< Ezra 1 >

1 Prve godine perzijskoga kralja Kira, da bi se ispunila riječ Jahvina objavljena na Jeremijina usta, nadahnu Jahve perzijskoga kralja Kira te on objavi po svemu svojem kraljevstvu, usmeno i pismeno:
and in/on/with year one to/for Cyrus king Persia to/for to end: destroy word LORD from lip Jeremiah to rouse LORD [obj] spirit Cyrus king Persia and to pass voice: message in/on/with all royalty his and also in/on/with writing to/for to say
2 “Ovako veli perzijski kralj Kir: 'Sva zemaljska kraljevstva dade mi Jahve, Bog nebeski. On mi naloži da mu sagradim Dom u Jeruzalemu, u Judeji.
thus to say Cyrus king Persia all kingdom [the] land: country/planet to give: give to/for me LORD God [the] heaven and he/she/it to reckon: overseer upon me to/for to build to/for him house: home in/on/with Jerusalem which in/on/with Judah
3 Tko je god među vama od svega njegova naroda, Bog njegov bio s njim! Neka ide u Jeruzalem u Judeji i neka gradi Dom Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu, Bogu koji stoluje u Jeruzalemu.
who? in/on/with you from all people his to be God his with him and to ascend: rise to/for Jerusalem which in/on/with Judah and to build [obj] house: temple LORD God Israel he/she/it [the] God which in/on/with Jerusalem
4 I gdje god se još zadržao ostatak toga naroda, neka ga stanovništvo mjesta u kojima boravi podupre srebrom i zlatom, imanjem i stokom i dragovoljnim prinosima za Dom Božji u Jeruzalemu.'”
and all [the] to remain from all [the] place which he/she/it to sojourn there to lift: aid him human place his in/on/with silver: money and in/on/with gold and in/on/with property and in/on/with animal with [the] voluntariness to/for house: temple [the] God which in/on/with Jerusalem
5 Tada ustadoše glavari obitelji Jude i Benjamina, svećenici i leviti, i svi kojima je Bog potaknuo duh i krenuše graditi Dom Jahvin u Jeruzalemu.
and to arise: rise head: leader [the] father to/for Judah and Benjamin and [the] priest and [the] Levi to/for all to rouse [the] God [obj] spirit his to/for to ascend: rise to/for to build [obj] house: temple LORD which in/on/with Jerusalem
6 I svi su im susjedi pomagali: srebrom, zlatom, darovima u naravi, stokom, dragocjenostima mnogim, osim svega što su dragovoljno prilagali.
and all around them to strengthen: strengthen in/on/with hand their in/on/with article/utensil silver: money in/on/with gold in/on/with property and in/on/with animal and in/on/with precious thing to/for alone: besides upon all be willing
7 Kralj Kir iznese posuđe Jahvina Doma koje Nabukodonozor bijaše odnio iz Jeruzalema i stavio u hram svoga boga.
and [the] king Cyrus to come out: send [obj] article/utensil house: temple LORD which to come out: send Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem and to give: put them in/on/with house: temple God his
8 Kir, kralj perzijski, uruči ga Mitredatu, rizničaru, koji ga izbroji judejskom knezu Šešbasaru.
and to come out: send them Cyrus king Persia upon hand: power Mithredath [the] treasurer and to recount them to/for Sheshbazzar [the] leader to/for Judah
9 Evo njegova popisa. Zlatnih zdjela: trideset; srebrnih zdjela: tisuću i dvadeset devet;
and these number their basin gold thirty basin silver: money thousand knife nine and twenty
10 zlatnih čaša: trideset; srebrnih čaša: četiri stotine i deset; ostalog posuđa: tisuću.
bowl gold thirty bowl silver: money second four hundred and ten article/utensil another thousand
11 Svega zlatnog i srebrnog posuđa: pet tisuća i četiri stotine. Sve je to odnio Šešbasar kada se sužnji vraćahu iz Babilona u Jeruzalem.
all article/utensil to/for gold and to/for silver: money five thousand and four hundred [the] all to ascend: establish Sheshbazzar with to ascend: establish [the] captivity from Babylon to/for Jerusalem

< Ezra 1 >