< Ezekiel 21 >

1 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 “Sine čovječji, okreni lice prema Jeruzalemu i prospi besjedu protiv njegova Svetišta i prorokuj protiv zemlje Izraelove.
Son of man, direct thy face toward Jerusalem, and preach toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,
3 Reci zemlji Izraelovoj: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Evo me na te! Trgnut ću mač iz korica, istrijebit ću iz tebe sve - i pravedna i bezbožna!
And say to the land of Israel, Thus hath said the Lord, Behold, I will be against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of its sheath; and I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
4 Da iz tebe istrijebim pravedna i bezbožna, trgnut ću evo mač iz korica na svako tijelo, od sjevera do juga.
But because I shall have cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked: therefore shall my sword go forth out of its sheath against all flesh from the south to the north;
5 I svako će tijelo spoznati da sam ja, Jahve, isukao mač svoj iz korica i da ga više neću u njih vratiti!
That all flesh may know that I the Lord have drawn forth my sword out of its sheath; it shall not return any more.
6 A ti, sine čovječji, kukaj kao da su ti sva rebra polomljena, kukaj gorko, njima na oči!
But thou, son of man, do thou sigh: as though with broken loins, and with bitterness [of grief] shalt thou sigh before their eyes.
7 Ako li te zapitaju: 'Što toliko kukaš?' reci im: 'Zbog vijesti koja stiže, od koje će sva srca zamrijeti i sve ruke klonuti, svaki duh biti utučen i svako koljeno klecati. Evo, dolazi, već je tu!' Tako govori Jahve Gospod.”
And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt say, For the report, because it cometh, when every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be made feeble, and every spirit shall become faint, and all knees shall be changed into water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord Eternal.
8 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
9 “Sine čovječji, prorokuj! Ovako govori Jahve Gospod. Reci: 'Mač! Mač! Naoštren i osvjetlan!
Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus hath said the Lord, Say, The sword, the sword is sharpened, and also polished;
10 Za klanje naoštren, osvjetlan da sijeva.
In order to make a thorough slaughter is it sharpened; in order that it may glitter is it polished: how can we now rejoice, [when] the rod which reacheth my son excelleth in hardness every tree?
11 Osvjetlan da ga ruka prihvati, mač naoštren, osvjetlan da se stavi u ruke ubojici.
And he hath given it to be polished, to make it fit to grasp it in the hand: it is the sword which is sharpened, and it is polished, to place it into the hand of the slayer.
12 A ti, sine čovječji, plači, nariči! Jer, evo, mač je već na narod moj isukan, mač na izraelske knezove: svi su oni s mojim narodom maču izručeni! Udri se stoga u slabine!'
Cry aloud and wail, O son of man; for it cometh against my people, it cometh against all the princes of Israel; brought together for the sword are they with my people: therefore strike [thy hand] upon thy thigh.
13 Dođe kušnja, i odbačenoga žezla više biti neće - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
For a purification taketh place: and what if the irresistible rod will also come? [my son] would not be able to exist, saith the Lord Eternal.
14 A ti, sine čovječji, prorokuj i rukama plješći. Neka se udvostruči, neka se utrostruči taj mač pokolja, mač pokolja golema što ih odasvud okružuje.
But thou, son of man, prophesy, and strike thy hands together, and let “The sword” be repeated the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of the great that are slain, which lieth in wait for them everywhere.
15 Da zadršću srca, da bude žrtava nebrojenih, na svaka sam vrata postavio mač, pripravljen da k'o munja sijeva, za pokolje naoštren.
In order to make timid the heart, and to multiply the stumbling-blocks, do I bring the howling of the sword against all their gates: ah! it is made bright, it is made thin-edged for the slaughter.
16 Natrag! Desno! Naprijed! Lijevo!
Gather up thy strength, go to the right hand, direct thyself, go to the left, whithersoever thy edge is turned.
17 I ja ću pljeskati rukama, iskaliti gnjev svoj na njima! Ja, Jahve, rekoh!”
And I also, —I will strike my hands together, and I will cause my fury to be assuaged: I the Lord have spoken it.
18 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
19 “Sine čovječji, zacrtaj dva puta kuda da pođe mač kralja babilonskoga. Neka oba puta izlaze iz iste zemlje! Na raskršću puta ka gradu stavi putokaz.
But thou, O son of man, appoint thee two ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come; out of one land shall both of them come forth: and select a place; at the head of the way to a city do thou select it.
20 Zacrtaj maču put da dođe u Rabat Bene Amon i u Judeju, u utvrđeni Jeruzalem.
A way shalt thou appoint, that the sword may come against Rabbah of the children of 'Ammon, and [the other] against Judah [dwelling] in Jerusalem the fortified.
21 Jer kralj babilonski stoji na početku puta, na raspuću dvaju putova, i pita znamenja - miješa strijele, ispituje terafime i motri jetru.
For the king of Babylon hath halted at the parting of the way, at the commencement of the two ways, to use divination: he shaketh the arrows, he consulteth with images, he looketh at the liver.
22 Znamenja mu u desnici kažu: na Jeruzalem; da ondje namjesti zidodere, da naredi pokolj, da podigne zidodere protiv vrata, da naspe nasip i sagradi opsadne kule.
At his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to erect battering-rams, to open the mouth with the [cry for] murder, to lift up the voice with shouting, to place battering-rams against the gates, to cast up a mound, and to build works of attack.
23 Ali će se njima učiniti da je znamenje lažno, jer mu se zakleše na vjernost. Ali će ih on tada podsjetiti na njihovo vjerolomstvo u koje se uloviše.
And it will appear unto them as a false divination in their eyes, to those that had sworn oaths; but he will bring to remembrance their iniquity, that they may be caught.
24 Zato, ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Jer bez prestanka podsjećate na svoja bezakonja otkrivajući opačine i pokazujući grijehe u svim svojim djelima - da, jer bez prestanka na njih podsjećate, u njih ćete se uloviti.
Therefore thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Because ye have brought your iniquity to remembrance, as your transgressions are discovered, so that your sins do appear in all your doings: because ye are thus brought to remembrance, ye shall be caught by [his] hand.
25 A tebi, nečasni i bezbožnički kneže izraelski, tebi dođe dan i čas posljednjega zločina.'
And thou, death-deserving wicked one, prince of Israel, whose day is come, at the time of the iniquity of the end, —
26 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Skini mitru s glave i odloži kraljevski vijenac! Jer sve se mijenja: tko bi dolje, bit će uzvišen, a tko bi gore, bit će ponižen.
Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Remove the mitre, and take off the crown: this shall not be always so; exalt him that is low, and make him low that is high.
27 Ruševine, ruševine, ruševine ću postaviti kakvih nije bilo, dok ne dođe onaj koji ima suditi, jer ja ću mu predati sud.'
Overthrown, overthrown, overthrown will I render it: also this shall not belong [to any one], until he come whose right it is, and I will give it him.
28 Sine čovječji, prorokuj: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod sinovima Amonovim o njihovoj sramoti. Reci: 'Mač! Mač za pokolj isukan i naoštren da siječe, da kao munja sijeva,
And thou, son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal concerning the children of 'Ammon, and concerning their reproach: even say thou, The sword, the sword is drawn; for the slaughter is it polished, to destroy, that it may continue to glitter;
29 a tebi dotle isprazno viđaju, laž proriču - da se stavi pod vrat zlikovcima zloglasnim, kojima, eto, dođe dan i čas posljednjega zločina!
While they foresee unto thee falsehood, while they divine unto thee lies, to lay thee by the necks of the slain wicked, whose day is come, at the time of the iniquity of the end.
30 Ali vrati mač u korice! U mjestu gdje si nastao i u zemlji gdje si se rodio ja ću ti suditi.
Put back [the sword] into its sheath! in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy origin, will I judge thee.
31 Ondje ću na te gnjev svoj izliti i raspiriti protiv tebe plamen srdžbe svoje i predati te u ruke okrutnim ljudima, vještim zatornicima.
And I will pour out over thee my indignation, with the fire of my wrath will I blow against thee, and I will give thee up into the hand of brutish men, skilful in destroying.
32 I bit ćeš hrana ognju, a krv će tvoja zemljom protjecati. I nitko te živ više neće spominjati! Jer ja, Jahve, tako rekoh.'”
To the fire shalt thou be given to be devoured; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land: thou shalt not be remembered [any more]; for I the Lord have spoken it.

< Ezekiel 21 >