< Efežanima 5 >

1 Budite dakle nasljedovatelji Božji kao djeca ljubljena
Be ye therefore imitators of God, as dear children:
2 i hodite u ljubavi kao što je i Krist ljubio vas i sebe predao za nas kao prinos i žrtvu Bogu na ugodan miris.
and walk in love; as the Messiah also hath loved us, and hath given up himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet odor.
3 A bludnost i svaka nečistoća ili pohlepa neka se i ne spominje među vama, kako dolikuje svetima!
But whoredom, and all impurity, and avarice let them not be at all heard of among you, as it becometh the saints;
4 Ni prostota, ni ludorija, ni dvosmislica, što se ne priliči, nego radije zahvaljivanje!
Neither obscenities, nor words of folly, or of division, or of scurrility, which are not useful; but instead of these, thanksgiving.
5 Jer dobro znajte ovo: nijedan bludnik, ili bestidnik, ili pohlepnik - taj idolopoklonik - nema baštine u kraljevstvu Kristovu i Božjemu.
For this know ye, that every man who is a whoremonger, or impure, or avaricious, or a worshipper of idols, hath no inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah and of God.
6 Nitko neka vas ispraznim riječima ne zavarava: zbog toga dolazi gnjev Božji na sinove neposlušne.
Let no man deceive you with vain words; for it is on account of these things that the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
7 Nemajte dakle ništa s njima!
Therefore be ye not like them.
8 Da, nekoć bijaste tama, a sada ste svjetlost u Gospodinu: kao djeca svjetlosti hodite -
For ye were heretofore darkness, but now are ye light in our Lord: therefore, as the children of light, so walk ye.
9 plod je svjetlosti svaka dobrota, pravednost i istina -
For the fruits of the light are in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth.
10 i odlučite se za ono što je milo Gospodinu.
And search out what is pleasing before our Lord:
11 A nemajte udjela u jalovim djelima tame, nego ih dapače raskrinkavajte,
And have no commerce with the works of darkness which are unfruitful, but reprove them.
12 jer što potajno čine, sramota je i govoriti.
For the things they do in secret, it is nauseous even to mention.
13 A sve što se raskrinka, pod svjetlošću postaje sjajno; što je pak sjajno, svjetlost je.
For all things are exposed and made manifest by the light: and whatever maketh manifest, is light.
14 Zato veli: “Probudi se, ti što spavaš, ustani od mrtvih i zasvijetljet će ti Krist.”
Wherefore it is said: Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and the Messiah will illuminate thee.
15 Razmotrite dakle pomno kako živite! Ne kao ludi, nego kao mudri!
See therefore, that ye walk circumspectly; not like the simple,
16 Iskupljujte vrijeme jer dani su zli!
but like the wise, who purchase their opportunity; because the days are evil.
17 Zato ne budite nerazumni, nego shvatite što je volja Gospodnja!
Therefore, be not lacking in understanding; but understand ye what is the pleasure of God.
18 I ne opijajte se vinom u kojem je razuzdanost, nego - punite se Duhom!
And be not drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness; but be ye filled with the spirit.
19 Razgovarajte među sobom psalmima, hvalospjevima i duhovnim pjesmama! Pjevajte i slavite Gospodina u svom srcu!
And converse with yourselves in psalms and hymns; and with your hearts sing to the Lord, in spiritual songs.
20 Svagda i za sve zahvaljujte Bogu i Ocu u imenu Gospodina našega Isusa Krista!
And give thanks to God the Father, at all times, for all men, in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
21 Podložni budite jedni drugima u strahu Kristovu!
And be submissive one to another, in the love of the Messiah.
22 Žene svojim muževima kao Gospodinu!
Wives, be ye submissive to your husbands, as to our Lord.
23 Jer muž je glava žene kao i Krist Glava Crkve - On, Spasitelj Tijela.
Because the husband is the head of the wife, even as the Messiah is the head of the church; and he is the vivifier of the body.
24 Pa kao što se Crkva podlaže Kristu, tako i žene muževima u svemu!
And as the church is subject to the Messiah, so also let wives be to their husbands in all things.
25 Muževi, ljubite svoje žene kao što je Krist ljubio Crkvu te sebe predao za nju
Husbands, love your wives, even as the Messiah loved his church, and delivered himself up for it;
26 da je posveti, očistivši je kupelji vode uz riječ
that he might sanctify it, and cleanse it, by the washing of water, and by the word;
27 te sebi predvede Crkvu slavnu, bez ljage i nabora ili čega takva, nego da bude sveta i bez mane.
and might constitute it a glorious church for himself, in which is no stain, and no wrinkle, and nothing like them; but that it might be holy and without blemish.
28 Tako treba da i muževi ljube svoje žene kao svoja tijela. Tko ljubi svoju ženu, sebe ljubi.
It behooveth men so to love their wives, as they do their own bodies. For he that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 Ta nitko nikada ne mrzi svoga tijela, nego ga hrani i njeguje kao i Krist Crkvu.
For no one ever hated his own body; but nourisheth it, and provideth for it, even as the Messiah the church.
30 Doista, mi smo udovi njegova Tijela!
For we are members of his body and of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 Stoga će čovjek ostaviti oca i majku da prione uza svoju ženu; dvoje njih bit će jedno tijelo.
For this reason, a man should quit his father and his mother, and adhere to his wife; and the two should be one flesh.
32 Otajstvo je to veliko! Ja smjeram na Krista i na Crkvu.
This is a great mystery; but I am speaking of the Messiah, and of his church.
33 Dakle, neka svaki od vas ljubi svoju ženu kao samog sebe, a žena neka poštuje svog muža.
Nevertheless, let each of you severally so love his wife, even as himself: and let the wife reverence her husband.

< Efežanima 5 >