< Daniel 7 >

1 Prve godine Baltazara, kralja babilonskoga, usni Daniel san: utvare mu se na postelji vrzle glavom. Sažeto zapisa što je usnio.
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel hath seen a dream, and the visions of his head on his bed, then the dream he hath written, the chief of the things he hath said.
2 Kazivaše ovako: Noću u viđenju pogledah, kad eno: četiri vjetra nebeska uzbibaše veliko more.
Answered hath Daniel and said, 'I was seeing in my vision by night, and lo, the four winds of the heavens are coming forth to the great sea;
3 Četiri goleme nemani iziđoše iz mora, svaka drukčija. Prva bijaše kao lav, a krila joj orlovska.
and four great beasts are coming up from the sea, diverse one from another.
4 Dok je promatrah, krila joj se iščupaše, diže se ona sa zemlje i uspravi na noge kao čovjek, i bijaše joj dano srce čovječje.
The first [is] like a lion, and it hath an eagle's wings. I was seeing till that its wings have been plucked, and it hath been lifted up from the earth, and on feet as a man it hath been caused to stand, and a heart of man is given to it.
5 Kad eno druga neman: gle, sasvim drukčija: kao medvjed, s jedne strane uspravljena, tri joj rebra u raljama, među zubima. I bijaše joj rečeno: “Ustani, nažderi se mesa!”
And lo, another beast, a second, like to a bear, and to the same authority it hath been raised, and three ribs [are] in its mouth, between its teeth, and thus they are saying to it, Rise, consume much flesh.
6 Gledah dalje, i evo: treća neman kao leopard, na leđima joj četiri ptičja krila: imaše četiri glave, i dana joj je moć.
'After this I was seeing, and lo, another like a leopard, and it hath four wings of a fowl on its back, and four heads hath the beast, and dominion is given to it.
7 Zatim, u noćnim viđenjima, pogledah, kad eno: četvrta neman, strahovita, užasna, izvanredno snažna: imaše velike gvozdene zube; ona žderaše, mrvljaše, a što preostade, gazila je nogama. Razlikovala se od prijašnjih nemani i imaše deset rogova.
'After this I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and fearful, and exceedingly strong; and it hath iron teeth very great, it hath consumed, yea, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled; and it [is] diverse from all the beasts that [are] before it; and it hath ten horns.
8 Promatrah joj rogove, i gle: među njima poraste jedan mali rog; i pred tim se rogom iščupaše tri prijašnja roga. I gle, na tome rogu oči kao oči čovječje i usta koja govorahu velike hule.
'I was considering about the horns, and lo, another horn, a little one, hath come up between them, and three of the first horns have been eradicated from before it, and lo, eyes as the eyes of man [are] in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things.
9 Gledao sam: Prijestolja bjehu postavljena i Pradavni sjede. Odijelo mu bijelo poput snijega; vlasi na glavi kao čista vuna. Njegovo prijestolje kao plamenovi ognjeni i točkovi kao žarki oganj.
'I was seeing till that thrones have been thrown down, and the Ancient of Days is seated, His garment as snow [is] white, and the hair of his head [is] as pure wool, His throne flames of fire, its wheels burning fire.
10 Rijeka ognjena tekla, izvirala ispred njega. Tisuću tisuća služahu njemu, mirijade stajahu pred njim. Sud sjede, knjige se otvoriše.
A flood of fire is proceeding and coming forth from before Him, a thousand thousands do serve Him, and a myriad of myriads before Him do rise up, the Judge is seated, and the books have been opened.
11 Ja gledah tada, zbog buke velikih hula što ih govoraše rog, i dok gledah, neman bi ubijena, njezino tijelo raskomadano i predano ognju.
'I was seeing, then, because of the voice of the great words that the horn is speaking, I was seeing till that the beast is slain, and his body hath been destroyed, and given to the burning fire;
12 Ostalim nemanima vlast bi oduzeta, ali im duljina života bi na jedno vrijeme i rok.
and the rest of the beasts have caused their dominion to pass away, and a prolongation in life is given to them, till a season and a time.
13 Gledah u noćnim viđenjima i gle, na oblacima nebeskim dolazi kao Sin čovječji. On se približi Pradavnome i dovedu ga k njemu.
'I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, with the clouds of the heavens as a son of man was [one] coming, and unto the Ancient of Days he hath come, and before Him they have brought him near.
14 Njemu bi predana vlast, čast i kraljevstvo, da mu služe svi narodi, plemena i jezici. Vlast njegova vlast je vječna i nikada neće proći, kraljevstvo njegovo neće propasti.
And to him is given dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, and all peoples, nations, and languages do serve him, his dominion [is] a dominion age-during, that passeth not away, and his kingdom that which is not destroyed.
15 Meni, Danielu, smete se zbog toga sav duh, viđenja mi se vrzoše glavom, svega me prestraviše.
'Pierced hath been my spirit — I, Daniel — in the midst of the sheath, and the visions of my head trouble me;
16 Pristupih jednome od onih koji stajahu ondje i zamolih ga da mi rekne istinu o svemu tome. On mi odgovori i kaza mi značenje:
I have drawn near unto one of those standing, and the certainty I seek from him of all this; and he hath said to me, yea, the interpretation of the things he hath caused me to know:
17 “One četiri goleme nemani jesu četiri kralja koji će se dići na zemlji.
'These great beasts, that [are] four, [are] four kings, they rise up from the earth;
18 Ali će od njih kraljevstvo preuzeti Sveci Svevišnjega i oni će ga posjedovati za vijeke vjekova.”
and receive the kingdom do the saints of the Most High, and they strengthen the kingdom unto the age, even unto the age of the ages.
19 Zaželjeh tada saznati istinu o četvrtoj nemani, onoj koja se razlikovaše od svih drugih, bila izvanredno strašna, imala gvozdene zube i mjedene pandže i koja je žderala i mrvila i nogama gazila što preostajaše;
'Then I wished for certainty concerning the fourth beast, that was diverse from them all, fearful exceedingly; its teeth of iron, and its nails of brass, it hath devoured, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled;
20 i o deset rogova što bijahu na njezinoj glavi, i o drugom rogu koji poraste dok tri prva otpadoše - o rogu koji imaše oči i usta što govorahu velike hule i koji bijaše veći nego drugi rogovi.
and concerning the ten horns that [are] in its heads, and of the other that came up, and before which three have fallen, even of that horn that hath eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, and whose appearance [is] great above its companions.
21 I gledao sam kako ovaj rog ratuje protiv Svetaca te ih nadvladava,
'I was seeing, and this horn is making war with the saints, and hath prevailed over them,
22 dok ne dođe Pradavni, koji dosudi pravdu Svecima Svevišnjega, i dok ne dođe vrijeme kad Sveci zaposjedoše kraljevstvo.
till that the Ancient of Days hath come, and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High, and the time hath come, and the saints have strengthened the kingdom.
23 On reče: “Četvrta neman bit će četvrto kraljevstvo na zemlji, različito od svih kraljevstava. Progutat će svu zemlju, zgazit' je i smrviti.
'Thus he said: The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom in the earth, that is diverse from all kingdoms, and it consumeth all the earth, and treadeth it down, and breaketh it small.
24 A deset rogova: Od ovoga kraljevstva nastat će deset kraljeva, a iza njih će se podići jedan drugi različit od onih prvih - i oborit će tri kralja.
And the ten horns out of the kingdom [are] ten kings, they rise, and another doth rise after them, and it is diverse from the former, and three kings it humbleth;
25 On će huliti na Svevišnjega, zatirati Svece Svevišnjega; pomišljat će da promijeni blagdane i Zakon, i Sveci će biti predani u njegove ruke na jedno vrijeme i dva vremena i polovinu vremena.
and words as an adversary of the Most High it doth speak, and the saints of the Most High it doth wear out, and it hopeth to change seasons and law; and they are given into its hand, till a time, and times, and a division of a time.
26 Tada će sjesti Sud, vlast mu oduzeti, razoriti, sasvim uništiti.
'And the Judge is seated, and its dominion they cause to pass away, to cut off, and to destroy — unto the end;
27 A kraljevstvo, vlast i veličanstvo pod svim nebesima dat će se puku Svetaca Svevišnjega. Kraljevstvo njegovo kraljevstvo je vječno, i sve vlasti služit će mu i pokoravati se njemu.”
and the kingdom, and the dominion, even the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens, is given to the people — the saints of the Most High, His kingdom [is] a kingdom age-during, and all dominions do serve and obey Him.
28 Ovdje se završava izvještaj. Ja, Daniel, bijah vrlo potresen u svojim mislima i lice mi problijedje, ali sve ovo sačuvah u srcu svojemu.
'Hitherto [is] the end of the matter. I, Daniel, greatly do my thoughts trouble me, and my countenance is changed on me, and the matter in my heart I have kept.

< Daniel 7 >