< Ezekiel 30 >

1 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
2 “Sine čovječji, prorokuj i reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Kukajte: 'Jao dana!'
“You human, prophesy [about what will happen to Egypt]. Say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “Weep and wail [DOU], because terrible things will happen some day.
3 Jer se bliži dan, bliži se dan Jahvin! Dan oblačan, vrijeme narodima određeno.
That day is near, the day when I, Yahweh, [will punish people]; it will be a day of [dark] clouds and disaster for [many] nations.
4 I mač će ući u Egipat, a strah će ophrvati Etiopiju kad mrtvi stanu padati po Egiptu i kad se razgrabi njegovo blago te kad mu temelje sve sruše.
[An enemy army] [PRS] will come to attack Egypt with their swords, and there will be great distress [among the people] in Ethiopia. [Many] people will be killed in Egypt; everything valuable will be taken away, and [even] the foundations [of the buildings] will be torn down.
5 Kuš, Put i Lud, sva Arabija i Libija, i sinovi zemlje Krete s njima od mača će izginuti'!
[Soldiers of] Ethiopia, Libya, Lydia, and from all of Arabia, and [all the other] groups who are their allies, will be killed in the battles.”
6 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Past će koji podupiru Egipat i srozat će se ponos njegove moći. Od Migdola do Sevana sve će u njemu od mača pasti - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
This is what [I], Yahweh say: “The allies of Egypt will be defeated, and the power that [the people of Egypt] are proud of will end. From Migdol [city in the north] to Aswan [city in the south], the soldiers of Egypt will be killed by their enemies’ swords”; [that is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
7 On će biti pustoš među opustošenim zemljama, a njegovi gradovi ruševine među razrušenim gradovima.
Egypt will become the most deserted country in the world, and its cities will be ruined, surrounded by ruined cities [in nearby nations].
8 I znat će da sam ja Jahve kad zapalim svoj oganj u Egiptu i zatrem sve pomagače njegove.
Then, when I cause [everything in] Egypt to be burned in fires, and all their allies are defeated, people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
9 U onaj će dan glasnici od mene na lađama isploviti da zastraše bezbrižnu Etiopiju. I strah će je ophrvati u dan egipatski. Jer, evo, bliži se!'
At that time, I will send messengers to go [swiftly up the Nile River] in boats to cause the people of Ethiopia who (are complacent/confident/think that nothing terrible will happen to them) to become afraid. They will be terrified [PRS] when Egypt is destroyed; and it will soon be that time!”
10 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Uništit ću mnoštvo egipatsko rukom Nabukodonozora, kralja babilonskoga!
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: “By the power of [MTY] of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon I will get rid of very many people in Egypt.
11 On i njegov narod s njime - najokrutniji među narodima - bit će dovedeni da zemlju zatru. I oni će isukati mač na Egipat i svu će mu zemlju truplima ispuniti.
Nebuchadnezzar and his army, whose soldiers are extremely ruthless, will come to destroy Egypt. They will pull out their swords and fill Egypt with [the corpses of] those whom they have killed.
12 A ja ću isušiti rijeke i zemlju predati u ruke silnicima, opustošit ću zemlju i što je u njoj - rukom tuđinaca. Ja, Jahve, rekoh!'
I will cause the Nile [River] to become dry, and I will sell the nation to evil men. By the power [MTY] of foreigners I will ruin the land and everything that is in it. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have predicted it.”
13 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Razorit ću kumire i ništavila istrijebiti iz Memfisa, i neće više biti knezova u egipatskoj zemlji, a strah ću posijati u zemlji egipatskoj.
This is [also] what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: “I will cause the idols and statues [of idols] [DOU] in Memphis [city] to be destroyed. No longer will there be a king in Egypt, and all over the land, people will be terrified. I will cause [the people of] Egypt to be very afraid.
14 Opustošit ću Patros, zapaliti Soan, izvršiti sud na Tebi.
I will cause the Pathros [area in southern Egypt] to be abandoned. I will start fires in Zoan [city in northeast Egypt] and punish [the people in] Thebes, [the capital of southern Egypt].
15 Iskalit ću gnjev nad Sinom, tvrđom egipatskom, istrijebit ću mnoštvo u Tebi.
I will pour out my punishment [MTY] on [the fortress in] Pelusium [at the eastern end of Egypt], and I will get rid of very many people in Thebes.
16 Zapalit ću oganj pod Egiptom: Sin će uzdrhtati od strave, Teba će biti osvojena, a Memfis u tjeskobi dan za danom.
I will burn Egypt by fires; [the people in] Pelusium will suffer severe pain. [Enemies] will conquer Thebes, and [the people in] Memphis will constantly be terrified.
17 Mladići Heliopola i Pi-Beseta od mača će pasti. A oni će biti odvedeni u ropstvo!
[Many] young men in Heliopolis and Bubastis [cities in northern Egypt] will be killed by [their enemies] swords, and the others [from those cities] will be captured and taken [to Babylon].
18 Nad Tafnisom pomrčat će dan kad ondje slomim jaram egipatski i kad se dokonča ponos moći u njemu! Nad njim će se nadviti oblak, i njegove će kćeri biti odvedene u ropstvo!
It will be a dark day [of destruction] at Tahpenes [city in northeast Egypt] when I cause the power [MET] of Egypt to end; that country will no longer be proud of being strong. [It will be as though] a dark cloud will cover Egypt, because the people of its villages will be captured and forced to go [to Babylon].”
19 Tako ću izvršiti sud nad Egiptom, i znat će da sam ja Jahve.'”
That is how I will punish Egypt, and people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
20 Godine jedanaeste, prvoga mjeseca, sedmoga dana dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Almost eleven years [after we had been taken to Babylon], on the seventh day of the first month [of that year], Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
21 “Sine čovječji, gle, slomih mišicu faraonu, kralju egipatskom! I evo, nisu je ni povili: nisu metnuli lijekove niti su je povojima obavili da je okrijepe kako bi se opet mogla prihvatiti mača.
“You human, I [have enabled the army of Nebuchadnezzar to defeat the army of] the King of Egypt. [It is as though] I have broken one of the arms of the King of Egypt, and it has not been bandaged in order that it could be healed, and it has not been put in splints in order that [after it heals] the arm will be strong [enough] to hold a sword.
22 Stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me protiv faraona, kralja egipatskoga, da mu slomim obje ruke, i zdravu i slomljenu, i da mu mač izbijem iz ruke!
Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘I am the enemy of the King of Egypt. [I will completely destroy the power of Egypt; it is as though] now I will break both of the king’s arms, the good/strong one and the broken one, and cause the sword to fall from his hand.
23 Razagnat ću Egipćane među narode i rasijati ih po zemljama!
I will cause the people of Egypt to be scattered among the nations [DOU].
24 Ojačat ću ruke kralju babilonskom i mač ću svoj staviti u njegovu ruku; a faraonu ću slomiti ruke te će stenjati pred neprijateljem kao ranjenik.
[It is as though] I will strengthen the arms of the King of Babylon and put a sword in his hand, and [as though] I will break the arms of the king of Egypt, and he will groan in front of the King of Babylon like [SIM] a soldier who is wounded and about to die.
25 Da, ojačat ću ruke kralju babilonskom, a ruke će faraonove klonuti. I znat će se da sam ja Jahve kad metnem mač svoj u ruke kralju babilonskom i on ga zavitla nad zemljom egipatskom.
I will cause the power [MTY] of the King of Babylon to become greater, and the power of the king of Egypt will be useless [MET]. When that happens, when I give power to the army of the King of Babylon, they will use that power to attack Egypt.
26 Raspršit ću Egipćane među narode i rasijati ih po zemljama. I znat će da sam ja Jahve.'”
I will cause the people of Egypt to be scattered among the nations [DOU]. And when that happens, the people [of Egypt] will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do] [DOU].’”

< Ezekiel 30 >