< Djela apostolska 23 >

1 Pavao uprije pogled u Vijeće i reče: “Braćo, ja sam posve mirne savjesti živio pred Bogom sve do dana današnjega.”
And Paul, looking the sanhedrim in the face, said, Men, brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God unto this day.
2 Nato veliki svećenik Ananija naredi onima što stajahu uza nj da ga udare po ustima.
And the high priest Ananias commanded those standing near him to smite him in the mouth.
3 Onda mu Pavao reče: “Udarit će Bog tebe, zide obijeljeni! Ti li sjediš da me po Zakonu sudiš, a protuzakonito zapovijedaš da me biju?”
Then Paul said to him, God is about to smite thee, thou whitewashed wall: indeed thou art sitting judging me according to the law, and dost thou command me to be smitten contrary to the law?
4 Oni što su ondje stajali rekoše nato: “Zar velikog svećenika Božjega da pogrđuješ?”
And those standing by said, Do you revile the high priest of God?
5 Pavao odvrati: “Nisam znao, braćo, da je veliki svećenik. Ta pisano je: Glavara naroda svoga ne proklinji.”
And Paul said, Brethren, I did not know that he is the high priest; for it is written, You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.
6 Pavao je znao da su oni dijelom saduceji, a dijelom farizeji pa povika u Vijeću: “Braćo, ja sam farizej, sin farizeja. Sudi mi se zbog nade, uskrsnuća mrtvih.”
And Paul knowing that one part of them belongs to the Sadducees, and another to the Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men, brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of the Pharisees: concerning the hope and the resurrection of the dead I am judged.
7 Tek što je on to rekao, nasta razmirica između farizeja i saduceja i mnoštvo se razdijeli.
And he speaking this, there was a dissension of the Pharisees and Sadducees: and the multitude was divided.
8 Jer saduceji vele da nema uskrsnuća, ni anđela, ni duha, a farizeji sve to priznaju.
For the Sadducees indeed say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.
9 Nasta velika graja te ustadoše neki pismoznanci farizejske stranke i zaoštre boj govoreći: “Ništa zlo ne nalazimo na tom čovjeku! A što ako mu je duh govorio, ili anđeo?”
And there was a great clamor: and certain ones of the scribes on the part of the Pharisees, rising up, continued to strive, saying, We find nothing evil in this man: but has a spirit or an angel spoken to him?
10 Kad razmirica posta još većom, poboja se tisućnik da Pavla ne rastrgaju pa zapovjedi da vojska siđe, otme ga ispred njih i povede u vojarnu.
And the dissension being great, the chiliarch fearing lest Paul may be torn to pieces by them, commanded the army, having gone down, to take him from their midst, and lead him into the castle.
11 Iduće noći pristupi mu Gospodin i reče: “Hrabro samo! Jer kao što si za me svjedočio u Jeruzalemu tako treba da i u Rimu posvjedočiš!”
And on the following night, the Lord standing over him, said, Take courage: for as thou hast testified to the things concerning me in Jerusalem, so it behooveth thee also to testify to me in Rome.
12 Kad osvanu dan, skovaše Židovi urotu i zakleše se da neće ni jesti ni piti dok ne ubiju Pavla.
And it being day, the Jews having formed a conspiracy, obligated themselves by an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they might kill Paul.
13 Bilo je više od četrdeset onih koji su skovali tu zavjeru.
And there were more than forty having made this plot:
14 Oni odu k velikim svećenicima i starješinama pa reknu: “Zakletvom se zaklesmo ništa ne okusiti dok ne ubijemo Pavla.
who, having come to the chief priests and elders, said, We have anathematized ourselves with an anathema, to taste nothing until we may kill Paul.
15 Stoga vi sada zajedno s Vijećem predočite tisućniku neka vam ga dovede kao da kanite točnije razaznati njegov slučaj. A mi smo spremni pogubiti ga prije negoli se i približi.”
Now therefore do you appeal to the chiliarch along with the sanhedrim, that he may lead him down to you, as about to investigate matters concerning him more thoroughly: and we are ready to kill him before he comes nigh.
16 Ali sin Pavlove sestre doču za zavjeru, približi se i uđe u vojarnu dojaviti Pavlu.
And the son of Paul's sister, having heard of ambuscade, coming and entering into the castle, reported it to Paul.
17 Pavao pak pozove jednog satnika i reče mu: “Ovog mladića odvedi k tisućniku: ima mu nešto dojaviti.”
And Paul, having called one of the centurions, said, Lead this young man to the chiliarch: for he has something to tell him.
18 On ga uze, odvede k tisućniku i reče mu: “Uznik me Pavao pozva i zaiska da ovog mladića privedem k tebi; ima ti nešto reći.”
Then indeed taking him, he led him to the chiliarch, and says, Paul the prisoner, having called me, requested me to lead this young man to you, having something to tell you.
19 Tisućnik ga prihvati za ruku, povede nasamo pa ga upita: “Što mi imaš dojaviti?”
And the chiliarch taking him by the hand, and having gone away privately, asked him, What is that which you have to tell me?
20 “Židovi su se, reče on, dogovorili da te zamole da im sutra Pavla dovedeš u Vijeće kao da se kane točnije raspitati o njemu.
And he said, The Jews have entered into an agreement to ask you that to-morrow you may lead Paul to the sanhedrim, as about to make inquiry as to something more definite concerning him.
21 Ne vjeruj im! U zasjedi ga čeka više od četrdeset onih koji se zakleše da neće jesti ni piti dok ga ne smaknu. Već su spremni, samo čekaju tvoju privolu.”
Therefore do not be persuaded by them: for more than forty of them lie in wait for him, who have obligated themselves by an oath, neither to eat nor drink until they may kill him: and now they are ready, awaiting the promise from you.
22 Tisućnik onda otpusti mladića i zapovjedi mu: “Nikomu ne kazuj da si mi to dojavio.”
Then indeed the chiliarch sent away the young man, having commanded him to Tell no one that you have revealed these things to me.
23 Zatim dozva dva satnika i reče im: “Pripravite dvjesta vojnika, sedamdeset konjanika i dvjesta strijelaca da nakon treće noćne ure pođu u Cezareju.
And having called a certain two of the centurions, he said, Get ready two hundred soldiers that they may go unto Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen, from the third hour of the night;
24 Neka se pripravi živina na koju će se posaditi Pavao te živ i zdrav dovesti k upravitelju Feliksu.”
and prepare beasts of burden, that, having carried away Paul, you may deliver him safe to Felix the governor.
25 Napisa i pismo ovoga sadržaja:
Writing a letter having this form:
26 “Klaudije Lizija vrlom upravitelju Feliksu - pozdrav!
Claudius Lysias to the most noble governor Felix, greeting.
27 Ovoga čovjeka Židovi uhvatiše i tek što ga ne smakoše kadli s vojskom pritrčah i istrgoh im ga kada doznah da je Rimljanin.
This man, having been taken by the Jews, and being about to be put to death by them, having interposed with my army, I took out of their hands, having learned that he is a Roman:
28 Htjedoh saznati za što ga okrivljuju pa ga dovedoh u njihovo Vijeće.
and wishing to know the cause on account of which they clamored against him, I led him into their sanhedrim:
29 Utvrdih da ga okrivljuju za nešto prijeporno u njihovu zakonu i da nema nikakve krivnje kojom bi zaslužio smrt ili okove.
whom I found accused concerning questions of their law, having no charge worthy of death or bonds.
30 Kad mi pak dojaviše da su protiv njega skovali zavjeru, poslah ga k tebi, a tužitelje uputih neka se tebi obrate protiv njega.”
And a plot from them being revealed to me to be against the man, I sent him to thee, having commanded his accusers also to speak in thy presence.
31 Vojnici dakle, po primljenoj naredbi uzeše Pavla i odvedoše ga noću u Antipatridu.
Then indeed the soldiers, according to that which had been commanded them, taking Paul led him by night to Antipatris:
32 Sutradan ostave konjanike da s njime pođu dalje, a oni se vratiše u vojarnu.
And on the following day letting the cavalry go on with him, they returned to the castle.
33 Kad konjanici stigoše u Cezareju, uručiše upravitelju pismo i privedoše mu Pavla.
Who, having come into Caesarea, and delivered the letter to the governor, also committed Paul to him.
34 Pošto upravitelj pročita pismo, zapita iz koje je pokrajine. Kad sazna da je iz Cilicije:
And having read, and made inquiry of what jurisdiction,
35 “Saslušat ću te, reče, kad pristignu i tužitelji tvoji.” Onda zapovjedi čuvati ga u dvoru Herodovu.
and ascertaining that he is from Cilicia, said, I will hear thee, when thy accusers may also be present, having commanded that he should be kept in Herod's judgment hall.

< Djela apostolska 23 >