< Izlazak 29 >

1 “Ovo je obred koji ćeš obaviti na njima da ih posvetiš za moje svećenike: Uzmi jednog junca i dva ovna bez mane;
“This is what you must do to dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me [by being] priests: Select one young bull and two rams that do not have any defects.
2 onda beskvasnoga kruha, beskvasnih kolača zamiješenih u ulju i beskvasnih prevrta uljem namazanih. Napravi ih od bijeloga pšeničnog brašna.
Bake three [kinds of bread] using finely-ground wheat flour, but without yeast: Bake some loaves that do not have any olive oil in them, bake some loaves that have olive oil in the dough, and bake some thin wafers that will be smeared with olive oil [after they are baked].
3 Naslaži ih u košaricu i u košarici prinesi ih s juncem i oba ovna.”
Put them in a basket and offer them [to me] when you sacrifice the young bull and the two rams.
4 “Dovedi Arona i njegove sinove k ulazu u Šator sastanka i operi ih u vodi.
Take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and wash them [ritually].
5 Zatim uzmi odijelo i obuci Arona u košulju; stavi na nj ogrtač oplećka, oplećak i naprsnik i opaši ga tkanicom oplećka.
Then put the special clothes on Aaron—the long-sleeved tunic/gown, the robe that will be worn underneath the sacred apron, the sacred apron, the sacred pouch, and the sash/waistband.
6 Ustakni mu mitru na glavu; na mitru stavi sveti vijenac.
Place the turban on his head, and fasten to the turban the ornament that has the words ‘Dedicated to Yahweh’ engraved on it.
7 Uzmi zatim ulja za pomazanje; izlij na njegovu glavu i pomaži ga.
Then take the oil and pour some on his head to (dedicate him/set him apart).
8 Onda dovedi njegove sinove; obuci ih u košulje;
Then bring his sons and put the long-sleeved tunics/gowns on them.
9 opaši ih u pasove i obvij im turbane. Svećeništvo neka im pripada vječnom uredbom. Tako posveti Arona i njegove sinove!”
Put the sashes/waistbands around their waists and the caps on their heads. That is the ritual by which you are to (dedicate them/set them apart) to be priests. Aaron and his male descendants must serve me [by being] priests forever.
10 “Dovedi zatim junca pred Šator sastanka, pa neka Aron i njegovi sinovi stave ruke juncu na glavu.
“Then bring the young bull to the entrance of the Sacred Tent. Tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the young bull.
11 Onda pred Jahvom, na ulazu u Šator sastanka, junca zakolji.
Then, while they do that, kill the young bull [by slitting its throat], and catch/drain the blood in a bowl.
12 Uzmi junčeve krvi i svojim je prstom stavi na rogove žrtvenika. Ostatak krvi izlij podno žrtvenika.
Take some of that blood with your finger and smear it on the projections of the altar. Throw/Splash the rest of the blood against the base of the altar.
13 Uzmi sav loj oko droba, privjesak na jetri i oba bubrega s lojem oko njih, pa spali na žrtveniku.
Take all the fat that covers the inner organs of the young bull, the best part of the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat on them, and burn all these on the altar [as an offering to me].
14 Meso od junca, njegovu kožu i njegovu nečist spali na vatri izvan taborišta. To je žrtva okajnica.
But the meat of the young bull and its hide and intestines must be burned outside the camp. That will be an offering to forgive the guilt of your sins.
15 Poslije toga uzmi jednoga ovna, pa neka Aron i njegovi sinovi stave na njegovu glavu svoje ruke.
“Then select one of the rams, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the ram.
16 Onda ovna zakolji, uhvati mu krvi i zapljusni njome žrtvenik sa svih strana.
Then kill the ram [by slitting its throat]. Catch/Drain some of the blood and splash it against all four sides of the altar.
17 Isijeci zatim ovna u komade, operi mu drobinu i noge i položi ih na njegove ostale dijelove i glavu.
Then cut the ram into pieces. Wash its inner organs and its rear legs and put those with the head
18 I onda cijeloga ovna spali na žrtveniku. Žrtva je to paljenica u čast Jahvi, miris ugodan, žrtva ognjena.
and burn those pieces [completely] on the altar with the rest of the ram. That will be an offering to me, Yahweh, and the smell will please me.
19 Uzmi onda drugoga ovna, pa neka Aron i njegovi sinovi stave svoje ruke ovnu na glavu.
“Take the other ram [that was selected for these rituals], and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the ram’s head.
20 Sad ovna zakolji; uzmi mu krvi i njome namaži resicu desnoga Aronova uha, resicu desnog uha njegovim sinovima, palac na njihovoj desnoj ruci pa palac na njihovoj desnoj nozi. Ostatkom krvi zapljusni žrtvenik naokolo.
Then kill the ram by slitting its throat, and drain the blood [into a bowl]. Smear some of the blood on the lobe of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Throw/Splash the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar.
21 Uzmi onda krvi što je ostala na žrtveniku i ulja za pomazanje i poškropi Arona i njegovo odijelo, njegove sinove i njihova odijela. Tako će biti posvećen on i njegovo odijelo, njegovi sinovi i odijela njegovih sinova.”
Wipe up some of the blood that is on the altar, mix it with some of the oil for anointing, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. By doing that, you will dedicate them and their clothes [to me].
22 “Poslije toga uzmi s ovna loj, pretili rep, loj oko droba, privjesak s jetre, oba bubrega i loj oko njih; desno pleće - jer je to ovan prinesen za svećeničko posvećenje -
“Also, cut off the ram’s fat and its fat tail and the fat that covers the inner organs, the best part of the liver, the two kidneys with the fat on them, and the right thigh.
23 zatim jedan okrugli kruh, jedan kolač na ulju i jednu prevrtu iz košarice beskvasnoga kruha što je pred Jahvom.
Take also one of each of the kinds of bread [that was baked]—one made with no oil, one with oil, and one thin wafer.
24 Sve to stavi na ruke Arona i njegovih sinova i prinesi žrtvu prikaznicu pred Jahvom.
Put all these things in the hands of Aaron and his sons. [Then tell them to] lift them up [high] to dedicate them to me.
25 Uzmi ih onda s njihovih ruku i spali na žrtveniku, povrh žrtve paljenice, da bude Jahvi na ugodan miris. To je paljena žrtva u čast Jahvi.
Then take them from their hands and burn them on the altar, on top of the other things [that were placed there]. That [also] will be an offering to me, and its smell will please me.
26 Zatim uzmi grudi ovna prinesena za Aronovo posvećenje i prinesi ih kao žrtvu prikaznicu pred Jahvom. Neka to bude tvoj dio.
Then take the meat of the ribs of the second ram that was killed, and lift it up [high] as an offering to me. But then this part of the animal will be for you [to eat].
27 Posveti grudi što su bile prinesene kao žrtva prikaznica i pleće što je bilo prineseno kao žrtva podizanica od ovna prinesena za posvećenje Arona i njegovih sinova.
Then take the meat of the ribs, the other thigh of the first ram that was sacrificed to (dedicate/set apart) the priests, and the ram whose other parts were lifted high to show that they were an offering to me; and set the meat of the ribs and thigh apart for Aaron and his sons, for them to eat.
28 Neka to bude pristojba Aronu i njegovim potomcima od Izraelaca za sva vremena. TÓa to je ujam koji će Izraelci davati od svojih pričesnica - ujam koji Jahvi pripada.
In the future, whenever the Israeli people present to me, Yahweh, offerings to maintain fellowship with me, the ribs and the thigh [of animals that they sacrifice] will be for Aaron and his male descendants [to eat].
29 Aronova posvećena odijela neka pripadnu njegovim sinovima poslije njega da u njima budu pomazani i posvećeni.
“After Aaron [dies], the special clothes that he wore will belong to his sons. They are to wear those clothes when they are (set apart/dedicated) [to become priests].
30 Sin koji postane svećenikom mjesto njega, kad uđe u Šator sastanka da vrši službu u Svetištu, neka ih nosi sedam dana.”
Aaron’s son who becomes The Supreme Priest and enters the Sacred Tent and performs rituals in the Holy Place must [stay in the Sacred Tent], wearing these special clothes, for seven days.
31 “Uzmi onda ovna za posvećenje i skuhaj njegovo meso na posvećenome mjestu.
“Take the meat of the other ram that was sacrificed to (set apart/dedicate) Aaron and his sons, and boil it in the courtyard.
32 Aron i njegovi sinovi neka blaguju meso od toga ovna i kruh iz košarice na ulazu u Šator sastanka.
After it is cooked, Aaron and his sons must eat it, along with the bread that is left in the basket, at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
33 Neka jedu od onoga što je poslužilo za njihovo očišćenje, da im se ruke ispune vlašću i da budu posvećeni. Nijedan svjetovnjak neka ne jede od toga jer je posvećeno.
They must eat the meat of the ram that was sacrificed to forgive them for [their sins] when they were dedicated to do this work. They are the only ones who are permitted to eat this meat. [Those who are not priests are not allowed to eat it], because it is dedicated to me.
34 Ako bi ostalo što mesa od svećeničkog posvećenja ili što od onoga kruha do ujutro, spali na vatri. Ne smije se pojesti jer je posvećeno.”
If any of this meat or some of the bread is not eaten that night, no one is permitted to eat any of it the next day. It must be completely burned, because it is sacred/dedicated to me.
35 “Točno tako učini Aronu i njegovim sinovima kako sam ti naredio. Posvećuj ih sedam dana.
“Those are the rituals that you(sg) must perform during those seven days when you dedicate Aaron and his sons for this work. You must do everything that I have commanded you.
36 Svakoga dana prinesi jednoga junca kao žrtvu okajnicu - za pomirenje. I prinesi žrtvu okajnicu za pomirenje oltara, zatim ga pomaži da bude posvećen.
Each of those seven days you must also sacrifice a young bull as an offering to me, in order that I may forgive sins. Also, you must make another offering (to make the altar pure in my sight/in order that I will consider the altar to be pure). You must also anoint the altar with olive oil, to (set it apart/dedicate it).
37 Sedam dana prinosi žrtvu pomirnicu za žrtvenik i posvećuj ga. Tako će žrtvenik postati presvet, i sve što se žrtvenika dotakne bit će posvećeno.”
Perform these rituals every day for seven days, to (set apart/dedicate) the altar and make it pure. If you do not do that, anyone or anything that touches the altar will become taboo.
38 “A ovo treba da prinosiš na žrtveniku: dva janjca godinu dana stara, svaki dan bez prijekida.
“You must also sacrifice lambs and burn them on the altar. Each of those [seven] days you must sacrifice two lambs.
39 Jedno janje žrtvuj ujutro, a drugo uvečer.
One lamb must be sacrificed in the morning, and one must be sacrificed in the evening.
40 Prinesi s prvim janjetom jednu desetinu efe bijeloga brašna zamiješena u četvrtini hina istupanog ulja i žrtvu ljevanicu od četvrtine hina vina.
With the first lamb, also offer (2 pounds/1 kilogram) of finely-ground wheat flour mixed with one quart/liter of the best kind of olive oil, and one quart/liter of wine as an offering.
41 Drugo janje prinesi u suton. S njim prinesi žrtvu prinosnicu s njezinom žrtvom ljevanicom kao i izjutra - na ugodan miris, žrtvu u čast Jahvi paljenu.
In the evening, when you sacrifice the other lamb, offer the same amounts of flour, olive oil, and wine as you did in the morning. This will be an offering to me, Yahweh, that will be burned, and its smell will please me.
42 Neka to bude trajna žrtva paljenica od koljena do koljena - na ulazu u Šator sastanka, pred Jahvom. Tu ću se ja s tobom sastajati da ti govorim.
You [and your descendants] must continue making these offerings to me, Yahweh, throughout all future generations. You must offer them at the entrance of the Sacred Tent. That is where I will meet with you and speak to you.
43 I s Izraelcima ću se tu sastajati, i moja će ih slava posvećivati.
That is where I will meet with the Israeli people, and the brilliant light of my presence will cause that place to be holy/sacred.
44 Ja ću posvetiti Šator sastanka i žrtvenik; posvetit ću Arona i njegove sinove da mi služe kao svećenici.
I will dedicate the Sacred Tent and the altar. I will also dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me [by being] priests.
45 Ja ću prebivati među Izraelcima i biti njihov Bog.
I will live among the Israeli people, and I will be their God.
46 Upoznat će oni tada da sam to ja, Jahve, Bog njihov koji ih je izbavio iz zemlje egipatske da prebivam među njima - ja, Jahve, Bog njihov.”
They will know that I, Yahweh their God, am the one who brought them out of Egypt in order that I might live among them.”

< Izlazak 29 >