< Ezekiel 44 >

1 Potom me odvede natrag k izvanjskim vratima Svetišta, koja gledaju na istok: bijahu zatvorena.
And he brought back me [the] way of [the] gate of the sanctuary outer which faces east and it [was] shut.
2 I reče mi Jahve: “Ova će vrata biti zatvorena; neka se ne otvaraju i nitko neka ne ulazi na njih, jer ja, Jahve, Bog Izraelov, kroz njih prođoh - zato neka budu zatvorena.
And he said to me Yahweh the gate this shut it will be not it will be opened and anyone not he will go in it for Yahweh [the] God of Israel he has gone in it and it will be shut.
3 Samo knez, jer je knez, smije sjesti tu i blagovati pred Jahvom; tada neka uđe kroz trijem vrata i istim putem neka izađe.”
The prince prince he he will sit in it (to eat *Q(K)*) bread before Yahweh from [the] way of [the] porch of the gate he will come and from way its he will go out.
4 Zatim me odvede k sjevernim vratima pred Dom. Pogledah, i gle: Slava Jahvina bijaše napunila Dom Jahvin. Padoh ničice.
And he brought me [the] way of [the] gate of the north to [the] face of the house and I saw and there! it filled [the] glory of Yahweh [the] house of Yahweh and I fell to face my.
5 Jahve mi reče: “Sine čovječji, pomno pripazi, dobro gledaj i pažljivo poslušaj što ću ti reći o svim uredbama Doma Jahvina i o svim njegovim zakonima. Dobro pazi tko smije ući u Dom i tko je iz Svetišta odijeljen.
And he said to me Yahweh O son of humankind set heart your and see with eyes your and with ears your hear all that I [am] speaking you of all [the] statutes of [the] house of Yahweh and of all (laws its *Q(K)*) and you will set heart your to [the] entrance of the house on all [the] exits of the sanctuary.
6 Reci rodu odmetničkom, domu Izraelovu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Previše je već vaših gnusoba, dome Izraelov!
And you will say to rebellion to [the] house of Israel thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh [was too] much for you for all abominations your O house of Israel.
7 Uvodili ste tuđince, neobrezana srca i neobrezana tijela, te su ušli u moje Svetište i oskvrnuli moj Dom dok ste vi prinosili moj kruh i pretilinu i krv; i tako ste raskinuli moj Savez svim tim gnusobama.
When brought you sons of foreignness uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of flesh to be in sanctuary my to profane it house my when brought near you food my fat and blood and they broke covenant my because of all abominations your.
8 Niste sami čuvali moje svetinje, nego ste njih namjestili namjesto sebe kao čuvare u mojem Svetištu.'
And not you kept [the] charge of holy things my and you appointed [them]! to [the] keepers of charge my in sanctuary my for yourselves.
9 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Nijedan tuđinac, neobrezana srca i neobrezana tijela, da više ne ulazi u moje Svetište - nijedan tuđinac koji živi među sinovima Izraelovim.
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh any son of foreignness uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of flesh not he will go into sanctuary my to every son of foreignness who [is] in among [the] people of Israel.
10 A leviti koji su se udaljili od mene, kad je ono Izrael odlutao od mene za svojim kumirima, snosit će svoje bezakonje.
That except the Levites who they became distant from with me when went astray Israel who they went astray from with me after idols their and they will bear iniquity their.
11 Služit će u Svetištu samo kao stražari na vratima Doma i kao posluga Domu: klat će narodu paljenice i druge žrtve i bit će mu na službu.
And they will be in sanctuary my serving overseers to [the] gates of the house and serving the house they they will slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people and they they will stand before them to serve them.
12 Služili su im pred njihovim kumirima i tako naveli Dom Izraelov na bezakonje. Zato podigoh ruku na njih - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - da snose svoje bezakonje.
Because that they served them before idols their and they became for [the] house of Israel a stumbling block of iniquity there-fore I lift up hand my on them [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh and they will bear iniquity their.
13 Više neće pristupati k meni da mi služe kao svećenici i neće više prilaziti mojim najsvetijim svetinjama, nego će snositi svoju sramotu i gnusobe koje počiniše.
And not they will draw near to me to serve as priests me and to draw near to all holy things my to [the] holy things of the holy things and they will bear disgrace their and abominations their which they have done.
14 Postavit ću ih da u Domu rade svaki posao i sve što treba u njemu svršiti.
And I will make them [the] keepers of [the] charge of the house for all service its and for all that it will be done in it.
15 Svećenici leviti, potomci Sadokovi, koji su mi vjerno služili u mojem Svetištu kad su ono sinovi Izraelovi odlutali od mene - oni smiju pristupati k meni da mi služe: služit će preda mnom prinoseći mi pretilinu i krv - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
And the priests the Levites [the] sons of Zadok who they kept [the] charge of sanctuary my when went astray [the] people of Israel from with me they they will draw near to me to serve me and they will stand before me to bring near to me fat and blood [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
16 Oni smiju ulaziti u moje Svetište i pristupati k mojem stolu da mi služe i da vrše službu.
They they will come into sanctuary my and they they will draw near to table my to serve me and they will keep charge my.
17 Kad budu ulazili na vrata unutrašnjega predvorja, neka obuku lanene haljine: neka ne bude na njima ništa vuneno kad služe na vratima unutrašnjega predvorja i Doma.
And it will be when come they into [the] gates of the courtyard inner clothes of linen they will be clothed and not it will go up on them wool when serve they at [the] gates of the courtyard inner and [the] inside towards.
18 Na glavama neka nose lanene kape, oko bokova gaće lanene: neka se ne pašu ničim od čega bi se znojili.
Head-dresses of linen they will be on head their and undergarments of linen they will be on loins their not they will gird themselves with sweat.
19 Kad izlaze u vanjsko predvorje k narodu, neka svuku haljine u kojima su služili i neka ih ostave u prostorijama Svetišta, a neka obuku druge haljine, da ne posvete puk svojim haljinama.
And when go out they into the courtyard outer into the courtyard outer to the people they will take off clothes their which they [were] serving in them and they will set down them in [the] rooms of holiness and they will put on clothes other and not they will consecrate the people by clothes their.
20 I neka ne briju glave, a ni bujne kose neka ne puštaju, nego neka strigu kosu.
And head their not they will shave and hair not they will let loose surely they will trim heads their.
21 I nijedan svećenik, kad mu je poći u unutrašnje predvorje, neka ne pije vina.
And wine not they will drink any priest when come they into the courtyard inner.
22 Neka se ne žene udovicom ili puštenicom nego samo djevojkom iz roda Izraelova ili udovicom svećenikovom.
And a widow and a divorced [woman] not they will take for themselves to wives that except virgins from [the] offspring of [the] house of Israel and the widow who she will be a widow from a priest they will take.
23 Neka mi narod uče razlikovati sveto od nesvetoga, lučiti nečisto od čistoga.
And people my they will instruct between a holy thing and a profane thing and between an unclean [thing] and a clean [thing] they will make known to them.
24 U parnicama oni neka budu suci: neka sude po mojim zakonima; i neka čuvaju zakone i uredbe o svim mojim blagdanima i neka svetkuju moje subote.
And on a dispute they they will stand (for judgment *Q(K)*) by judgments my (they will judge it *Q(K)*) and laws my and statutes my in all appointed times my they will observe and sabbaths my they will sanctify.
25 K mrtvacu neka ne prilaze da se ne okaljaju; samo za ocem i za majkom, za sinom i kćerju, za bratom i sestrom još neudatom smiju se okaljati.
And to dead a person not he will go to become unclean that except for a father and for a mother and for a son and for a daughter for a brother and for a sister who not she has belonged to a husband they will make themselves unclean.
26 Pošto se nakon toga koji očisti, neka mu se broji sedam dana:
And after purification his seven days people will count for him.
27 a onda kad uđe u Svetište, u unutrašnje predvorje da služi u Svetištu, neka prinese žrtvu okajnicu - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
And on [the] day goes he into the holy place into the courtyard inner to serve in the holy place he will bring near sin offering his [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
28 Njima ne pripada nikakva baština - ja sam njihova baština; i zato im ne dajte nikakva posjeda u Izraelu - ja sam posjed njihov.
And it will become for them an inheritance I [am] inheritance their and a possession not you will give to them in Israel I [am] possession their.
29 Hranit će se od žrtava prinosnica, okajnica i naknadnica, i sve zavjetovano u Izraelu njima pripada.
The grain offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering they they will eat them and every devoted thing in Israel to them it will belong.
30 Najbolje od svih vaših prvina i od svih vaših prinosa koje ćete prinositi pripada svećenicima; njima ćete davati i najbolje brašno, da blagoslov počiva na vašim domovima.
And [the] best of all [the] first-fruits of everything and every contribution of everything from all contributions your to the priests it will belong and [the] best of dough your you will give to the priest to cause to rest blessing to house your.
31 Svećenici ne smiju jesti mesa od uginulih i razderanih životinja - bilo od ptica ili stoke.
Any carcass and torn flesh from the bird[s] and from the animal[s] not they will eat the priests.

< Ezekiel 44 >