< Ponovljeni zakon 28 >
1 Ako zbilja poslušaš glas Jahve, Boga svoga, držeći i vršeći sve njegove zapovijedi što ti ih danas naređujem, Jahve, Bog tvoj, uzvisit će te nad sve narode na zemlji.
If you truly obey what the Lord your God tells you, and carefully follow all his commandments that I'm giving you today, then the Lord your God will place you high above all the nations of the earth.
2 Svi ovi blagoslovi sići će na te i stići će te ako budeš slušao glas Jahve, Boga svoga.
You will have all the following blessings and even more, if you do what the Lord your God says.
3 Blagoslovljen ćeš biti u gradu, blagoslovljen u polju.
You will be blessed when you're in the town; you will be blessed when you're in the countryside.
4 Blagoslovljen će biti plod utrobe tvoje, rod zemlje tvoje, plod blaga tvoga: mlad krava tvojih i prirast stada tvoga.
You will be blessed with many children. You will be blessed with good harvests. You will be blessed with livestock—your cattle will have many calves, and your sheep will have many lambs.
5 Blagoslovljen će biti tvoj koš i naćve tvoje.
You will be blessed with plenty of bread.
6 Blagoslovljen ćeš biti kad ulaziš, blagoslovljen kad izlaziš.
You will be blessed wherever you go and in everything you do.
7 Neprijatelje tvoje koji se dignu protiv tebe Jahve će položiti preda te potučene; jednim će putem izaći na te, a na sedam putova razbježat će se ispred tebe.
The Lord will defeat the enemies who come to attack you. They will come at you from one direction, but they will scatter seven different ways.
8 Jahve će narediti da blagoslov bude s tobom u žitnicama tvojim i u svakom pothvatu ruke tvoje i blagoslivljat će te u zemlji koju ti Jahve, Bog tvoj, daje.
The Lord will bless your income and everything you do. The Lord your God will bless you in the country he is giving you.
9 Jahve će od tebe učiniti narod sebi posvećen, kako ti se zakleo, ako budeš držao zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, i hodio njegovim putovima.
The Lord will make you his holy people, just as he promised you, if you obey the Lord your God's commandments and follow his ways.
10 Svi narodi zemlje vidjet će da je nada te zazvano ime Jahvino te će strahovati od tebe.
Then everyone on earth will see that the Lord has chosen you to be his, and they will be afraid of you.
11 Jahve će te obasuti obilnim dobrima: porodom utrobe tvoje, priraštajem blaga tvoga i rodom s tla tvoga u zemlji za koju se Jahve zakleo ocima tvojim da će ti je dati.
The Lord will make you very prosperous. You will have many children, your livestock will produce plenty of young, and your land will grow good harvests—all this in the country the Lord promised your forefathers he would give you.
12 Jahve će ti otvoriti svoju bogatu riznicu - nebo - da daje kišu tvojoj zemlji u pravo vrijeme i blagoslovi svaki pothvat ruku tvojih. Mnogim ćeš narodima u zajam davati, a sam nećeš uzimati u zajam.
The Lord will provide rain for your land at the right time from his heavenly storehouse to bless all your work growing crops. You will lend money to many nations but you won't need to borrow from any of them.
13 Jahve će te držati na pročelju, a ne u začelju; uvijek ćeš biti na vrhu, nikad na dnu, ako budeš slušao zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, što ti ih danas naređujem da ih držiš i vršiš.
The Lord will put you in first place, not the last. You will only go up, never down, as long as you listen to and follow carefully the commandments of the Lord your God that I'm giving you today.
14 Ni od jedne riječi što vam je danas nalažem nemoj odstupati ni desno ni lijevo idući za drugim bogovima i iskazujući im štovanje.
Don't deviate from any of my instructions today. Don't go and worship other gods.
15 Ali ako ne budeš slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga, ne držeći i ne vršeći svih njegovih zapovijedi i svih njegovih zakona što ti ih danas naređujem, sva će ova prokletstva doći na te i stići će te:
But if you don't obey the Lord your God by following carefully all his commandments and regulations I'm giving you today, then you will experience all the following curses and more:
16 Proklet ćeš biti u gradu, proklet u polju.
You will be cursed when you're in the town; you will be cursed when you're in the countryside.
17 Proklet će biti koš tvoj i naćve tvoje.
You will be cursed by not having bread.
18 Proklet će biti plod utrobe tvoje i rod zemlje tvoje, mlad krava tvojih i priraštaj stada tvoga.
You will be cursed by not having children, and by not having good harvests, and by your cattle not having calves, and your sheep not having lambs.
19 Proklet ćeš biti kad ulaziš, proklet kad izlaziš.
You will be cursed wherever you go and in everything you do.
20 Jahve će na te puštati prokletstvo, zabunu i kletvu u svemu na što pružiš ruku svoju da uradiš, sve dok ne budeš satrt i brzo ne propadneš zbog zloće svojih djela kojima si me napustio.
The Lord will send you curses, making you confused and frustrated in everything you do, until you are brought down and die quickly because of the evil that you've done by abandoning him.
21 Kugu će Jahve za te privezati dok te ne nestane sa zemlje u koju ideš da je zaposjedneš.
The Lord will give you infectious diseases until he has wiped you out from the country you are entering town.
22 Jahve će te udariti sušicom, groznicom, upalom, žegom i sušom, medljikom i snijeti; to će te goniti dok te ne nestane.
Then Lord will hit you with sickness that makes you waste away, with a severe fever and swelling like you're burning up, while your crops are damaged by drought and blight and mildew. These will attack you until you die.
23 Nebesa nad tvojom glavom postat će mjedena, a tlo pod tvojim nogama postat će gvozdeno.
The sky above you will be like bronze, and the earth beneath you will be like iron.
24 Kišu tvoje zemlje Jahve će pretvarati u pijesak i prašinu da na te pada s nebesa dok te ne uništi.
The Lord will change the rain of your land into dust and sand; it will fall from the sky on you until you're destroyed.
25 Jahve će od tebe učiniti pobijeđenoga pred tvojim neprijateljima; jednim ćeš putem prema njima izlaziti, a na sedam putova bježat ćeš ispred njih. Strašilo ćeš postati za sva zemaljska kraljevstva.
The Lord will have your enemies defeat you. You will attack them from one direction, but you will scatter seven different ways. Everyone on earth will be horrified at what happens to you.
26 I mrtvo tijelo tvoje postat će hranom svim pticama nebeskim i svoj zvjeradi zemaljskoj. Nikoga neće biti da ih plaši.
Your dead bodies will be food for birds of prey and wild animals, and there won't be anyone to scare them away.
27 Jahve će te udarati egipatskim prištevima, čirevima, krastama i svrabom, od kojih se nećeš moći izliječiti.
The Lord will give you boils like he did to the Egyptians, with swellings and scabs and skin rashes that can't be cured.
28 Jahve će te udarati bjesnilom, sljepoćom i ludilom;
The Lord will send you mad and make you blind and confused,
29 u po bijela dana tumarat ćeš kao što tumara slijepac po mraku; nećeš imati uspjeha u svojim pothvatima; sve vrijeme svoje bit ćeš izrabljivan i pljačkan, a neće biti nikoga da te spasi.
so that even at noon you will be groping around like a blind man in the dark. You won't be successful in what you do. You'll be persecuted and robbed the whole time, and no one will come and save you.
30 Sa ženom ćeš se zaručivati, ali će je drugi posjedovati. Kuću ćeš graditi, ali u njoj nećeš stanovati. Vinograd ćeš zasađivati, ali ga nećeš brati.
You will be engaged to marry a woman, but another man will sleep with her. You will build a house but you won't live in it. You will plant a vineyard but won't benefit from any harvest.
31 Tvoga će vola na tvoje oči zaklati, ali ti od njega nećeš jesti; tvoga će magarca ispred tebe otimati, ali ti ga neće vraćati; stado će tvoje neprijatelju tvome predavati, a neće biti nikoga da ti pritekne u pomoć.
Your ox will be slaughtered right in front of you, but you won't eat any of it. Your donkey will be taken away and won't be returned to you. Your sheep will be taken by your enemies, and no one will come and save you.
32 Sinovi tvoji i kćeri tvoje bit će predavani drugome narodu. Oči će tvoje svaki dan kapati gledajući za njima, ali ruka tvoja neće moći ništa.
Your sons and daughters will be taken away as slaves to other nations while you watch, and you'll wear your eyes out crying over them, but there won't be anything you can do about it.
33 Narod koji i ne poznaješ jest će plod sa zemlje tvoje i svu muku tvoju, dok ćeš ti sve vrijeme svoje biti izrabljivan i gažen.
A foreign nation you've never heard of will eat all the crops you worked so hard to grow. You will be continually persecuted and downtrodden.
34 Ludovat ćeš od prizora što će ih oči tvoje gledati.
What you see will drive you mad.
35 Jahve će te udarati ljutim prištevima po koljenima i po stegnima - od stopala nogu tvojih do tjemena na glavi tvojoj - od kojih se nećeš moći izliječiti.
The Lord will give you painful boils that can't be cured on your knees and thighs, in fact from head to toe.
36 Jahve će odvesti i tebe i tvoga kralja, koga budeš postavio nad sobom, među narod nepoznat i tebi i tvojim ocima te ćeš ondje iskazivati štovanje drugim bogovima, drvenim i kamenim.
The Lord will exile you and your chosen king you to a foreign nation that neither you nor your forefathers had ever heard of. There you will worship other gods, idols made of wood and stone.
37 Bit ćeš na zgražanje, porugu i ruglo svim narodima među koje te Jahve odvede.
You will be something that horrifies all the nations where you've been exiled by the Lord. They will laugh at you and ridicule you.
38 Mnogo ćeš sjemena bacati u polje, ali ćeš malo žeti jer će ti urod skakavci ogolijevati.
You will sow a lot of seed in the field, but harvest very little because the locusts will destroy it.
39 Vinograde ćeš saditi i obrađivati, ali vina nećeš piti niti ćeš što brati jer će ih crv izjedati.
You will plant and vineyards and care for them, but you won't harvest the grapes or drink the wine, because they'll be eaten by maggots.
40 Imat ćeš masline po svemu svome području, ali se uljem nećeš mazati jer će ti masline opadati.
You will have olive trees all over the country but you won't have any olive oil to use, because the olives will drop early from the trees.
41 Sinove ćeš i kćeri rađati, ali tvoji neće biti jer će u sužanjstvo odlaziti.
You will have sons and daughters, but you won't have them for long, because they will be taken off into captivity as slaves.
42 Sva tvoja stabla i rod sa zemlje tvoje postat će plijenom kukaca.
Locust swarms will destroy all your trees and crops.
43 Došljak koji bude u sredini tvojoj uzdizat će se nada te, a ti ćeš padati sve niže i niže.
Foreigners who live with you will rise higher and higher in status above you, while you sink lower and lower.
44 On će uzaimati tebi, a ne ti njemu; on će biti glava, a ti rep.
They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the first, and you will be the last.
45 Sva će te ova prokletstva snalaziti, progoniti i doseći dok te ne unište, jer nisi slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga, ni držao zapovijedi njegovih i zakona njegovih koje ti je dao.
All these curses will come down on you. They will chase after you and attack you until you die because you did not obey the Lord your God and keep the commandments and regulations he gave you.
46 Ona će služiti za čudesni znak na tebi i tvome potomstvu zauvijek.
They will be lasting evidence, visible signs of what happened to you and your descendants.
47 Budući da nisi htio služiti Jahvi, Bogu svome, vesela i radosna srca zbog obilja svega,
Because you did not serve the Lord your God with happiness and with a joyful attitude,
48 služit ćeš neprijatelju svome, koga će Jahve poslati na te, u gladu i žeđi, golotinji i oskudici svakoj. Na tvoju će šiju navaljivati jaram od gvožđa dok te ne satre.
you will serve your enemies that the Lord sends to attack you with hunger, thirst, nakedness, and poverty. He will tie an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.
49 Jahve će iz daljine, s kraja zemlje, dovesti na te narod koji će sletjeti kao orao. Bit će to narod kojemu jezika nećeš razumjeti;
The Lord will bring a nation to attack you from a long way off, from the ends of the earth. They will swoop down upon you like an eagle, this nation whose language you won't understand.
50 narod bezdušan, koji neće pokazivati obzira prema starima ni smilovanja prema mladima.
They are a ruthless nation who don't respect for the old and have no mercy on the young.
51 On će ti jesti mlado od tvoga blaga i rod tvoje njive dok te ne uništi; neće ti ostavljati ni žita, ni vina, ni ulja, ni mlado od krave, ni priraštaj od stada, sve dok te ne upropasti.
They will eat your lambs and calves and the crops you've grown until you are destroyed. They won't leave you any grain or new wine or olive oil, no calves from your herds or lambs from your flocks, so you'll die of starvation.
52 Opsjedat će te u svim tvojim gradovima širom zemlje tvoje dok ne obori visoke i utvrđene bedeme u koje si polagao nadu svoju; opsjednut će te u svim gradovima tvojim širom zemlje tvoje koju ti dadne Jahve, Bog tvoj.
They will besiege all the towns in your country, until the high, fortified walls that you trust in have fallen. They will besiege all your towns in your country that the Lord your God has given you.
53 U tjeskobi i jadu, kojima će te neprijatelj tvoj pritisnuti, jest ćeš plod utrobe svoje - meso sinova svojih i kćeri svojih koje ti dadne Jahve, Bog tvoj.
You'll end up eating your children, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God gave you, because of the siege and the suffering that your enemy will cause you.
54 Čovjek najnježniji i najmekši u tebe zlobnim će okom gledati na vlastitog brata, ženu u svome naručju i djecu svoju što mu preostanu,
The kindest and most sensitive man among you will refuse to share his food with his brother, the wife he loves, and those of his own children who are left.
55 ne hoteći ni s jednim od njih dijeliti mesa sinova svojih koje bude jeo, jer zbog tjeskobe i jada, kojima će te neprijatelj tvoj pritiskati po svim gradovima tvojim, drugo mu neće preostajati.
He will refuse to share with any of them the flesh of his children that he's forced to eat because he doesn't have anything else because of the siege and suffering your enemy has caused you in all your towns.
56 I žena najnježnija i najmekša što bude u tebe - toliko nježna i tankoćutna da se ne usuđuje spustiti stopala na zemlju - zlobnim će okom gledati na muža u svome naručju, i na sina svoga, i na kćer svoju,
The kindest and most sensitive woman among you, so kind and sensitive she wouldn't ever go barefoot on the ground, will refuse to share her food, a baby and its afterbirth, with the husband she loves and her own son and daughter.
57 i na posteljicu svoju što joj iziđe između nogu, i na djecu što ih ima roditi, jer će ih potajno jesti, oskudna u svemu, zbog nevolje i jada kojim će te neprijatelj tvoj pritisnuti po svim gradovima tvojim.
She will even secretly eat her the babies she gives birth to and the afterbirth, since she doesn't have anything else because of the siege and suffering your enemy has caused you in all your towns,
58 Ako ne budeš držao i vršio riječi ovoga Zakona što su napisane u ovoj knjizi, ne poštujući ovo slavno i strašno Ime - Jahvu, Boga svoga -
If you don't carefully observe all these laws written down in this book so that you may show respect for this glorious and awesome Lord your God,
59 Jahve će tebe i tvoje potomstvo teško ošinuti velikim i dugotrajnim bičevima, pogubnim i dugim bolestima.
he will bring down on you and your descendants unbelievable disasters, intense and long-lasting diseases, and terrible and incurable sicknesses.
60 Pustit će na te sva zla egipatska kojih si se plašio, i ona će se prilijepiti za te.
He will give you all the diseases you were terrified of in Egypt, and they will stay with you.
61 A i svaku drugu bolest i bič, koji nije naveden u knjizi ovoga Zakona, Jahve će na te puštati dok te ne uništi.
The Lord will also give you every sickness and disease, even those not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed.
62 Ostat će vas samo malo, vas što brojni bijaste kao zvijezde nebeske, a sve zato što nisi slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga.
You who grew as numerous as the stars in the sky will end up as only a few, because you would not obey what Lord your God told you.
63 Kako se Jahve nad vama radovao usrećujući vas i množeći, tako će se Jahve radovati nad vama rušeći vas i uništavajući da se iskorijenite sa zemlje u koju idete da je zaposjednete.
In the same way as he wanted to make you prosperous and increase in number, so now he will wipe you out and destroy you. You will be uprooted from the country you are going in to own.
64 Jahve će vas razbacati po svim narodima, s kraja na kraj zemlje; ondje ćeš iskazivati štovanje drugim bogovima: drvenim i kamenim - koji su bili nepoznati i tebi i tvojim ocima.
The Lord will scatter you among the nations all over the earth, and there you will worship other gods, gods made of wood and stone, which you and your fathers had never heard of.
65 Ali među tim narodima nećeš imati mira; ni tvome stopalu neće biti počivališta, nego će ti ondje Jahve dati srce uznemireno, oči utonule, dušu tjeskobnu.
You won't find any place to rest among those nations, no place of your own. The Lord will make you anxious, with failing eyesight and a mind full of despair.
66 Život tvoj visjet će o niti; bojat ćeš se i danju i noću i nećeš biti siguran za život svoj.
You will see your life hanging in the balance as you doubt. You will be afraid day and night, terrified you won't survive.
67 U strahu koji će ti stezati srce i od prizora što će ga oči tvoje gledati, jutrom ćeš govoriti: 'Oh, da je već večer!' a navečer ćeš govoriti: 'Oh, da je već jutro!'
In the morning you'll say, “I wish it was evening!” and in the evening you'll say, “I wish it was morning!” because you're so frightened by the terrifying things you see.
68 U Egipat će te na galijama natrag odvesti Jahve putem za koji sam ti rekao da ga više ne smiješ vidjeti. Ondje ćete se vi sami prodavati svojim neprijateljima za robove i ropkinje, ali neće biti kupca.”
The Lord will send you back to Egypt in ships to a place that I said you weren't ever meant to see again. You will put yourselves on sale there to your enemies as male and female slaves, but nobody will want to buy you.