< Amos 5 >

1 Počujte ovu riječ što je iznosim protiv vas, naricaljku, dome Izraelov:
Give ear to this word, my song of sorrow over you, O children of Israel.
2 Pade i više neće ustati djevica izraelska. Na tlu svojem ona leži, nikog da je digne.
The virgin of Israel has been made low, never again to be lifted up: she is stretched out by herself on her land; there is no one to put her on her feet again.
3 Jer ovako govori Jahve Gospod domu Izraelovu: u gradu iz kojeg izlažaše tisuća, ostat će stotina, iz kojeg izlažaše stotina, ostat će ih deset.
For these are the words of the Lord God: The town which was able to send out a thousand, will have only a hundred; and that which sent out a hundred, will have only ten, in Israel.
4 Jer ovako govori Jahve domu Izraelovu: “Tražite i živjet ćete.
For these are the words of the Lord to the children of Israel: Let your hearts be turned to me, so that you may have life:
5 Ne tražite Betela, ne idite u Gilgal, ne putujte u Beer Šebu, jer će Gilgal bit odveden u izgnanstvo, a Betel će se prometnuti u ništa.
Do not be looking for help to Beth-el, and do not go to Gilgal, or make your way to Beer-sheba: for Gilgal will certainly be taken prisoner, and Beth-el will come to nothing.
6 Tražite Jahvu i živjet ćete, il' će ko' oganj zahvatiti kuću Josipovu i sažeć' je, a u Betelu nikog da plamen ugasi.”
Go to the Lord for help so that you may have life; for fear that he may come like fire bursting out in the family of Joseph, causing destruction, and there will be no one to put it out in Beth-el.
7 Jao onima koji pravdu pretvaraju u pelin, u prah bacaju poštenje!
You who make the work of judging a bitter thing, crushing down righteousness to the earth;
8 On napravi Vlašiće i Štapce, on obrće mrak u zoru, a dan u najglušu noć. On saziva morske vode i valja ih preko lica zemlje. Jahve mu je ime.
Go for help to him who makes Orion and the Pleiades, by whom the deep dark is turned into morning, who makes the day black with night; whose voice goes out to the waters of the sea, sending them out over the face of the earth: the Lord is his name;
9 Nenadano šalje pustoš na tvrđavu i utvrdi propast nosi.
Who sends sudden destruction on the strong, so that destruction comes on the walled town.
10 Mrze čovjeka što na vratima pravdu dijeli i grde onog što zbori pošteno.
They have hate for him who makes protest against evil in the public place, and he whose words are upright is disgusting to them.
11 Stoga, jer gazite siromaha, dižući od njega porez u žitu - u kućama što ih sazdaste od tesanika nikad živjet' nećete; iz ljupkih vinograda što ih posadiste nikad nećete piti vina.
So because the poor man is crushed under your feet, and you take taxes from him of grain: you have made for yourselves houses of cut stone, but you will not take your rest in them; the fair vine-gardens planted by your hands will not give you wine.
12 Jer znam mnoge vaše zločine, i vaše grijehe pregoleme: tlačite pravednika i primate mito, odbijajuć' siromaha na gradskim vratima.
For I have seen how your evil-doing is increased and how strong are your sins, you troublers of the upright, who take rewards and do wrong to the cause of the poor in the public place.
13 Mudrac šuti u ovo vrijeme, jer vremena su tako zla.
So the wise will say nothing in that time; for it is an evil time.
14 Tražite dobro, a ne zlo, da biste živjeli, i da Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, odista s vama bude kao što velite da jest.
Go after good and not evil, so that life may be yours: and so the Lord, the God of armies, will be with you, as you say.
15 Mrzite zlo, ljubite dobro, držite pravicu na gradskim vratima, pa će se možda Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, smilovat' ostatku Josipovu.
Be haters of evil and lovers of good, and let right be done in the public place: it may be that the Lord, the God of armies, will have mercy on the rest of Joseph.
16 Stog ovako govori Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, Gospod: “Na svakom će trgu biti kuknjava, po svim će ulicama zapomagati: 'Jao! Jao!' Težake će sazvat' da jauču, narikače da nariču,
So these are the words of the Lord, the God of armies, the Lord: There will be weeping in all the open spaces; and in all the streets they will say, Sorrow! sorrow! and they will get in the farmer to the weeping, and the makers of sad songs to give cries of grief.
17 bit će jauk u svakom vinogradu, jer ću proći posred tebe” - veli Jahve.
In all the vine-gardens there will be cries of grief: for I will go through among you, says the Lord.
18 “Jao vama što žudite za danom Jahvinim! Što će vam biti dan Jahvin? Tama, a ne svjetlost.
Sorrow to you who are looking for the day of the Lord! what is the day of the Lord to you? it is dark and not light.
19 Bit će vam k'o onom što uteče lavljim raljama, a sretne ga medvjed; koji uđe u kuću i stavi ruku na zid, a ujede ga zmija.
As if a man, running away from a lion, came face to face with a bear; or went into the house and put his hand on the wall and got a bite from a snake.
20 Neće li dan Jahvin biti tama, a ne svjetlost? Mrklina, a ne sunčan sjaj?
Will not the day of the Lord be dark and not light? even very dark, with no light shining in it?
21 Mrzim i prezirem vaše blagdane i nisu mi mile vaše svečanosti.
Your feasts are disgusting to me, I will have nothing to do with them; I will take no delight in your holy meetings.
22 Paljenice kad mi prinosite, prinosnice mi vaše nisu mile, na pričesnice se od ugojenih telaca vaših i ne osvrćem.
Even if you give me your burned offerings and your meal offerings, I will not take pleasure in them: I will have nothing to do with the peace-offerings of your fat beasts.
23 Uklonite od mene dreku svojih pjesama, neću da slušam zvuke vaših harfa.
Take away from me the noise of your songs; my ears are shut to the melody of your instruments.
24 Pravda nek' poteče kao voda i pravica k'o bujica silna.
But let the right go rolling on like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
25 Prinosiste li mi žrtve i prinos u pustinji četrdeset godina, dome Izraelov?
Did you come to me with offerings of beasts and meal offerings in the waste land for forty years, O Israel?
26 Nosit ćete Sikuta, svoga kralja, i Kevana, boga svoga, likove što ih sebi napraviste,
Truly, you will take up Saccuth your king and Kaiwan your images, the star of your god, which you made for yourselves.
27 dok vas budem odvodio onkraj Damaska,” govori Jahve - Bog nad Vojskama njemu je ime.
And I will send you away as prisoners farther than Damascus, says the Lord, whose name is the God of armies.

< Amos 5 >