< Ponovljeni zakon 15 >

1 Na završetku sedme godine opraštaj dugove.
You are to cancel debts the end of every seven years.
2 Ovako neka bude opraštanje: neka svatko oprosti dužniku svoje potraživanje; neka ne utjeruje duga od svoga bližnjega ni od svoga brata kad se jednom proglasi Jahvino otpuštanje dugova.
This is the way the it will work: If you provided a loan to someone you must cancel it. You are not allowed to collect anything from another Israelite, because the Lord's time of debt cancelation has been announced.
3 Možeš tražiti od tuđina, ali ono što se tvoga nađe kod tvoga brata treba da otpustiš,
You are allowed to collect payments from a foreigner, but you must cancel whatever your fellow Israelite owes you.
4 da ne bude siromaha kod tebe. TÓa Jahve će te obilno blagoslivljati u zemlji koju ti Jahve, Bog tvoj, daje u baštinu da je zaposjedneš,
However, you shouldn't have poor people among you, for the Lord will really bless you in the country that the Lord your God is giving you to own.
5 samo ako budeš dobro slušao glas Jahve, Boga svoga, držeći i vršeći sve ove zapovijedi što ti ih danas naređujem.
You just need to make sure you obey the Lord your God, and that you're careful to follow all these commandments I'm giving you today.
6 Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslivljat će te kako ti je obećao te ćeš moći zajmove davati mnogim narodima, a sam ih nećeš morati uzimati; i nad mnogim ćeš narodima vladati, dok oni nad tobom neće gospodariti.
The Lord your God is going to bless you as he promised. You will lend money to many nations but you won't need to borrow from any of them; you will rule over many nations but you won't be ruled by them.
7 Nađe li se kod tebe kakav siromah, netko od tvoje braće u kojem god gradu u zemlji što ti je Jahve, Bog tvoj, dadne, ne budi tvrda srca niti zatvaraj svoje ruke prema svome siromašnome bratu,
If there are Israelites who are poor in any of your towns in the country the Lord your God is giving you, then you must not be unfeeling or miserly towards them.
8 nego mu širom rastvori svoju ruku i spremno mu daj što mu nedostaje.
On the contrary. You should be generous to them, and lend them whatever they need.
9 Čuvaj se da ti se u srcu ne porodi opaka misao te rekneš: 'Sedma se godina, godina otpuštanja dugova, već približuje' - i da prijekim okom pogledaš svoga siromašnog brata i ništa mu ne dadneš. On bi zazvao Jahvu protiv tebe i grijeh bi bio na tebi.
Make sure you don't think evil thoughts like, “The seventh year is coming up when debts will be canceled,” so that you look down on the poor with a sneer and refuse to give them anything. They will complain to the Lord about you, and you will be found guilty of sin.
10 Daj mu rado, a ne da ti srce bude zlovoljno kad mu daješ, jer će te zbog toga blagoslivljati Jahve, Bog tvoj, u svakom poslu tvome i u svakom pothvatu ruku tvojih.
Give and give again to them, and don't feel irritated when you give. When you give generously the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you decide to do.
11 Kako siromaha nikad neće nestati iz zemlje, zapovijedam ti: širom otvaraj svoju ruku svome bratu, svome siromahu i potrebitu u zemlji svojoj.
You will always have those who are poor and in need among you, so that's why I'm telling you to give generously to them.
12 Ako se tebi proda brat tvoj - Hebrejac ili Hebrejka - neka ti služi šest godina, a sedme ga godine otpusti od sebe slobodna.
If a Hebrew, one of your own people, whether man or woman, sells themselves to you as a slave and works for you for six years, you have to free them in the seventh year.
13 Kad ga slobodna od sebe otpustiš, ne šalji ga praznih ruku.
And when you free them, don't send them away with nothing.
14 Daruj ga čime između stoke svoje, s gumna svoga i iz badnja svoga; čime te već Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslovio, od toga i njemu daj.
Give them plenty of gifts: animals from your flocks, grain from your threshing floor, and wine from your winepress. Give to them as generously as the Lord your God has blessed you.
15 Sjećaj se kako si bio rob u zemlji egipatskoj i kako te Jahve, Bog tvoj, otkupio. Zato ti ovo zapovijedam danas.
Don't forget that you were once slaves in Egypt, and the Lord your God set you free. That's why I'm giving you this command today.
16 Ali ako ti on kaže: 'Neću da odlazim od tebe', jer voli tebe i dom tvoj i jer mu je kod tebe bilo dobro -
However, if your male slave tells you, “I don't want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and is better off staying with you,
17 uzmi tada šilo i probuši mu uho na vratima, i neka ti bude robom zauvijek! Tako isto učini i sa svojom sluškinjom.
then use a metal tool to pierce his ear against the door, and he will be your slave for life. Do the same for your female slave.
18 Kad ga budeš otpuštao od sebe slobodna, neka ti ne bude teško, jer je zavrijedio dvostruku najamničku plaću za šest godina što ti je služio. Zato će te Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagosloviti u svemu što budeš radio.
Don't see it as a problem to free your slave, because your slave's six years of service to you was worth twice what you would have paid to hire someone. The Lord your God will bless you in everything you do for acting in this way.
19 Sve muške prvine što ih omladi tvoja krupna i sitna stoka posveti Jahvi, Bogu svome! Stoga vola prvenca nemoj uprezati niti strići prvenca od svoje sitne stoke.
You are to separate out to give the Lord your God all the firstborn males of your herds and flocks. You must not have the firstborn of your cattle work, and don't shear the firstborn of your sheep.
20 Blaguj ga ti i tvoj dom svake godine u nazočnosti Jahve, Boga svoga, u mjestu što ga odabere Jahve.
Every year you and your family are to eat these animals that have been sacrificed in the presence of the Lord your God in the place that the Lord will choose.
21 Ali ako bi imali kakvu manu, ako bi bili hromi ili slijepi ili imali kakvu god ružnu manu, nemoj ih žrtvovati Jahvi, Bogu svomu!
However, if an animal has some defect or is lame or blind, in fact if it has any serious defect at all, you are not to sacrifice it to the Lord your God.
22 Pojedi ih u svojoj kući. I nečist i čist mogu ih jesti, kao srnu i jelena.
Eat it at home. All of you, whether you're ceremonially clean or not, can it eat it just like you would eat a gazelle or a deer,
23 Jedino krvi njihove ne smiješ jesti! Istoči je na zemlju kao vodu.
but you are not to eat the blood—pour that out on the ground.

< Ponovljeni zakon 15 >