Sepho and Onam.
24 Sinovi Sibeonovi bijahu Aja i Ana. Ana je onaj koji je našao vruća vrela u pustari dok je čuvao magarad svoga oca Sibeona.
These were the childern of Zibeo. Aia and ana this was yt Ana yt foude ye mules in ye wildernes as he fed his father Zibeons asses.
25 Ovo su bila djeca Ane: sin Dišon i Anina kći Oholibama.
The childern of Ana were these. Dison and Ahalibama ye doughter of Ana.
26 Ovo su bili sinovi Dišonovi: Hemdan, Ešban, Jitran i Keran.
These are the childern of Dison. Hemdan Esban Iethran and Chera.
27 Ovo su bili sinovi Eserovi: Bilhan, Zaavan i Akan.
The childern of Ezer were these Bilhan Seavan and Akan.
28 A sinovi Dišanovi bili su: Uz i Aran.
The childern of Disan were: Vzand Aran.
29 Ovo su knezovi Horijaca: knez Lotan, knez Šobal, knez Sibeon, knez Ana,
These are the dukes that came of Hori: duke Lothan duke Sobal duke Zibeo duke Ana
30 knez Dišon, knez Eser i knez Dišan. To su bili knezovi Horijaca, glavar za glavarom, u zemlji seirskoj.
duke Dison duke Ezer duke Disan. These be the dukes that came of Hory in their dukedos in the land of Seir.
31 Evo kraljeva koji su kraljevali u edomskoj zemlji prije nego je zavladao kralj sinova Izraelovih.
These are the kynges that reigned in the lande of Edom before there reigned any kynge amonge the childern of Israel.
32 Beorov sin Bela vladao je u Edomu; njegov se grad zvao Dinhaba.
Bela the sonne of Beor reigned in Edomea and the name of his cyte was Dinhaba.
33 Kad je umro Bela, na njegovo se mjesto zakraljio Jobab, sin Zeraha iz Bosre.
And when Bela dyed Iobab the sonne of Serah out of Bezara reigned in his steade.
34 Kad je umro Jobab, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Hušam iz temanske zemlje.
When Iobab was dead Husam of the lande of Themany reigned in his steade.
35 Kad je umro Hušam, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Bedadov sin Hadad, koji je potukao Midjance na Moapskom polju. Ime je njegovu gradu bilo Avit.
And after the deth of Husam Hadad the sonne of Bedad which stewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes reigned in his steade and the name of his cyte was Avith.
36 Kad je umro Hadad, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Samla iz Masreke.
Whe Hadad was dead Samla of Masteka reigned in his steade.
37 Kad je umro Samla, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Šaul iz Rehobota na Rijeci.
Whe Samla was dead Saul of the ryver Rehoboth reigned in his steade.
38 Kad umrije Šaul, zavlada Baal Hanan, Akborov sin.
When Saul was dead Baalhanan the sonne of Achbor reigned in his steade.
39 Kad je umro Baal Hanan, Akborov sin, vladaše Hadad. Ime je njegovu gradu bilo Pai. Žena mu se zvala Mehetabela. Bila je kći Matredova, iz Me Zahaba.
And after the deth of Baal Hanan the sonne of Achbor Hadad reigned in his steade and the name of his cyte was Pagu. And his wifes name Mehetabeel the doughter of matred the doughter of Mesaab.
40 Ovo su imena Ezavovih knezova s njihovim nazivima po rodovima i smještaju: knez Timna, knez Alva, knez Jetet,
These are the names of the dukes that came of Esau in their kynreddds places and names: Duke Thimma duke Alua duke Ietheth
41 knez Oholibama, knez Ela, knez Pinon,
duke Ahalibama duke Ela duke Pinon
42 knez Kenaz, knez Teman, knez Mibzar,
duke Kenas duke Theman duke Mibzar
43 knez Magdiel i knez Iram. To su bili knezovi edomski, prema njihovim naseljima u zemlji koju su zaposjeli. To je Ezav, praotac Edomaca.
duke Magdiel duke Iram. These be the dukes of Edomea in their habitations in the lande of their possessions. This Esau is the father of the Edomytes.

< Postanak 36 >