< Ezekiel 12 >

1 Opet mi dođe riječ Jahvina:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
2 “Sine čovječji! Ti boraviš u rodu odmetničkom koji ima oči, a ne vidi, uši ima, a ne čuje, jer su rod odmetnički.
“You human, you are living among people who are [very] rebellious. They have eyes, but they do not [what I want them to see]; they have ears, but they do not [what I want them to hear], because they are rebellious/stubborn people.
3 Zato, sine čovječji, spremi izgnanički zavežljaj i njima na oči obdan se seli: seli se iz svojega mjesta u drugo, ne bi li uvidjeli da su rod odmetnički.
Therefore, you human, pack your belongings as though you were (going into exile/being forced to go to another country). Then, during the daytime, while people are watching, [prepare to] go to another place. Even though the people are rebellious, perhaps they will [what you are symbolizing].
4 Obdan, njima na oči, iznesi zavežljaj, zavežljaj izgnanički, a iziđi obnoć na njihove oči kao što se odlazi u izgnanstvo.
During the daytime, while they are watching, bring out the things that you want to take and pack them. Then in the evening, while they are watching, do what those who are preparing to go into exile do.
5 Njima na oči prokopaj zid i kroza nj izađi.
Dig through [city] wall and take your things through the hole.
6 I njima na oči vrgni zavežljaj na ramena i po mrkloj noći iziđi. Pokrij lice da ne vidiš zemlju, jer te postavih kao znamenje domu Izraelovu!”
Then put [in a sack] on your shoulder while they are watching and leave at dusk. Cover your face in order that you cannot see the path. [I want you to do this] because I want you to warn the Israeli people.”
7 Učinih kako mi bijaše zapovjeđeno: obdan iznesoh zavežljaj, zavežljaj izgnanički, a obnoć prokopah zid rukama i njima na oči po mrkloj noći vrgoh zavežljaj na ramena.
[So] I did what Yahweh told me to do. During the day I brought things out of my [as though] I was packing to go into exile. Then in the evening I dug through [city] wall. [Then] while people watched, I put my sack of belongings on my shoulder and left.
8 Ujutro mi dođe riječ Jahvina:
The next morning, Yahweh gave me this message:
9 “Sine čovječji, zapita li te dom Izraelov, dom odmetnički: 'Što to radiš?'
“You human, the rebellious people [MTY] of Israel asked you, ‘What are you doing?’
10 ti mu reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod! Ovo je proroštvo knezu jeruzalemskom i svemu domu Izraelovu koji je u Jeruzalemu.'
[So go back and] say to them, ‘What I did is about the king in Jerusalem and all the [other] people of Israel who are there.’
11 Reci: 'Ja sam vam znamenje! Kako ja uradih, tako će biti njima: svi ćete se morati seliti u izgnanstvo!
Tell [them], ‘[What I did] is a warning to you.’ What has happened to you will happen to them. They will be captured and forced to go to another country.
12 Knez njihov morat će vrći zavežljaj na ramena i po mrkloj noći izaći. Prokopat će zid da izađe kroza nj i lice će pokriti rukama da očima ne vidi zemlje.
Their king will put his belongings on his shoulder at dusk and leave. [His servants] will dig a hole through the city wall, [and he will take his belongings] through it. He will cover his face in order [others will not recognize] him.
13 Ja ću mu razapeti mrežu, i uhvatit će se u moju zamku, i odvest ću ga u Babilon, u zemlju kaldejsku. Ali je on neće ugledati i ondje će život ostaviti.
[it will be as though] I will spread a net for [to be captured]; [enemy soldiers will] capture him and take him to [city]. But he will [be able to] see it; and there he will die.
14 A sve one oko njega, pomagače i čete, raspršit ću u sve vjetrove i svoj mač ću trgnuti na njih.
I will scatter in all directions [IDM] all those who have been around him—his advisors and his soldiers—and I will cause his enemies to pursue them, with their swords ready to strike them.
15 A kad ih raspršim među narode i rasijem po zemljama, znat će da sam ja Jahve.
Then, when I scatter them among many nations [DOU], they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
16 Ipak, ostavit ću nekolicinu koji će umaći maču, gladi i kugi, da među narodima kamo prispiju pripovijedaju svoje gadosti; neka se zna da sam ja Jahve.'”
But I will spare/save a few of them from being killed by swords and from dying from famines or plagues, with the result that in the nations to which they are forced to go, they will realize/admit that they have been doing disgusting things, and they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
17 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Then Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
18 “Sine čovječji, jedi kruha zabrinuto i pij vode sa zebnjom i sa strepnjom!
“You human, tremble while you eat your food, and shudder fearfully while you drink your water.
19 I reci puku zemlje: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod Jeruzalemcima u zemlji Izraelovoj: Zabrinuto će jesti kruha i sa strepnjom piti vode, jer će im zemlja opustjeti i ostat će bez igdje ičega s bezakonja žitelja svojih.
Tell [this to] the Israeli people: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says about those who are [still] living in Jerusalem and [other places in] Israel: They also will be very anxious/worried [DOU] while they eat their food and drink their water, because their country will [soon] have everything taken away. That will happen because the people who live there [continually] act [very] violently.
20 I svi gradovi, sada napučeni, bit će poharani, a sva zemlja opustošena. I znat će da sam ja Jahve!'”
The towns where people live will be devastated, and the land will become barren/empty. Then you people will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].'”
21 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
22 “Sine čovječji, kakve su vam to priče o zemlji Izraelovoj? Govori se: 'Gle, prolaze dani, a od proroštva ništa!'
“You human, the people in Israel have this proverb/saying: ‘The days pass, and [the prophets] predict never happens.’
23 Zato im reci: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Dokončat ću te priče i neće se više ponavljati u Izraelu.' Reci im: 'Bliže se već dani i sva će se proroštva moja ispuniti!
So say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: I am going to prove that (what they say/that proverb) is not correct, and then they will never say that again in Israel.’ Tell them, ‘It will soon be the time when everything that the prophets have predicted will happen.
24 Jer neće više biti u domu Izraelovu varavih viđenja, ni lažnih proroštava kojima ljude bijahu zavodili.
No longer [false prophets tell] to the Israeli people false visions, or prophecies that try to please people.
25 Jer što ja, Jahve Gospod, govorim, to će i biti, i riječ se neće odgoditi! Da! Još za vaših dana, rode odmetnički, riječ ću izgovoriti i izvršiti.' Tako govori Jahve Gospod!”
Instead, I, Yahweh, will say what I want to tell the people, and what I predict will quickly happen. You rebellious people, I will cause to happen everything that I say will happen. [That is what I, ] Yahweh the Lord, say.’”
26 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Yahweh also gave me this message:
27 “Sine čovječji! Evo što se govori u domu Izraelovu: 'Viđenje što ga ovaj ugleda za dane je daleke! Prorokuje za daleka vremena!'
“You human, the Israeli people are [constantly] saying [about you], ‘The things that he sees in [will not happen soon]. They are [things that will happen] many years from now, far in the future.’
28 Zato im reci: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Nijedna riječ moja neće se više odgoditi! Što rekoh, rečeno je, i sve će se ispuniti!' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.”
Therefore say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord [DOU] says: I will no longer [causing to happen] any of the things that I have prophesied. Whatever I have predicted [very soon] happen.’”

< Ezekiel 12 >