< Ponovljeni zakon 34 >

1 Poslije toga ode Mojsije s Moapskih poljana na brdo Nebo, na vrhunac Pisge nasuprot Jerihonu, gdje mu Jahve pokaza svu zemlju: Gilead do Dana,
Then Moses climbed up from the plains in the Moab [region] to the top of Pisgah Peak on Nebo Mountain, across [the Jordan River] from Jericho. There Yahweh showed him all the land [that the Israelis would occupy]. He showed him the Gilead [region] as far north as Dan [city];
2 sav Naftali, kraj Efrajimov i Manašeov, svu Judinu krajinu do Zapadnog mora;
all [the land that the tribe of] Naphtali would occupy; all the land [that the tribes] of Ephraim and Manasseh [had occupied]; all the land [that the tribe of] Judah would occupy as far west as the Mediterranean sea;
3 zatim Negeb, područje doline Jerihona - grada palmi - do Soara.
the desert [area in the south part of Judah]; and the [Jordan] Valley that extends from Jericho [in the north] to Zoar [city in the south].
4 Potom mu reče Jahve: “Ovo je zemlja za koju sam se zakleo Abrahamu, Izaku i Jakovu da ću je dati tvome potomstvu. Dopustio sam da je pogledaš svojim očima, ali ti onamo nećeš prijeći.”
Then Yahweh said to him, “You have now seen this land that I solemnly promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have allowed you to see it [from a distance], but you will not go there.”
5 I Mojsije, sluga Jahvin, umrije ondje u zemlji moapskoj po Jahvinoj zapovijedi.
So Moses, who [always] served Yahweh [faithfully], died there [on that mountain] in the Moab [region], which is what Yahweh said would happen.
6 I ukopa ga on u dolini u zemlji nasuprot Bet Peoru. Do dana današnjega nitko nije doznao za njegov grob.
Yahweh buried Moses’ body in a valley in the Moab [region], opposite/near Beth-Peor [town], but no one to this day knows where Yahweh buried him.
7 Mojsiju bijaše sto dvadeset godina kad umrije. Oko mu nije oslabilo niti mu je snaga popustila.
Moses was 120 years old when he died, but he was still very strong, and he could still see [MTY] very well.
8 Izraelci oplakivahu Mojsija na Moapskim poljanama trideset dana. Potom prođoše i dani oplakivanja - tugovanja za Mojsijem.
The Israeli people mourned for him in the plains of the Moab [region] for 30 days.
9 A Jošua, sin Nunov, bio je ispunjen duhom mudrosti jer Mojsije bijaše na nj položio svoje ruke. Njega su Izraelci slušali i činili kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
God caused Joshua to be very wise, because Moses had put his hands on Joshua [to appoint him to be their new leader]. The Israeli people obeyed Joshua, and they obeyed all the commands that Yahweh had given to Moses to tell to the Israeli people.
10 Ne pojavi se više prorok u Izraelu ravan Mojsiju - njega je Jahve poznavao licem u lice! -
Since the time that Moses [lived], there has never been a prophet in Israel like him. Yahweh spoke to him face-to-face/directly.
11 po svim onim znakovima i čudesima u zemlji egipatskoj za koja ga je Jahve slao da ih učini na faraonu, na svim službenicima njegovim i na svoj zemlji njegovoj,
No other prophet has performed all the kinds of [DOU] miracles that Yahweh sent Moses to perform in front of the king of Egypt, his officials, and all [HYP] the people of Egypt.
12 po onoj moćnoj ruci njegovoj i po svim onim velikim zastrašnim djelima koja učini na oči svega Izraela.
No other prophet has been able to do all the great and terrifying things that Moses did while all the Israelis watched.

< Ponovljeni zakon 34 >