< Estera 5 >

1 Trećega dana... Blistala je od vrhunske ljepote... lice joj bijaše veselo, kao rastvoreno ljubavi, a srce sapeto od straha... Kroza sva je vrata ušla pred kralja. On je sjedio na svom kraljevskom prijestolju, zaogrnut svim ukrasom veličanstva svoga.
Three days later, Esther [prepared a big banquet/feast. Then she] put on the robes that showed that she was queen, and she went to the inner courtyard of the palace, across from the room where the king was. He was sitting on the throne, facing the entrance [of the room].
2 I podigavši zlatno žezlo, postavi ga na vrat Esteri, zagrli je i reče: "Govori mi!" a Ona mu reče: "Spazih te, gospodaru, kao anđela Božjega, pa mi se uznemiri srce od straha pred sjajem tvojim. Jer si, gospodaru, divan i lice ti je puno dražesti." b Dok je još govorila, klonu od iznemoglosti. Kralj se uznemiri, a sva ju je posluga njegova hrabrila.
When the king saw Esther standing there in the courtyard, he extended the gold scepter/staff toward her [to signal that he would be glad to talk to her]. So Esther came close and touched the tip of the scepter/staff.
3 Kralj joj reče: "Što je tebi, kraljice Estero? Što želiš? Bila to i polovica kraljevstva, dobit ćeš je!"
Then the king asked her, “Esther, what do you want? Tell me, and I will give you what you want, even if you ask me to give you half of my kingdom!”
4 Estera odgovori: "Neka kralj, ako mu je drago, dođe s Hamanom na gozbu koju sam danas priredila."
Esther replied, “[Your majesty, ] if it pleases you, you and Haman come to the banquet that I have prepared for you!”
5 Kralj odvrati: "Obavijestite odmah Hamana da bi se izvršila Esterina želja." Kralj dakle dođe s Hamanom na gozbu koju je Estera priredila.
The king said [to his servants], “Go and tell Haman to come quickly to a banquet that Esther has prepared for the two of us!” So the king and Haman went to the banquet that Esther had prepared for them.
6 Dok su pili vino, kralj kaza Esteri: "Što god zatražiš, dobit ćeš. Što god zaželiš, bila to i polovica kraljevstva, bit će ti!"
While they were drinking wine, the king said to Esther, “Tell me what you [really] want. I will give it to you, even if [you ask for] half of my kingdom.”
7 Estera odgovori: "Molba mi je i želja,
Esther replied, “[I will tell you] what I want [most of all. Your majesty], if you are pleased with me, and if you are willing to give me what I am requesting, please come [again] tomorrow to another banquet that I will prepare for the two of you. Then I will tell you [what I really want”].
8 ako sam našla milost u očima kraljevim i ako se kralju svidi dati mi što molim i učiniti što želim, da kralj ponovo dođe s Hamanom na gozbu koju ću sutra pripremiti za njih i tad ću postupiti po riječi kraljevoj."
9 Toga dana Haman iziđe sretan i zadovoljna srca, ali se rasrdi jako na Mordokaja kad vidje da na vratima kraljevim nije ustao ni maknuo se pred njim.
Haman was feeling very happy as he left the banquet. But then he saw Mordecai sitting at the gate of the palace. Mordecai did not stand up and tremble fearfully in front of Haman, so Haman became extremely angry.
10 Haman se ipak svlada. Ode kući i posla po svoje prijatelje i po ženu Zarešu.
However, he did not show that he was angry; he [just] went home. Then he gathered together his wife Zeresh and his friends,
11 Pripovijedao im je o sjaju svoga bogatstva, o mnoštvu svojih sinova i o svemu onome čime ga je kralj uzveličao i čime ga je uzdignuo nad sve svoje knezove i službenike.
and he boasted to them about being very rich, and about having many children. He also boasted that the king had greatly honored him, and that the king had (promoted him/given him the second-most important job in the empire), so that [all] the other officials had to respect him.
12 Haman još dometnu: "I kraljica Estera nije uz kralja pozvala nikoga osim mene na gozbu koju je priredila. I sutra sam samo ja uz kralja njezin uzvanik.
Then Haman added, “And that is not all! Queen Esther invited just two of us, the king and me, to a banquet she prepared for us today. And she is inviting [only] the two of us to another banquet that she will prepare tomorrow!”
13 Ali me sve to ne može učiniti sretnim dokle god gledam Židova Mordokaja kako sjedi na vratima kraljevim."
Then Haman said, “But those things (mean nothing to me/do not make me happy) while I keep seeing that Jew, Mordecai, [just] sitting there at the gate of the palace [and ignoring me]!”
14 Reče mu Zareša, žena njegova, i svi prijatelji njegovi: "Podigni vješala visoka pedeset lakata. Sutra ujutro zatraži od kralja neka na njih objese Mordokaja. Poslije toga idi sretan s kraljem na gozbu." Savjet se Hamanu učini dobar, pa on naredi da se podignu vješala.
So Haman’s wife Zeresh and all his friends [who were there] suggested, “[Why don’t you quickly] set up (a gallows/posts on which to hang someone). Make it 75 feet tall. Then tomorrow morning ask the king to hang Mordecai on it. After that, you can go to the banquet with the king and be cheerful.” That idea pleased Haman [very much], so he gave [men] orders to set up the gallows/posts.

< Estera 5 >