< Djela apostolska 11 >
1 Dočuli apostoli i braća po Judeji da i pogani primiše riječ Božju
Now the Apostles and the brothers who were in Judaea had news that the word of God had been given to the Gentiles.
2 pa kad Petar uziđe u Jeruzalem, uzeše mu obrezanici prigovarati:
And when Peter came to Jerusalem, those who kept the rule of circumcision had an argument with him,
3 “Ušao si, dobacivahu, k ljudima neobrezanima i jeo s njima!”
Saying, You went to men without circumcision, and took food with them.
4 Onda započe Petar te im izloži sve po redu:
But Peter gave them an account of it all in order, saying to them,
5 “Molio sam se, reče, u Jopi kadli u zanosu ugledam viđenje: posudu neku poput velika platna, uleknuta s četiri okrajka, gdje silazi s neba i dolazi do mene.
I was in the town of Joppa, at prayer: and falling into a deep sleep, I saw in a vision a vessel like a great cloth let down from heaven, and it came down to me:
6 Zagledah se, promotrih je i vidjeh četvoronošce zemaljske, zvijeri i gmazove te ptice nebeske.
And looking on it with attention I saw in it all sorts of beasts and birds.
7 Začuh i glas koji mi govoraše: 'Ustaj, Petre! Kolji i jedi!'
And a voice came to my ears saying, Come, Peter; take them for food.
8 Ja odvratih: 'Nipošto, Gospodine! Ta nikad mi još ništa okaljano ili nečisto ne uđe u usta.'
But I said, No, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever come into my mouth.
9 A glas će s neba po drugi put: 'Što Bog očisti, ti ne zovi nečistim.'
But the voice, coming a second time from heaven, said, What God has made clean, do not you make common.
10 To se ponovi do triput, a onda se sve opet povuče na nebo.”
And this was done three times, and they were all taken up again into heaven.
11 “I odmah se, evo, pred kućom u kojoj bijah pojaviše tri čovjeka poslana iz Cezareje k meni.
And at that minute, three men, sent from Caesarea, came to the house where we were.
12 A Duh mi reče da pođem s njima ništa ne premišljajući. Sa mnom pođoše i ova šestorica braće te uđosmo u kuću tog čovjeka.
And the Spirit gave me orders to go with them, doubting nothing. And these six brothers came with me; and we went into that man's house:
13 On nam pripovjedi kako je u svojoj kući vidio anđela koji je stao preda nj i rekao: 'Pošalji u Jopu i dozovi Šimuna nazvanog Petar;
And he gave us an account of how he had seen the angel in his house, saying, Send to Joppa, and get Simon, named Peter, to come to you;
14 on će ti navijestiti riječi po kojima ćeš se spasiti ti i sav dom tvoj.'”
Who will say words to you through which you and all your family may get salvation.
15 “I kad počeh govoriti, siđe na njih Duh Sveti kao ono na nas u početku.
And, while I was talking to them, the Holy Spirit came on them, as on us at first.
16 Sjetih se tada riječi Gospodnje: 'Ivan je, govoraše on, krstio vodom, a vi ćete biti kršteni Duhom Svetim.'
And the words of the Lord came into my mind, how he said, The baptism of John was with water, but you will have baptism with the Holy Spirit.
17 Ako im je dakle Bog dao isti dar kao i nama koji povjerovasmo u Gospodina Isusa Krista, tko sam ja da bih se smio oprijeti Bogu?”
If then God gave them, when they had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the same as he gave to us, who was I to go against God?
18 Kad su to čuli, umiriše se te stadoše slaviti Boga govoreći: “Dakle i poganima Bog dade obraćenje na život!”
And hearing these things they said nothing more, but gave glory to God, saying, Then to the Gentiles as to us has God given a change of heart, so that they may have life.
19 Oni dakle što ih rasprši nevolja nastala u povodu Stjepana dopriješe do Fenicije, Cipra i Antiohije, nikomu ne propovijedajući Riječi doli samo Židovima.
Then those who had gone away at the time of the trouble about Stephen, went as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus, preaching to the Jews only.
20 Neki su od njih bili Ciprani i Cirenci. Kad stigoše u Antiohiju, propovijedahu i Grcima navješćujući evanđelje: Gospodina, Isusa.
But some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, when they came to Antioch, gave the good news about the Lord Jesus to the Greeks.
21 Ruka Gospodnja bijaše s njima te velik broj ljudi povjerova i obrati se Gospodinu.
And the power of the Lord was with them, and a great number had faith and were turned to the Lord.
22 Vijest o tome doprije do Crkve u Jeruzalemu pa poslaše Barnabu u Antiohiju.
And news of them came to the ears of the church at Jerusalem: and they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch:
23 Kad on stiže i vidje milost Božju, obradova se te potaknu sve da u odlučnosti srca ostanu uz Gospodina.
Who, when he came and saw the grace of God, was glad; and he made clear to them the need of keeping near the Lord with all the strength of their hearts:
24 Ta bijaše to muž čestit, pun Duha Svetoga i vjere. Znatno se mnoštvo prikloni Gospodinu.
For he was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith: and a great number were joined to the Lord.
25 Barnaba se zatim zaputi u Tarz potražiti Savla.
Then he went on to Tarsus, looking for Saul;
26 Kad ga nađe, odvede ga u Antiohiju. Punu su se godinu dana sastajali u toj Crkvi i poučavali poveće mnoštvo te se u Antiohiji učenici najprije prozvaše kršćanima.
And when he had come across him, he took him to Antioch. And they were with the church there for a year, teaching the people; and the disciples were first given the name of Christians in Antioch.
27 U one dane dođoše u Antiohiju neki proroci iz Jeruzalema.
Now in those days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch.
28 Jedan od njih, imenom Agab, usta i po Duhu pretkaza da će uskoro nastati velika glad po svem svijetu. Ona i nasta za Klaudija.
And one of them, named Agabus, said publicly through the Spirit that there would be serious need of food all over the earth: which came about in the time of Claudius.
29 Stoga će svatko od učenika, odlučiše, koliko smogne poslati da se posluži braći u Judeji.
And the disciples, everyone as he was able, made a decision to send help to the brothers living in Judaea:
30 To i učiniše te poslaše starješinama po Barnabi i Savlu.
Which they did, sending it to the rulers of the church by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.