< Ezekiel 17 >
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
2 “Sine čovječji, smisli zagonetku i iznesi prispodobu domu Izraelovu! Reci:
“Son of man, put forth a riddle, and use an allegory to the house of Israel,
3 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Velik orao, velikih krila, duga perja, gusta, šarena paperja, doletje na Libanon i zgrabi cedrov vrh;
and you have said, Thus said Lord YHWH: The great eagle, great-winged, long-pinioned, Full of feathers, that has diverse colors, Has come to Lebanon, And he takes the foliage of the cedar,
4 odlomi mu najvišu grančicu, odnese je u zemlju trgovaca i spusti je u grad prodavača.
He has cropped the top of its tender twigs, And he brings it to the land of Canaan. He has placed it in a city of merchants.
5 Onda uze izdanak iz zemlje, u plodnu ga njivu posadi, kraj obilnih voda stavi, kao vrbu usadi.
And he takes of the seed of the land, And puts it in a field of seed, He took [it] by many waters, He has set it in a conspicuous place.
6 Izdanak proklija, bujan izbi čokot, onizak izraste, mladice mu k orlu segnuše, a pod njim mu žilje bješe; u bujan se razvi čokot, potjera izdanke, mladice razgrana.
And it springs up, and becomes a spreading vine, humble of stature, To turn its thin shoots toward itself, And its roots are under it, And it becomes a vine, and makes boughs, And sends forth beautiful branches.
7 Bijaše i drugi orao, velik i velikih krila, gusta perja. I gle, čokot k njemu žilje pruži, k njemu upravi grančice svoje da ga natapa bolje od tla u koje bi zasađen.
And there is another great eagle, Great-winged, and abounding with feathers, And behold, this vine has bent its roots toward him, And it has sent out its thin shoots toward him, To water it from the furrows of its planting,
8 Na plodnoj njivi, kraj obilnih voda, bješe zasađen: mogao je tjerat' mladice, uroditi rodom, k'o veličanstveni trs izrasti.'
On a good field, by many waters, it is planted, to make branches, and to bear fruit, to be for a good vine.
9 Reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Hoće l' uspijevati? Neće l' mu orao sve žilje izguliti? Neće l' mu sve plodove potrgati? Neće l' mu sve mladice, čim izbiju, sasušiti? Da, i bez snažne mišice, i bez mnoštva naroda, iščupat će ga iz korijena!
Say, Thus said Lord YHWH: It prospers—does he not draw out its roots, And cut off its fruit, and it is withered? [In] all the leaves of its springing it withers, And not by great strength, or by numerous people, To lift it up by its roots.
10 Gle, zasađen je! Hoće l' uspijevati? Čim ga takne istočnjak, neće l' sav usahnuti? Da, na lijehama iz kojih niče uvenut će.'”
And behold, the planted thing—does it prosper? When the east wind comes against it, does it not utterly wither? On the furrows of its springing it withers.”
11 Dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
12 “Reci domu odmetničkome: 'Zar ne znate što ovo znači?' Reci im: 'Eto, dođe kralj babilonski u Jeruzalem, zarobi mu kralja i sve knezove, odvede ih k sebi u Babilon.
“Now say to the house of rebellion, Have you not known what these [are]? Say, Behold, the king of Babylon has come to Jerusalem, And he takes its king, and its princes, And brings them to himself to Babylon.
13 Odvede i izdanak iz kraljevskoga koljena, sklopi s njima savez i zakletvom se obveza, pošto odvede sve mogućnike iz zemlje,
And he takes of the seed of the kingdom, And makes a covenant with him, And brings him into an oath, And he has taken the mighty of the land,
14 da će kraljevstvo ostati neznatno i da se neće dizati, nego će čuvati i držati savez s njime.
That the kingdom may be humble, That it may not lift itself up, To keep his covenant—that it may stand.
15 Ali se on od njega odmetnu; poslanike uputi u Egipat, tražeći od njega konje i jaku vojsku. Hoće li uspjeti? Može li umaći onaj tko tako radi? Raskinu savez, pa da umakne?
And he rebels against him, To send his messengers to Egypt, To give to him horses, and many people, Does he prosper? Does he who is doing these things escape? And has he broken covenant and escaped?
16 Života mi moga, riječ je Jahve Gospoda: jer prezre zakletvu kralja koji ga na prijestolje posadi i razvrže savez s njime, u njegovoj će zemlji umrijeti, usred Babilona!
[As] I live—a declaration of Lord YHWH, Does he not—in the place of the king who is causing him to reign, Whose oath he has despised, And whose covenant he has broken—die with him in the midst of Babylon?
17 Svojom silnom vojskom i mnoštvom naroda faraon mu neće pomoći u boju kad onaj digne nasipe i sagradi kule opsadne da mu zatre mnogo ljudstvo.
And not with a great force, and with a numerous assembly, Does Pharaoh maintain him in battle, By pouring out a mound, and in building a fortification, To cut off many souls.
18 Prezreo je zakletvu, razvrgao savez. Da, iako ruku bijaše dao, sve to učini! Ne, neće umaći!'
And he despised the oath—to break covenant, And behold, he has given his hand, And all these he has done—he does not escape.
19 Stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Života mi moga, zakletvu što je prezre i savez što ga razvrže oborit ću na glavu njegovu!
Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: [As] I live—My oath that he has despised, And My covenant that he has broken, Have I not put it on his head?
20 Mrežu ću nad njim razapeti i uhvatit će se u moju zamku, pa ću ga odvesti u Babilon i ondje mu suditi zbog nevjere kojom mi se iznevjeri.
And I have spread out My snare for him, And he has been caught in My net, And I have brought him to Babylon, And judged him there [for the] trespass That he has trespassed against Me.
21 Cvijet vojske njegove od mača će pasti, a ostatak se raspršiti u sve vjetrove. I spoznat ćete da ja, Jahve, tako rekoh.'
And all his fugitives, with all his bands, Fall by sword, and those remaining, They are spread out to every wind, And you have known that I, YHWH, have spoken.
22 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'S vrha cedra velikoga, s vrška mladih grana njegovih, odlomit ću grančicu i posadit' je na gori visokoj, najvišoj.
Thus said Lord YHWH: I have taken of the foliage of the high cedar, And I have set [it], I crop a tender one from the top of its tender shoots, And I have planted [it] on a high and lofty mountain.
23 Na najvišoj gori izraelskoj nju ću zasaditi: razgranat će se ona, plodom uroditi.
In a mountain—the high place of Israel, I plant it, And it has borne boughs, and yielded fruit, And become a good cedar, And every bird of every [kind of] wing has dwelt under it, They dwell in the shade of its thin shoots.
24 I sve će poljsko drveće znati da ja sam Jahve koji visoko drvo ponizujem, a nisko uzvisujem; zeleno drvo sušim, a drvu suhu dajem da rodi. Ja, Jahve, rekoh i učinit ću!'”
And all trees of the field have known That I, YHWH, have made the high tree low, I have set the low tree on high, I have dried up the moist tree, And I have caused the dry tree to flourish, I, YHWH, have spoken, and have done [it]!”