< Ezekiel 38 >

1 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
2 “Sine čovječji, okreni lice ka Gogu, u zemlji Magogu, velikom knezu Mešeka i Tubala, prorokuj protiv njega.
son: child man to set: make face your to(wards) Gog land: country/planet [the] Magog leader prince Meshech and Tubal and to prophesy upon him
3 Reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Evo me na te, Gože, veliki kneže Mešeka i Tubala!
and to say thus to say Lord YHWH/God look! I to(wards) you Gog leader prince Meshech and Tubal
4 Namamit ću te i metnut ću ti žvale u čeljusti, izvest ću tebe i svu tvoju vojsku - konje i konjanike, silno mnoštvo u potpunoj opremi - sve u oklopima i sa štitovima, sve vične maču.
and to return: return you and to give: put hook in/on/with jaw your and to come out: send [obj] you and [obj] all strength: soldiers your horse and horseman to clothe perfection all their assembly many shield and shield to capture sword all their
5 S njima je i Perzija, Etiopija i Put - svi sa štitovima i pod kacigama;
Persia Cush and Put with them all their shield and helmet
6 zatim Gomer i sve čete njegove, Bet Togarma s krajnjega sjevera i sve čete njezine - silan narod s tobom!
Gomer and all band her Beth-(togarmah) (Beth)-togarmah flank north and [obj] all band his people many with you
7 Dobro se spremi ti i sve mnoštvo što se oko tebe skupilo i stani mu na čelo!
to establish: prepare and to establish: prepare to/for you you(m. s.) and all assembly your [the] to gather upon you and to be to/for them to/for custody
8 Poslije mnogo dana dobit ćeš zapovijed; poslije mnogo godina navalit ćeš na zemlju, izbavljenu od mača i skupljenu iz mojih naroda, na gore Izraelove, nekoć zadugo puste: otkako ih izvedoh iz naroda, svi spokojno žive.
from day many to reckon: list in/on/with end [the] year to come (in): come to(wards) land: country/planet to return: rescue from sword to gather from people many upon mountain: mount Israel which to be to/for desolation continually and he/she/it from people to come out: send and to dwell to/for security all their
9 Dići ćeš se, doći kao nevrijeme, kao oblak što prekrije zemlju, ti i tvoje čete, a s vama sila naroda!'
and to ascend: rise like/as devastation to come (in): come like/as cloud to/for to cover [the] land: country/planet to be you(m. s.) and all band your and people many with you
10 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'U onaj će ti se dan misli rojiti u srcu i skovat ćeš zao naum.
thus to say Lord YHWH/God and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to ascend: rise word: thing upon heart your and to devise: devise plot bad: evil
11 Reći ćeš: 'Hajde da se dignem na zemlju nebranjenu, da navalim na miran narod koji spokojno živi bez zidina i bez prijevornica i bez vrata:
and to say to ascend: rise upon land: country/planet village to come (in): come [the] to quiet to dwell to/for security all their to dwell in/on/with nothing wall and bar and door nothing to/for them
12 pa da se plijena naplijenim i pljačke napljačkam - da ruku stavim na razvaline opet napučene i na narod iz narÄodÄa sakupljen, koji se bavi stadima i imanjem i živi u središtu zemlje.'
to/for to loot spoil and to/for to plunder plunder to/for to return: return hand: power your upon desolation to dwell and to(wards) people to gather from nation to make: offer livestock and acquisition to dwell upon highest [the] land: country/planet
13 Šeba, Dedan i trgovci taršiški i svi njihovi lavići pitat će te: 'Zar zato dolaziš plijeniti? I zar si radi pljačke toliku gomilu skupio da odneseš srebro i zlato, da otmeš stoku i imanje i da se plijena velikoga naplijeniš?'
Sheba and Dedan and to trade Tarshish and all lion her to say to/for you to/for to loot spoil you(m. s.) to come (in): come to/for to plunder plunder to gather assembly your to/for to lift: bear silver: money and gold to/for to take: take livestock and acquisition to/for to loot spoil great: large
14 Zato prorokuj, sine čovječji, i reci Gogu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: U onaj dan kad narod moj izraelski bude spokojno živio, ti ćeš se podići!
to/for so to prophesy son: child man and to say to/for Gog thus to say Lord YHWH/God not in/on/with day [the] he/she/it in/on/with to dwell people my Israel to/for security to know
15 Doći ćeš iz svoga sjedišta, s krajnjega sjevera, ti i s tobom mnogo naroda, sve samih konjanika, silno mnoštvo, golema vojska.
and to come (in): come from place your from flank north you(m. s.) and people many with you to ride horse all their assembly great: large and strength: soldiers many
16 Navalit ćeš na Izraela, narod moj, kao oblak kad pokrije zemlju. U posljednje dane dovest ću te na svoju zemlju da me narodi upoznaju, kad na tebi, Gože, njima naočigled, pokažem svetost svoju.'
and to ascend: rise upon people my Israel like/as cloud to/for to cover [the] land: country/planet in/on/with end [the] day to be and to come (in): bring you upon land: country/planet my because to know [the] nation [obj] me in/on/with to consecrate: holiness I in/on/with you to/for eye their Gog
17 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Nisi li ti onaj o kome sam govorio, u davne dane, preko slugu svojih, proroka Izraelovih, koji u ono vrijeme prorokovaše da ću te na njih dovesti?
thus to say Lord YHWH/God you(m. s.) he/she/it which to speak: speak in/on/with day eastern: older in/on/with hand: by servant/slave my prophet Israel [the] to prophesy in/on/with day [the] they(masc.) year to/for to come (in): bring [obj] you upon them
18 U onaj dan kad Gog navali na zemlju Izraelovu - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - gnjev će mi iz nosa planuti.
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it in/on/with day to come (in): come Gog upon land: soil Israel utterance Lord YHWH/God to ascend: rise rage my in/on/with face: anger my
19 U ljubomori svojoj i u ognju jarosti svoje odlučih: U onaj dan bit će silan potres u zemlji Izraelovoj.
and in/on/with jealousy my in/on/with fire fury my to speak: promise if: surely yes not in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to be quaking great: large upon land: soil Israel
20 I trest će se poda mnom ribe morske i ptice nebeske, poljske zvijeri i gmazovi što gmižu po zemlji i svi ljudi što žive na njoj. Planine će se razvaliti, vrleti popadati i sve se zidine porušiti!
and to shake from face: because my fish [the] sea and bird [the] heaven and living thing [the] land: country and all [the] creeping [the] to creep upon [the] land: soil and all [the] man which upon face [the] land: planet and to overthrow [the] mountain: mount and to fall: fall [the] steep and all wall to/for land: soil to fall: fall
21 I po svim svojim gorama pozvat ću na njega mač - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - s mačem će se brat na brata dići!
and to call: call to upon him to/for all mountain: mount my sword utterance Lord YHWH/God sword man: anyone in/on/with brother: compatriot his to be
22 Sudit ću mu kugom i krvlju. I spustit ću silan pljusak, i kamenje tÓuče, oganj i sumpor na nj, na njegove čete i na mnogi narod koji bude s njime.
and to judge with him in/on/with pestilence and in/on/with blood and rain to overflow and stone hail fire and brimstone to rain upon him and upon band his and upon people many which with him
23 I uzveličat ću se, posvetiti i objaviti pred svim narodima, i znat će da sam ja Jahve.'
and to magnify and to consecrate: holiness and to know to/for eye nation many and to know for I LORD

< Ezekiel 38 >