< Ezekiel 20 >
1 Godine sedme, petoga mjeseca, desetoga dana, dođoše k meni neke od starješina izraelskih da se s Jahvom svjetuju. Posjedaše preda me.
On the tenth day of the fifth month of the seventh year, some of the elders of Israel came to ask advice from the Lord, and they sat down with me.
2 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Then a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
3 “Sine čovječji! Govori starješinama Izraelovim! Reci im: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Došli ste me pitati za savjet? Života mi moga, nećete me pitati!' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
“Son of man, tell these elders of Israel that this is what the Lord God says: Have you come to ask my advice? As I live, I'm not going to answer you, declares the Lord God.
4 Hoćeš li im suditi, hoćeš li suditi, sine čovječji? Pokaži im gadosti otaca njihovih.
Are you going to condemn them—will you do that, son of man? Remind them about the disgusting things their forefathers did,
5 Reci im: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Onoga dana kad izabrah Izraela i ruku stavih na potomstvo doma Jakovljeva te im se objavih u zemlji egipatskoj, zakleh im se: Ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš!
and then tell them that this is what the Lord God says: At the time I chose Israel, I held up my hand and made a solemn promise to Jacob's descendants and revealed myself to them when they were in Egypt. I held up my hand and told them, ‘I am the Lord your God.’
6 Toga im se dana rukom podignutom zakleh da ću ih izvesti iz zemlje egipatske u zemlju koju za njih izabrah, u zemlju kojom teče med i mlijeko, od svih zemalja najljepšu.
I promised them on that day to lead them out of Egypt and take them to a country that I had chosen for them, a land flowing with milk and honey—better than any other country.
7 I rekoh im: Odbacite od sebe sve gadosti što vam oči privlače i ne kaljajte se kumirima egipatskim jer - ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš!'
I told them: ‘All of you have to get rid of your disgusting pagan images. Don't make yourselves unclean by worshiping the idols of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’
8 Ali se oni odvrgoše od mene i ne htjedoše me poslušati: nijedan ne odbaci gadosti koje mu oči zaniješe i ne okani se kumira egipatskih. Tad odlučih izliti gnjev svoj na njih i iskaliti srdžbu na njima u zemlji egipatskoj.
But they rebelled against me and wouldn't do what I told them. None of them got rid of their disgusting pagan images, and they didn't give up worshiping the idols of Egypt. So I warned them that I would punish them in my anger there in Egypt.
9 Ali radi imena svojega - da se ne kalja na oči naroda među kojima obitavahu i pred kojima im bijah objavio da ću ih izvesti -
But I did act so I would not be misrepresented, so that I wouldn't lose respect in the eyes of the other nations living near them who had seen me reveal myself to Israel by leading them out of Egypt.
10 izvedoh ih iz zemlje egipatske i odvedoh ih u pustinju;
So I led them out of Egypt and took them into the wilderness.
11 i dadoh im svoje uredbe i objavih svoje zakone, koje svatko mora vršiti da bi živio;
There I gave them my laws and explained to them my regulations so that those who kept them would live.
12 dadoh im i svoje subote, kao znak između sebe i njih, neka znaju da sam ja Jahve koji ih posvećujem.
I also gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them, so that they would acknowledge that I am the Lord who makes them holy.
13 Ali se i u pustinji dom Izraelov odmetnu od mene: nisu hodili po mojim uredbama; odbaciše moje zakone, koje svatko mora vršiti da bi živio; subote moje oskvrnjivahu. I zato odlučih u pustinji gnjev svoj na njih izliti da ih zatrem.
But the people of Israel rebelled against me in the desert, refusing to observe my laws and rejecting my regulations, even though they would have given them life. They violated my Sabbaths. So I warned them that I would punish them and wipe them out there in the desert.
14 Ali ni toga ne učinih radi svojeg imena, da se ono ne kalja pred narodima kojima ih naočigled izvedoh.
But I still acted for them so I would not be misrepresented, so that I wouldn't lose respect in the eyes of the other nations who had seen me lead Israel out of Egypt.
15 Ali im se zakleh u pustinji da ih neću uvesti u zemlju koju sam im bio dao, u zemlju kojom teče med i mlijeko, od svih zemalja najljepšu,
So I held up my hand and vowed to them in the desert that I wouldn't take them into the land that I had given them, a land flowing with milk and honey—better than any other country—
16 jer odbaciše moje zakone, i ne hodiše po mojim uredbama, i subote moje oskvrnjivahu, a srce im iđaše za njihovim kumirima.
because they repeatedly rejected my regulations, refused to observe my laws, and violated my Sabbaths, and because they chose to continue worshiping idols.
17 Oči se moje ipak sažališe da ih ne zatrem. I tako ih u pustinji ne uništih,
Even so I was sorry for them and I didn't destroy them; I didn't wipe them out in the desert.
18 nego rekoh sinovima njihovim u pustinji: 'Ne hodite po uredbama svojih otaca, ne čuvajte zakona njihovih i ne kaljajte se kumirima njihovim!
I told their children in the desert: ‘Don't do what your fathers told you to do. Don't follow their practices. Don't make yourselves unclean by worshiping their idols.
19 Ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš! Po uredbama mojim hodite, čuvajte i vršite moje zakone
I am the Lord your God. Do what I tell you to do. Follow my regulations and make sure to practice them.
20 i svetkujte moje subote, neka one budu znak između mene i vas, kako bi se znalo da sam ja Jahve, Bog vaš!'
Keep my Sabbaths holy so they may be a sign between me and you, so that you may acknowledge that I am the Lord your God.’
21 Ali se i sinovi odmetnuše od mene: po mojim uredbama nisu hodili i nisu čuvali ni vršili mojih zakona, koje svatko mora vršiti da bi živio, a subote su moje oskvrnjivali. I zato odlučih gnjev svoj izliti i iskaliti srdžbu svoju na njima u pustinji.
But their children also rebelled against me. They didn't follow my laws and didn't keep my regulations, even though they would have given them life. They violated my Sabbaths. So I warned them that I would punish them in my anger there in the desert.
22 Ali opet ruku svoju sustegoh radi svojeg imena, da se ono ne kalja pred narodima kojima ih naočigled izvedoh.
But I held back and did what I did so I would not be misrepresented, so that I wouldn't lose respect in the eyes of the other nations who had seen me lead Israel out of Egypt.
23 No zakleh se u pustinji da ću ih raspršiti među narode i rasijati po zemljama,
However, I held up my hand and vowed to them in the desert that I was going to scatter them among the various countries of different nations.
24 jer nisu vršili mojih zakona i jer prezreše moje uredbe i jer subote moje oskvrnjivahu i oči upirahu u kumire svojih otaca.
For they didn't keep my regulations, instead they rejected my laws and violated my Sabbaths, always looking to worship their fathers' idols.
25 I zato im dadoh uredbe koje ne bijahu dobre, zakone koji usmrćuju:
I also let them follow the regulations they wanted that weren't good; laws that wouldn't help them live.
26 da se oskvrnjuju svojim prinosima, provodeći kroz oganj svoju prvorođenčad. Htjedoh tako da ih zastrašim, neka znaju da sam ja Jahve.
I let them make themselves unclean by their offerings to idols, including their firstborn sons. I allowed this to happen so that they would be so appalled that they would acknowledge that I am the Lord.
27 Sine čovječji, reci domu Izraelovu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod! I ovim me oci vaši još uvrijediše: nevjerom mi se iznevjeriše!
So, son of man, tell the people of Israel that this is what the Lord God says: You're acting in exactly the same way your forefathers insulted me by being unfaithful to me.
28 Kad ih uvedoh u zemlju koju im se zakleh dati, gdje god bi ugledali povišen brežuljak ili stablo krošnjato, prinosili bi žrtve, donosili izazovne prinose, metali mirise ugodne, nalijevali ljevanice.
After I led them into the land that I had promised to give them, on any high hill or under any leafy tree they saw there they offered their pagan sacrifices and presented offerings to idols that made me angry, burning their sweet-smelling incense and pouring out their drink offerings.
29 Upitah ih: što li znači ta uzvišica na koju se penjete?' I tako osta ime 'bama', uzvišica, do dana današnjega.
So I asked them: ‘What's this high place you're going to?’ (Even today it's still called Bamah.)
30 Zato reci domu Izraelovu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Ne kaljate li se i vi kao oci vaši, ne provodite li i vi blud s gadostima njihovim?
Therefore tell the people of Israel that this is what the Lord God says: Are you going to make yourselves unclean like your forefathers, turning yourselves into prostitutes, acting the way they did with the same disgusting practices?
31 Kaljate se prinoseći im darove, provodeći kroz oganj svoje sinove u čast svim kumirima svojim sve do dana današnjega. I da me onda za savjet pitaš, dome Izraelov! Života mi moga - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - nećete me za savjet pitati!
When you present your offerings to idols and sacrifice your children in the fire, you continue to make yourselves unclean with all your idols right up until now. So should I give you advice when you ask me, people of Israel? As I live, declares the Lord God, I'm not going to answer you!
32 I neće se zbiti o čemu sanjate kad govorite: 'Bit ćemo kao drugi narodi, kao narodi ostalih zemalja što služe drveću i kamenju.'
When you say to yourselves, ‘Let's be like the other nations, like people in other countries who worship idols made of wood and stone,’ what you're thinking is never going to happen.
33 Života mi moga - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - vladat ću vama rukom krepkom i mišicom uzdignutom, u svoj žestini svoje jarosti.
As I live, declares the Lord God, I will rule you with all my strength and power, and in my anger.
34 Izvest ću vas iz naroda, skupiti vas iz svih zemalja u koje bijaste raspršeni rukom krepkom i mišicom uzdignutom, u svem plamu jarosti moje!
With all my strength and power, and in my anger, I will lead you out from among the nations and gather you from the countries where you were scattered.
35 Odvest ću vas u pustinju naroda i ondje vam licem u lice suditi!
I will bring you before me for judgment face to face in the desert of the nations.
36 Kao što sudih ocima vašim u pustinji zemlje egipatske, i vama ću suditi - riječ je Jahve Gospoda!
In the same way I judged your forefathers in the Egyptian desert after I'd led them out of Egypt, so I will judge you, declares the Lord God.
37 Provest ću vas ispod štapa svojega, podvrći vas brojenju:
I will decide about you as you pass under the rod and see if you kept our solemn agreement.
38 razlučit ću između vas sve koji se pobuniše i odvrgoše od mene: izvest ću ih iz zemlje u kojoj kao došljaci borave, ali - u zemlju Izraelovu nikad ući neće! I znat ćete da sam ja Jahve!'
I will get rid of those of you who rebel against me, those who sin against me. I will lead them out of the country where they're currently living, but they won't enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
39 'A vi, dome Izraelov' - ovako govori Jahve Gospod - 'samo idite i dalje služite svaki svom kumiru! Jednom ćete, kunem vas se, poslušati i nećete više kaljati moje sveto ime svojim prinosima i kumirima:
This is what the Lord God says to you, you people of Israel: All of you, go ahead and worship your idols. But after that if you don't listen to me you won't continue to disgrace me with your pagan offerings and idols.
40 na Svetoj gori mojoj, na visokoj gori Izraelovoj - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - služit će mi sav dom Izraelov, u svojoj zemlji. Ondje će mi oni omiljeti i ondje ću iskati vaše podizanice i prinose vaših prvina sa svim svetinjama.
For there on my holy mountain, Israel's high mountain, declares the Lord God, every single person in the whole country of Israel will worship me. That's where I'll accept them and will ask for your offerings and your best gifts, together with all your holy sacrifices.
41 Omiljet ćete mi kao miris ugodan kad vas izvedem iz narodÄa i skupim iz zemalja u kojima bjeste rasijani. I na vama ću očitovati svetost svoju naočigled svih naroda.
When I bring you back from the nations and gather you from countries where you were scattered, I will accept you as a suitable offering to me. I will reveal my holiness through you so the nations can see.
42 Tada ćete znati da sam ja Jahve, kada vas dovedem u zemlju Izraelovu, u zemlju koju se zakleh dati očevima vašim.
Then you will acknowledge that I am the Lord when I bring you back to the country of Israel, the land that I promised to give your forefathers.
43 Ondje ćete se spomenuti svih svojih putova i nedjela kojima se okaljaste: sami ćete sebi omrznuti zbog nedjela što ih počiniste.
That's where you will remember your bad ways and everything you've done to make yourselves unclean, and you will hate yourselves for the evil things you did.
44 I tada ćete spoznati da sam ja Jahve kad, radi imena svojega, ne postupim s vama po zloći vaših putova ni po vašim pokvarenim djelima, dome Izraelov! Tako govori Jahve Gospod!'”
Then you people of Israel will acknowledge that I am the Lord, because I have treated you well because of who I am, and not because of your evil ways and terrible things you've done, declares the Lord God.”
45 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
46 “Sine čovječji, okreni lice k jugu i prospi besjedu prema jugu te prorokuj protiv šume u kraju negepskom.
“Son of man, face towards the south and preach against it. Prophesy against the forest of the Negev.
47 Reci šumi negepskoj: 'Poslušaj riječ Jahvinu! Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Evo, zapalit ću usred tebe oganj i on će proždrijeti u tebi svako drvo, zeleno i suho! Razgorjeli se oganj neće utrnuti dok sve ne izgori od sjevera do juga.
Tell the forest of the Negev: Listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord God says: I am going to set you on fire, and it will burn up all your trees, both those that are living and those that are dead. The blaze won't be put out, and everything from the north to the south will be burned.
48 I svi će vidjeti da sam ja, Jahve, zapalio taj oganj i neće se ugasiti.'”
Then everyone will recognize that it was me, the Lord, who started the fire, and it won't be put out.”
49 Rekoh na to: “Jao, Jahve Gospode, tÓa oni će za mene reći: 'Evo opet pričalice s pričama!'”
But then I said, “Oh no, Lord God! People already say, ‘He's just telling stories!’”