< Ezekiel 40 >
1 Godine dvadeset i pete za našega izgnanstva, početkom godine, prvoga mjeseca, desetoga dana, a četrnaest godina otkako pade Grad, upravo onoga dana spusti se na me ruka Jahvina.
Almost 25 years after we had been [to Babylonia], on the tenth day of the first month of that year, almost 14years after Jerusalem had been destroyed, in a vision [I felt] the power [MTY] of Yahweh on me, and he took me to Israel.
2 I odvede me u božanskom viđenju u zemlju Izraelovu te me postavi na veoma visoku goru: Na njoj, s južne strane, bijaše nešto kao sazidan grad.
He set me on a very high mountain. On the south side of that mountain there were some buildings that appeared to be [part of] a city.
3 Povede me onamo, i gle: čovjek, sjajan kao mjed, stajaše na vratima, s lanenim užetom i mjeračkom trskom u ruci.
When he took there, I saw a man whose face was like [SIM] bronze. He was standing in the entrance [of a building]. He had a linen cord and a measuring stick in his hand.
4 I taj mi čovjek reče: “Sine čovječji, gledaj svojim očima i slušaj svojim ušima, popamti sve što ću ti pokazati, jer si doveden ovamo da ti pokažem. Objavi domu Izraelovu sve što ovdje vidiš.”
He said to me, “You human, look carefully at everything that I am going to show you, and pay attention to everything that I say and everything that I will show you, because that is why you have been brought here. [And then later] you must tell the Israeli people everything that you have seen [here].”
5 I gle, zdanje sve uokolo opasano zidom. Čovjek držaše u ruci mjeračku trsku od šest lakata, a svaki lakat bijaše za jedan dlan duži od običnoga lakta. On izmjeri zdanje. Širina: jedna trska, visina: jedna trska.
[In the vision I saw that] there was a wall that completely surrounded the temple area. The measuring stick in the man’s hand was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) long. He measured the wall: It was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) thick and (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) high.
6 Zatim pođe k vratima što bijahu okrenuta k istoku. Uspe se uza stepenice i izmjeri prag vrata. Širina: jedna trska.
Then he went to the entryway on the east [side of the temple]. He climbed the steps and measured the outer threshold/opening for the entryway: It was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) deep.
7 A svaka klijet jednu trsku dugačka i jednu trsku široka. Između klijeti: pet lakata. Prag vrata sa strane njihova trijema, iznutra, jedna trska.
Next, there was an entry hallway with [three] (alcoves/very small rooms) along each side [where the guards stood]. Each of the alcoves was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) on each side. There was a dividing wall between each alcove that was (8-3/4 feet/2.7 meters) wide. At the end of the entry hallway was the inner threshold/opening for the entryway, (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) deep. It led to the entry room [to the inner courtyard] and faced the temple.
8 Izmjeri trijem vrata iznutra: bijaše osam lakata širok,
Then he measured the entry room at the end of the entry hallway.
9 a njegovi polustupovi dva lakta. Trijem vrata bijaše s nutarnje strane.
It was about (14 feet/4.2 meters) long, and its supporting columns were (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meters) thick. The entry room of the entryway was at the end of the entry hallway that faced the temple [and extended into the courtyard].
10 Na svakoj strani istočnih vrata bijahu po tri klijeti. I sve tri bijahu iste mjere. Tako i polustupovi: s obje strane bijahu iste mjere.
Inside the east entryway there were three alcoves on each side of the entry hallway. They each had the same length and width. And the measurements of the walls that divided the alcoves were all identical.
11 Zatim izmjeri vrata: bijahu deset lakata široka i trinaest lakata visoka.
Then he measured the threshold/opening for the entryway: It was (17-1/2 feet/5.3 meters) wide, and the entry hallway [between the alcoves] was (22-3/4 feet/6.9 meters) wide.
12 Pred klijetima bijaše s jedne i s druge strane ograda od jednog lakta. Svaka klijet: šest lakata s jedne i šest lakata s druge strane.
In front of each alcove was a low wall about (21 inches/53 cm.) high, and the alcoves were (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) on each side.
13 A zatim izmjeri vrata od stražnje strane jedne klijeti do stražnje strane nasuprotne klijeti, u širinu: bijaše dvadeset i pet lakata; otvor pred otvorom.
Then he measured the width of the roof of the entrance hallway, the distance between the rear wall of one alcove to the rear wall of the opposite alcove, [including the supporting walls along each side]. It was (43-3/4 feet/13.3 meters).
14 Izmjeri i trijem: dvadeset lakata. Predvorje bijaše sve uokolo trijema vrata.
Then he measured all along the dividing walls between the alcoves all along the inside of the entry hallway: It was (105 feet/31.8 meters). He measured as far as the entry room of the entryway.
15 Od ulaznog pročelja vrata do nasuprotne strane njihova trijema bijaše pedeset lakata.
The length from [outer] opening of the entryway to the far end of the entry room was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters).
16 Na klijetima i njihovim dovracima, s unutrašnje strane sve uokolo, a tako i u trijemu, bijahu prozori s rešetkama. Takvi su prozori bili iznutra, sve naokolo, a na polustupovima palme.
There were [small] windows in the outside walls of all the alcoves, and also in the inner dividing walls between the alcoves. There were also small windows in the entry room. The dividing walls were decorated with [carvings of] palm trees.
17 Zatim me povede u vanjsko predvorje Doma. I gle, sve oko predvorja prostorije i pločnik. Trideset prostorija na pločniku.
Then [in the vision] he brought me to the outer courtyard. There I saw some rooms, and a stone path/pavement along the walls around the courtyard. There were thirty rooms along the path.
18 Pločnik bijaše sa svake strane vrata i odgovaraše razini vrata. To je donji pločnik.
The stone path was all around the courtyard, and it extended out from the walls into the courtyard for the same distance as the entry room [of the entryway]. That was the lower path.
19 On izmjeri širinu predvorja od donjih vrata do unutrašnjega predvorja, s vanjske strane: sto lakata na istok i na sjever.
Then the man measured the distance [across the outer courtyard of the temple], between the inner [entrance of] the entryway and [the wall surrounding the] inner courtyard: It was (175 feet/53 meters) [on the east side and on the north side of the courtyard].
20 Sjevernim vratima vanjskoga predvorja izmjeri širinu i dužinu.
Then he measured how long and how wide was the entryway that was on the north side, the entrance into the outer courtyard [of the temple].
21 I ta su imala po tri klijeti sa svake strane, a stupovi im i trijemovi istih mjera kao u prvih vrata: pedeset lakata u dužinu i dvadeset i pet lakata u širinu.
There were three alcoves on each side of the entryway hall. The measurements of the alcoves, the dividing walls between the alcoves, and the entry room were the same as as those in the first entryway. The length from [outer] opening of the entryway to the far end of the entry room was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters). The entryway was (43-3/4 feet/13.3 meters) wide.
22 Prozori im, trijemovi i palme bijahu iste mjere kao na istočnim vratima, a na prilazu im sedam stepenica; trijem im bijaše s unutrašnje strane.
Its windows and the entry room and the palm tree [decorations all] measured the same as the ones on the east [side]. There were seven steps up to the outer threshold/opening for the entryway, and an entry room was at the other end of the entryway.
23 Unutrašnje predvorje imaše vrata što bijahu nasuprot sjevernim vratima; kao i istočna. On izmjeri: između jednih i drugih vrata bijaše sto lakata.
There was an entryway to the inner courtyard that faces the north entryway, like there was on the east [side]. The man measured [the distance] from [the north] entryway to the entryway [on the other side]; it was (175 feet/53 meters).
24 Zatim me povede na jug, i gle: i ondje vrata. Izmjeri ondje klijeti, polustupove i trijemove: bijahu iste mjere.
Then he brought me through the south entryway [into the outer courtyard], and he measured it. It measured the same as the other entryways. Its alcoves, its dividing walls between the alcoves, and its entry room measured the same as the ones on the other sides.
25 Ona, kao i njihovi trijemovi, imahu sve uokolo prozore što bijahu kao i oni prvi. Dužina je i tu iznosila pedeset lakata, a širina dvadeset i pet.
The alcoves and the entry room had [narrow] windows along the walls, like on the other [sides]. The length [of the outer opening of the] entryway [to the far end of the entry room was] was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) and the entryway was (43-3/4 feet/13.3 meters) wide.
26 K vratima je vodilo sedam stuba; trijem im je bio s unutrašnje strane, a na stupovima imahu po jednu palmu sa svake strane.
There were seven steps up to the outer threshold/opening for the entryway, and an entry room was (opposite it/at the end of the entryway facing the courtyard). It [also] had [carvings of] palm trees on the dividing walls that were between the alcoves.
27 Unutrašnje predvorje imaše jedna vrata i s južne strane. On izmjeri: od tih vrata do južnih vrata - sto lakata.
The inner courtyard also had an entryway on the south [side]. He measured from that entryway to the entrance on the south [side of the outer courtyard; it was also] (175 feet/53 meters).
28 Zatim me na južna vrata uvede u unutrašnje predvorje. I izmjeri južna vrata: bijahu istih mjera.
Then [in the vision] he brought me through the south entryway into the inner courtyard, and he measured the south entryway. It measured the same as the other [entryways].
29 Klijeti, stupovi i trijemovi bijahu istih mjera. Vrata i njihov trijem imahu svud unaokolo prozore. Pedeset lakata bijaše tu u dužinu, dvadeset i pet lakata u širinu.
Its alcoves [along the entry hallway], its dividing walls [between the alcoves], and its entry room measured the same as [the ones on] the other [sides]. The alcoves and the entry room had windows. The length [of the outer opening of the] entryway [to the far end of the entry room was] was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) and the entryway was (43-3/4 feet/13.3 meters) wide.
30 A sve uokolo trijemovi: dvadeset i pet lakata dugi, a pet lakata široki.
The entry rooms around [the inner courtyard] were (43-3/4 feet/13.3 meters) wide and (8.7 feet/2.6 meters) long.
31 Trijemovi su se pružili prema vanjskom predvorju. Na polustupovima njihovim palme, a stubište im je imalo osam stuba.
The entry room faced the outer courtyard. There were [carvings of] palm trees that decorated the columns, and there were eight steps [up] to the entryway.
32 Zatim me povede k istočnim vratima unutrašnjega predvorja. I izmjeri vrata: bijahu istih mjera.
Then he led me to the east side of the inner courtyard, and he measured the entrance. It had the same measurements as the other [entrances]
33 Klijeti im, polustupovi i trijemovi bijahu također istih mjera. Vrata i njihov trijem imahu svud naokolo prozore. U dužinu bješe pedeset lakata, u širinu dvadeset i pet.
Its alcoves and dividing walls and entry room measured the same as the others.
34 Trijem im se pružao prema vanjskom predvorju. Na njihovim polustupovima s ove i s one strane bijahu palme. Stubište im imaše osam stuba.
Its entry room faced the outer courtyard. It also had carvings of palm trees that decorated the walls, and it had eight steps up to it.
35 Zatim me povede k sjevernim vratima. I izmjeri ih: bijahu istih mjera.
Then he led me to the entrance on the north side and measured it. It measured the same as the other entrances.
36 Klijeti im, polustupovi i trijemovi bijahu također istih mjera. Vrata i njihov trijem imahu svud uokolo prozore. Pedeset je lakata tu bilo u dužinu, a dvadeset i pet u širinu.
And its alcoves and walls between them and the entry room all had [small] windows in the walls. It was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) long and (43.7 feet/13.3 meters) wide.
37 Trijem je sezao do vanjskoga predvorja. Na polustupovima s ove i one strane bijahu palme. Stubište imaše osam stuba.
Its entry room faced the outer courtyard. There were [carvings of] palm trees that decorated its walls, and there were eight steps [up] to the entryway.
38 Uz trijemove vrata bijaše prostor s posebnim ulazom. Ondje su se ispirale žrtve paljenice.
[In the vision, I saw that] in the inner entry room of the north entryway there was a door to a side room. That side room was where the [carcasses of the] animals that would be burned completely [on the altar] were washed.
39 U trijemu vrata s jedne i s druge strane bijahu po dva stola za klanje paljenicÄa, okajnicÄa i naknadnicÄa.
In the entry room, there were two tables on each side [of the room]. On those tables would be slaughtered the animals that would be completely burned, and the animals for offerings for sins that people had committed, and offerings to cause people to longer be guilty for having sinned.
40 I s vanjske strane onomu tko ulazi na ulaz sjevernih vrata bijahu dva stola; i s druge strane, prema trijemu vrata, dva stola.
Along the outside wall of the entry room, on each side of the steps at the opening to the entryway on the north side, were two tables.
41 Četiri stola, dakle, s jedne, a četiri stola s druge strane vrata: u svemu osam stolova, na kojima se klahu žrtve.
[So] there were four tables outside the entrance and four tables inside the entry room, on which the [animals to be] sacrificed were slaughtered.
42 Osim toga, četiri stola za paljenice, od klesanoga kamena. Bili su po lakat i pol široki i lakat visoki. Na njima je stajao pribor za klanje žrtava paljenica i klanica.
There were also four tables of cut stone for the offerings to be completely burned, (31-1/2 in./80 cm.) on each side and (21 in./53 cm.) high. On those stone tables would be placed the tools for slaughtering all the animals for the sacrifices.
43 Stolovi bijahu sve uokolo obrubljeni žljebićima od jednoga dlana, zavrnutima unutra. Na stolove se stavljalo žrtveno meso.
The meat for the offerings would be placed on [stone] tables. There were hooks [on which the meat was hung], each with two prongs, each (3 in./8 cm.) long, fastened to the walls [of the entry room].
44 Zatim me povede u unutrašnje predvorje. U unutrašnjem predvorju bijahu dvije prostorije: jedna bijaše sa strane sjevernih vrata, okrenuta prema jugu, a druga sa strane južnih vrata, okrenuta prema sjeveru.
Outside the inner entryway, inside the inner courtyard, were two rooms, one on the north side and one on the south side.
45 I on mi reče: “Ta prostorija što je okrenuta na jug određena je za svećenike koji obavljaju službu u Domu.
The man said to me, “The room whose door faces south is for the priests who are in charge of the work in the temple.
46 A prostorija što je okrenuta na sjever jest za svećenike koji obavljaju službu na žrtveniku. To su sinovi Sadokovi, oni između sinova Levijevih koji smiju prići k Jahvi da mu služe!”
The room whose door faces north is for the priests who are in charge of [the work at] the altar. They are the descendants of Zadok; they are the only descendants of Levi who are permitted to approach Yahweh while they work for him.”
47 On izmjeri predvorje. Dužina: sto lakata, širina: sto lakata; bijaše četverouglasto. Pred Domom stajaše žrtvenik.
Then he measured the courtyard: It was square, (175 feet/53 meters) long and (175 feet/53 meters) wide. The altar was in front of the temple.
48 A zatim me povede k trijemu. Izmjeri polustupove trijema: bijaše pet lakata na jednoj i pet lakata na drugoj strani. Vrata bijahu široka tri lakta s jedne i tri lakta s druge strane.
Then [in the vision] he brought me to the entry room of the temple, and measured the walls on each side of the entrance: They were (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick. The entrance was (24-1/2 feet/7.4 meters) wide, and the walls on each side of the entrance were (5-1/4 feet/1.6 meters) long.
49 Trijem bijaše dugačak dvadeset lakata, a širok dvanaest lakata. Deset je stepenica vodilo onamo. Na dovratnicima s jedne i s druge strane stajaše po jedan stup.
The entry room was (35 feet/10.6 meters) wide on each side. There were ten steps up to it, and there were pillars on each side of the entrance.