< Djela apostolska 3 >
1 Petar i Ivan uzlazili su u Hram na devetu molitvenu uru.
Now Peter and John were going up together into the temple at the hour (the ninth) of prayer.
2 Upravo su donosili nekog čovjeka, hroma od majčine utrobe; njega bi svaki dan postavljali kod hramskih vrata, zvanih Divna, da prosi milostinju od onih koji ulaze u Hram.
And a certain man, who had actually been lame from his mother's womb, was being carried (they would lay him daily at the temple gate, the one called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple),
3 On ugleda Petra i Ivana upravo kad zakoračiše u Hram te zamoli milostinju.
who, upon seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, began asking for alms.
4 Petar ga zajedno s Ivanom prodorno pogleda i reče: “Pogledaj u nas!”
So Peter, with John, fastening his gaze on him said, “Look at us.”
5 Dok ih je molećivo motrio očekujući od njih nešto dobiti,
So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.
6 reče mu Petar: “Srebra i zlata nema u mene, ali što imam - to ti dajem: u ime Isusa Krista Nazarećanina hodaj!”
But Peter said: “I do not have silver and gold, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Natsorean, get up and walk!”
7 I uhvativši ga za desnu ruku, pridiže ga: umah mu omoćaše noge i gležnjevi
And grasping him by his right hand he lifted him up; immediately his feet and ankles were strengthened.
8 pa skoči, uspravi se, stane hodati te uđe s njima u Hram hodajući, poskakujući i hvaleći Boga.
So jumping up he stood, and began to walk! And he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 Sav ga narod vidje kako hoda i hvali Boga.
Well all the people saw him walking and praising God;
10 Razabraše da je to on - onaj koji je na Divnim vratima Hrama prosio milostinju - i ostadoše zapanjeni i izvan sebe zbog onoga što se s njim dogodilo.
and they recognized him—that he was the one who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, with a view to alms—and they were filled with wonder and amazement because of what had happened to him.
11 Kako se pak on držao Petra i Ivana, sav se narod zapanjen strča k njima u trijem zvani Salomonov.
Now as the lame man who had been healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico, the one called ‘Solomon's’, really wondering.
12 Kada to vidje Petar, obrati se narodu: “Izraelci, što se ovomu čudite? Ili što nas gledate kao da smo svojom snagom ili pobožnošću postigli da ovaj prohoda?
So upon observing this Peter responded to the people: “Men of Israel, why are you marveling at this, or why are you staring at us as if we have made him walk by our own power or godliness?
13 Bog Abrahamov, Izakov i Jakovljev, Bog otaca naših, proslavi slugu svoga, Isusa kojega vi predadoste i kojega se odrekoste pred Pilatom kad već bijaše odlučio pustiti ga.
The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up; and you repudiated Him to Pilate's face, when he was intending to release Him.
14 Vi se odrekoste Sveca i Pravednika, a izmoliste da vam se daruje ubojica.
Yes you repudiated the holy and righteous One, and you asked that a murderer be granted to you,
15 Začetnika života ubiste. Ali Bog ga uskrisi od mrtvih, čemu smo mi svjedoci.”
while you killed the Originator of the Life, whom God raised from among the dead, to which we are witnesses.
16 “I po vjeri u njegovo ime, to je ime dalo snagu ovomu kojega gledate i poznate: vjera u Njega vratila je ovomu potpuno zdravlje naočigled vas sviju.”
Well His name, based on faith in His name, made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith that is through Him has given him this wholeness in the presence of you all.
17 “I sada, braćo, znam da ste ono uradili iz neznanja kao i glavari vaši.
“So now, brothers, I know that you did it in ignorance, as also your rulers.
18 Ali Bog tako ispuni što unaprijed navijesti po ustima svih proroka: da će njegov Pomazanik trpjeti.
But the things that God foretold through the mouth of all His prophets, that the Messiah would suffer, He has thus fulfilled.
19 Pokajte se dakle i obratite da se izbrišu grijesi vaši
Repent therefore, and turn around, so that your sins may be erased, in order that times of refreshing may come from the Lord's face
20 pa od Gospodina dođu vremena rashlade te on pošalje vama unaprijed namijenjenog Pomazanika, Isusa.”
and that He may send Jesus, who had been ordained to be your Messiah,
21 Njega treba da nebo pridrži do vremena uspostave svega što obeća Bog na usta svetih proroka svojih odvijeka.” (aiōn )
whom Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, of which times God spoke long ago by the mouth of all His holy prophets. (aiōn )
22 “Mojsije tako reče: Proroka poput mene od vaše braće podignut će vam Gospodin, Bog vaš. Njega slušajte u svemu što vam god reče.
“For example, Moses said to the fathers: ‘The Lord our God will raise up for you a Prophet, like me, from among your brothers. You must listen to Him, in all that He may say to you.
23 I svaka duša koja ne posluša toga proroka, neka se iskorijeni iz naroda.”
It will be that every person who will not listen to that Prophet will be extirpated from among the people.’
24 “I svi Proroci koji su - od Samuela dalje - govorili, također su navijestili ove dane.”
“Yes and all the prophets, from Samuel on down, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days.
25 “Vi ste sinovi proroka i Saveza koji sklopi Bog s ocima vašim govoreći Abrahamu: Potomstvom će se tvojim blagoslivljati sva plemena zemlje.
You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘Yes, in your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’
26 Vama najprije podiže Bog Slugu svoga i posla ga blagoslivljati vas da se svatko obrati od opačina svojih.”
God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to you first, to bless you by turning each of you away from your iniquities.”