< Postanak 18 >

1 Jahve mu se ukaza kod hrasta Mamre dok je on sjedio na ulazu u šator za dnevne žege.
One day during that year when it was hot, Yahweh appeared to Abraham again near the big trees that belonged to Mamre, while Abraham was sitting in the entrance to his tent.
2 Podigavši oči, opazi tri čovjeka gdje stoje nedaleko od njega. Čim ih spazi, potrča s ulaza šatora njima u susret. Pade ničice na zemlju
Abraham looked up [MTY] and was surprised to see three men standing near him. [Actually, one was Yahweh, and the other two were angels]. When he saw them, he ran to meet them. He prostrated himself with his face on the ground to show respect,
3 pa reče: “Gospodine moj, ako sam stekao milost u tvojim očima, nemoj mimoići svoga sluge!
and said [to one of them], “Sir, if you are pleased with me, stay here for a little while [LIT].
4 Nek' se donese malo vode: operite noge i pod stablom otpočinite.
Allow my servants to bring a little water and wash your feet, and rest under this tree.
5 Donijet ću kruha da se okrijepite prije nego pođete dalje. TÓa k svome ste sluzi navratili.” Oni odgovore: “Dobro, učini kako si rekao!”
Since you have come here to me, allow me to bring you some food [SYN] so that you can feel refreshed before you leave.” Yahweh replied, “All right, do as you have said.”
6 Abraham se požuri u šator k Sari pa joj reče: “Brzo! Tri mjerice najboljeg brašna! Zamijesi i prevrtu ispeci!”
So Abraham quickly went into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, get some of our best flour and make some loaves of bread!”
7 Zatim Abraham otrča govedima, uhvati tele, mlado i debelo, i dade ga momku da ga brže zgotovi.
Then he ran to the herd of cattle and selected a calf whose meat would be tender and tasty. He gave it to one of his servants [and told him to] quickly kill it and cook it.
8 Poslije uzme masla, mlijeka i zgotovljeno tele pa stavi pred njih, a sam stajaše pred njima, pod stablom, dok su blagovali.
When the meat was cooked, Abraham brought some curds and milk and the meat that had been prepared, and set them in front of his visitors. Then he stood near them, under a tree, while they ate.
9 “Gdje ti je žena Sara?” - zapitaju ga. “Eno je pod šatorom”, odgovori.
[One of] them asked him, “Where is Sarah, your wife?” He replied, “She is in the tent.”
10 Onda on reče: “Vratit ću se k tebi kad isteče vrijeme trudnoće; a tvoja žena Sara imat će sina.” Iza njega, na ulazu u šator, Sara je prisluškivala.
Then the leader of the group said, “I will return to you (about this time/in the springtime) next year, and to your amazement, your wife Sarah will have an infant son.” It happened that Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent, which was behind the one who was speaking.
11 Abraham i Sara bijahu u odmakloj dobi, ostarjeli. U Sare bijaše prestalo što biva u žena.
Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was far past the time of when she could bear children.
12 Zato se u sebi Sara smijala i govorila: “Pošto sam uvenula, sad da spoznam nasladu? A još mi je i gospodar star!”
So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “My body is worn out, and my husband is old. So how can I have the pleasure [of having a child]?” [RHQ]
13 Onda Jahve upita Abrahama: “A zašto se Sara smijala i govorila: 'Kako ću rod roditi ja starica?'
Yahweh said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why was she thinking, ‘I am too old, so how can I bear a child?’
14 Zar je Jahvi išta nemoguće? Navratit ću se k tebi kad isteče vrijeme trudnoće: Sara će imati sina.”
I am Yahweh! (Is there anything too difficult for me?/There is nothing too difficult for me!) [RHQ] I will return about this time next year in the springtime, and Sarah will have an infant son.”
15 Sara se napravi nevještom govoreći: “Nisam se smijala.” Jer se prestrašila. Ali on reče: “Jesi, smijala si se!”
Then Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But Yahweh said, “Don’t deny it! You did laugh.”
16 Ljudi ustanu i krenu put Sodome. Abraham pođe s njima da ih isprati.
When the three men got up to leave, they looked down into the valley toward Sodom [city]. Abraham was walking with them to say “goodbye” to them.
17 Jahve pomisli: “Zar da sakrivam od Abrahama što ću učiniti
Yahweh thought to himself, “It is not right for me to prevent Abraham from knowing what I plan to do [RHQ].
18 kad će od Abrahama nastati velik i brojan narod te će se svi narodi zemlje njim blagoslivljati?
Abraham’s descendants [MTY] will become a great and powerful nation. And people of [MTY] all nations will be blessed because of what I do for him.
19 Njega sam izlučio zato da pouči svoju djecu i svoju buduću obitelj kako će hoditi putem Jahvinim, radeći što je dobro i pravedno, tako da Jahve mogne ostvariti što je Abrahamu obećao.”
I have chosen him in order that he will teach his children and their families to obey me and do what is right and fair, and then I will do for Abraham what I promised.”
20 Onda Jahve nastavi: “Velika je vika na Sodomu i Gomoru da je njihov grijeh pretežak.
So Yahweh said to Abraham, “I have heard the terrible things that have been said about the people of [MTY] Sodom and Gomorrah. Their sins are very great.
21 Idem dolje da vidim rade li zaista kako veli tužba što je do mene stigla. Želim razvidjeti.”
So I will go down now, and I will see if all the terrible things that I have heard are true or not true.”
22 Odande ljudi krenu prema Sodomi, dok je Abraham još stajao pred Jahvom.
Then the two men turned and started walking toward Sodom. But Yahweh remained, standing in front of Abraham.
23 Nato se Abraham primače bliže i reče: “Hoćeš li iskorijeniti i nevinoga s krivim?
Abraham came closer to him and said, “Will you really destroy righteous people along with wicked ones?
24 Možda ima pedeset nevinih u gradu. Zar ćeš uništiti mjesto radije nego ga poštedjeti zbog pedeset nevinih koji budu ondje?
What will you do if there are only 50 righteous people in the city? Will you really get rid of them all, and not spare the place/city for the sake of the 50 righteous people who are in the city?
25 Daleko to bilo od tebe da ubijaš nevinoga kao i krivoga, tako da i nevini i krivi prođu jednako! Daleko bilo od tebe! Zar da ni Sudac svega svijeta ne radi pravo?”
It would certainly not be right for you to do such a thing, to kill righteous people along with wicked ones, and treat righteous people and wicked people the same way. You could not do that, because you, who are the judge of everyone on the earth, will certainly do what is right [regarding the people of Sodom]!” [RHQ]
26 “Ako nađem u gradu Sodomi pedeset nevinih”, odvrati Jahve, “zbog njih ću poštedjeti cijelo mjesto.”
Yahweh replied, “If I find 50 righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the whole place/city for their sake.”
27 “Ja se, evo, usuđujem govoriti Gospodinu”, opet progovori Abraham. - “Ja, prah i pepeo!
Abraham replied, “I should not be bold like this and speak to you, God, because I am as worthless as dust and ashes [MET].
28 Da slučajno bude nevinih pet manje od pedeset, bi li uništio sav grad zbog tih pet?” “Neću ga uništiti ako ih ondje nađem četrdeset i pet”, odgovori.
But what will you do if there are only 45 righteous people? Will you destroy everyone in the whole city because there are only 45 and not 50 righteous people?” Yahweh replied, “I will not destroy it if I find that there are 45 righteous people.”
29 “Ako ih se ondje možda nađe samo četrdeset?” - opet će Abraham. “Neću to učiniti zbog četrdesetorice”, odgovori.
Abraham continued to speak to him [like this], saying, “What will you do if you find that there are only 40 righteous people there?” Yahweh replied, “I will not destroy them all, for the sake of the 40.”
30 “Neka se Gospodin ne ljuti ako nastavim. Ako ih se ondje nađe možda samo trideset?” - opet će on. “Neću to učiniti”, odgovori, “ako ih ondje nađem samo trideset.”
Abraham said, “God, please don’t be angry now. Let me speak again. What will you do if there are only 30 righteous people?” He replied, “I will not do it if I find that there are 30 there.”
31 “Evo se opet usuđujem govoriti Gospodinu”, nastavi dalje. “Ako ih se slučajno ondje nađe samo dvadeset?” “Neću ga uništiti”, odgovori, “zbog dvadesetorice.”
Abraham said, “I should not be bold and speak to you like this, God. But what will you do if you find that there are only 20 righteous people there?” He replied, “I will not destroy the whole city, for the sake of those 20.”
32 “Neka se Gospodin ne ljuti”, on će opet, “ako rečem još samo jednom: Ako ih je slučajno ondje samo deset?” “Neću ga uništiti zbog njih deset”, odgovori.
Abraham said, “God, don’t be angry now. Just let me speak one time more. What will you do if you find that there are only ten righteous people there?” Yahweh answered, “I will not destroy the city for the sake of those ten.”
33 Kad je Jahve završio razgovor s Abrahamom, ode, a Abraham se vrati u svoje mjesto.
Abraham said no more, and as soon as Yahweh finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

< Postanak 18 >