< Ezekiel 13 >
1 I opet mi dođe riječ Jahvina:
Again, the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 “Sine čovječji! Prorokuj protiv onih koji se grade prorocima u Izraelu!
“Son of man, prophesy against the prophets who are prophesying in Israel, and say to those who are prophesying out of their own imaginations, 'Listen to the word of Yahweh.
3 Reci tim prorocima koji prorokuju po svojoj glavi: 'Čujte riječ Jahvinu! Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Jao prorocima bezumnim koji duh svoj slijede a ništa ne vide!
The Lord Yahweh says this: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit, but who have seen nothing!
4 Ti su tvoji proroci, Izraele, kao lisice usred ruševina.
Israel, your prophets have been like jackals in the wastelands.
5 Vi se ne popeste na proboje i ne zidaste zida oko doma Izraelova da se održi u boju u dan Jahvin.
You have not gone to the breaks in the wall around the house of Israel in order to repair it, in order to resist in battle on the day of Yahweh.
6 Viđenja su njihova isprazna, i lažna su njihova proricanja. Govore 'Riječ Jahvina!' - a Jahve ih nije poslao. I još očekuju da će im se riječi ispuniti.
The people have false visions and make false predictions, those who say, “Such and such is Yahweh's declaration.” Yahweh has not sent them, but they nevertheless have made people hope that their messages would come true.
7 Zar ne vidite da su vam viđenja isprazna i da su vam lažna proricanja kad govorite 'Riječ Jahvina!' - a ja nisam govorio.'
Have you not had false visions and made false predictions, you who say, “Such and such is Yahweh's declaration” when I myself have not spoken?'
8 Stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Zato što govorite isprazno i laž vidite, evo me protiv vas' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda!
Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this, 'Because you have had false visions and have told lies—therefore this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration against you:
9 Evo, ruka moja bit će protiv proroka koji vide isprazno i laž proriču: neće više biti u zboru mojega naroda, neće biti upisani u knjigu doma Izraelova, nikad više neće stupiti na tlo Izraelovo! I znat će da sam ja Jahve Gospod!
My hand will be against the prophets who have lying visions and who make false predictions. They will not be in the assembly of my people, or enrolled in the record of the house of Israel; they must not go to the land of Israel. For you will know that I am the Lord Yahweh!
10 Jer narod moj obmanjuju govoreći 'Mir' kad mira nema. I dok jedni hoće da se zid utvrdi, oni hoće da se samo ožbuka.
Because of this, and because they led my people astray and said, “Peace!” when there is no peace, they are building a wall that they will paint with whitewash.'
11 Reci onima koji hoće da se samo ožbuka: 'Past će!' Udarit će silan pljusak, oborit ću na nj grÓad kao kamenje, bjesnjet će olujni vihori.
Say to those who are whitewashing the wall, 'It will fall down; there will be a downpour of rain, and I will send hailstones to make it fall down, and a windstorm wind to break it down.
12 Evo, zid će pasti! Neće li vas tada pitati: 'Gdje vam je sada žbuka kojom ste ga ožbukali?'
See, the wall will fall down. Have others not said to you, “Where is the whitewash that you put on it?”
13 Zato ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'U svojoj jarosti razbjesnit ću olujne vihore, u srdžbi ću svojoj udariti silnim pljuskom da ga zatrem, u gnjevu ću na nj oboriti grÓad kao kamenje.
Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this: I will bring a windstorm in my rage, and there will be floods of rain in my wrath! Hailstones in my rage will completely destroy it.
14 Obalit ću zid što ga vi žbukom ožbukaste, na zemlju ću ga oboriti da mu se razgole temelji. Past će zid, i vi ćete pod njim izginuti! Tada ćete znati da sam ja Jahve!
For I will tear down the wall that you have covered with whitewash, and I will demolish it to the ground and lay bare its foundations. So it will fall, and you will be annihilated in the middle of it all. Then you will know that I am Yahweh.
15 Tako ću iskaliti gnjev nad zidom i nad onima koji ga žbukom ožbukaše. A vama ću reći: Nema više zida! Nema onih koji ga žbukom ožbukaše.
For I will annihilate in my fury the wall and those who whitewashed it. I will say to you, “The wall exists no more, nor do the people who whitewashed it—
16 Nema izraelskih proroka koji Jeruzalemu proricahu i koji mu mir vidješe kad mira ne bijaše.' Tako govori Jahve Gospod.”
the prophets of Israel who prophesied about Jerusalem and who had visions of peace for her. But there is no peace!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.”'
17 “Sine čovječji, okreni lice protiv kćeri svojega naroda koje prorokuju po svojoj glavi! Prorokuj protiv njih:
So you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people who prophesy out of their own minds, and prophesy against them.
18 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Jao onima koje vezu poveze za svačije ruke i koje prave prijevjese za glave svake veličine da ulove duše! Mislite li uloviti sve duše mojega naroda a svoje duše sačuvati žive?
Say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: Woe to the women who sew magic charms onto every part of their hand and make veils for their heads of every size, used to hunt down people. Will you hunt down my people but save your own lives?
19 Obeščašćujete me pred mojim narodom za šaku ječma, za zalogaj kruha, ubijajući duše koje ne bi trebale da umru, a spasavajući one koje ne bi trebale da žive; i obmanjujete tako narod moj koji rado sluša vaše laži.'
You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and crumbs of bread, to kill people who should not die, and to preserve the lives of those who should not continue to live, because of your lies to my people who heard you.
20 Zato ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me protiv vaših poveza kojima lovite duše kao ptice! Rastrgat ću sve to na vašim rukama i oslobodit ću duše koje time hvatate kao ptice!
Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this: I am against the magic charms that you have used to ensnare the people's lives as if they were birds. Indeed, I will tear them from your arms; and the people whom you have trapped like birds—I will let them go free.
21 Poderat ću vaše prijevjese i oslobodit ću svoj narod da ne bude više plijen vaših ruku. I znat ćete da sam ja Jahve!
I will tear away your veils and rescue my people from your hand, so they will no longer be trapped in your hands. You will know that I am Yahweh.
22 Jer vi lažju ražalostiste srce pravednika, koje ja ražalostiti ne htjedoh, a okrijepiste ruke bezbožnika da se ne obrati od zla puta bezbožničkog pa da život spasi.
Because you discourage the heart of the righteous person with lies, even though I did not desire his discouragement, and because you encourage instead the actions of the wicked person so that he will not turn from his way to save his life—
23 Zato nećete više vidjeti isprazno niti ćete laž proricati: ja ću osloboditi narod svoj iz vaših ruku. I znat ćete da sam ja Jahve!'”
therefore you will no longer have false visions or continue to make predictions, for I will rescue my people out of your hand. You will know that I am Yahweh.'”