< Djela apostolska 10 >

1 U Cezareji bijaše neki čovjek imenom Kornelije, satnik takozvane italske čete,
But, a certain man in Caesarea, by name Cornelius, a centurion of the band called Italian, —
2 pobožan i bogobojazan sa svim svojim domom. Dijelio je mnoge milostinje narodu i bez prestanka se molio Bogu.
Devout, and fearing God with all his house, doing many alms unto the people, and supplicating God continually,
3 U viđenju negdje oko devete ure dana ugleda on jasno anđela Božjega gdje dolazi k njemu i veli mu: “Kornelije!”
Saw, in a vision, manifestly, as if about the ninth hour of the day, a messenger of God, coming in unto him, and saying unto him—Cornelius!
4 Zagleda se u nj pa mu prestrašen reče: “Što je, Gospodine?” A on njemu: “Molitve su tvoje i milostinje uzišle kao žrtva podsjetnica pred Boga.
And he, looking steadfastly at him, and becoming full of fear, said—What is it, Lord? And he said unto him—Thy prayers and thine alms, have gone up for a memorial before God.
5 Zato sada pošalji ljude u Jopu i dozovi Šimuna koji se zove Petar.
Now, therefore, send men unto Joppa, and fetch one Simon who is surnamed Peter, —
6 On je gost u nekog Šimuna kožara čija je kuća uz more.”
The same is a guest with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea.
7 Čim ode anđeo koji mu je govorio, pozove on dvojicu slugu i jednoga pobožna, privržena vojnika,
And, when the messenger who had been speaking with him had departed, calling two of the domestics, and a devout soldier of them that constantly attended him,
8 sve im ispripovjedi i posla ih u Jopu.
And relating everything unto them, he sent them off unto Joppa.
9 Sutradan, dok su oni putovali i približavali se gradu, oko šeste ure uziđe Petar na krov moliti.
Now, on the morrow, as those men were journeying, and, unto the city, drawing near, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour;
10 Ogladnje i zaželje se jela. Dok mu pripremahu, pade on u zanos.
But he became hungry, and wished to eat, —and, while they were making ready, there came upon him a trance;
11 Gleda on nebo rastvoreno i posudu neku poput velika platna: uleknuta s četiri okrajka, silazi na zemlju.
And he beholdeth heaven opened, and, corning down, a kind of vessel, like a large linen cloth, by its four corners, being let down upon the earth,
12 U njoj bijahu svakovrsni četveronošci, gmazovi zemaljski i ptice nebeske.
In which were all the quadrupeds and creeping things of earth and birds of heaven.
13 I glas će mu neki: “Ustaj, Petre! Kolji i jedi!”
And there came a voice unto him—Rise, Peter! slay and eat.
14 Petar odvrati: “Nipošto, Gospodine! Ta nikad još ne okusih ništa okaljano i nečisto”.
But Peter said—By no means, Lord! because, at no time, have I eaten anything common or unclean.
15 A glas će mu opet, po drugi put: “Što Bog očisti, ti ne zovi okaljanim!”
And a voice [came] again, a second time, unto him—What things, God, hath cleansed, be not, thou, making common.
16 To se ponovi do triput, a onda je posuda ponesena na nebo.
Now, this, took place thrice; and, straightway, was the vessel taken up into heaven.
17 Dok se Petar dvoumio što bi imalo značiti viđenje koje vidje, eto ljudi koje je poslao Kornelije: pošto se raspitaše za Šimunovu kuću, pojave se na vratima,
And, as within himself Peter was doubting what the vision which he had seen might mean, lo! the men who had been sent by Cornelius, having sought out the house of Simon, stood at the gate,
18 zovnu te upitaju je li ondje ugošćen neki Šimun, nazvan Petar.
And, calling, enquired whether, Simon who was surnamed Peter, was there being entertained.
19 Dok je Petar sveudilj razmišljao o viđenju, reče mu Duh: “Evo, neka te trojica traže.
And, as Peter was pondering over the vision, the Spirit said—Lo! two men, seeking thee.
20 De ustani, siđi i pođi s njima ne skanjujući se jer ja sam ih poslao.”
But rise, go down, and be journeying with them, nothing, doubting; because, I, have sent them.
21 Petar siđe k ljudima i reče: “Evo me! Ja sam onaj kojega tražite! Zbog čega ste došli?”
And Peter, going down unto the men, said—Lo! I, am he whom ye are seeking: What is the cause, for which ye are come?
22 Oni odgovore: “Satnik Kornelije, muž pravedan i bogobojazan, za kojega svjedoči sav narod židovski, primi od svetog anđela naputak da te dozove u dom svoj i čuje od tebe riječi.”
And they said—Cornelius, a centurion, a man righteous and fearing God, well-attested by the whole nation of the Jews, hath been divinely instructed by a holy messenger to send for thee unto his house, and to hear words from thee.
23 Tada ih Petar pozva unutra i ugosti. Sutradan usta i krenu s njima; pratila ga neka braća iz Jope.
Inviting them in, therefore, he entertained them; but, on the morrow, he rose up and went forth with them, and certain of the brethren who were from Joppa went with him;
24 Drugi dan stiže u Cezareju. Kornelije ih je čekao sazvavši rodbinu i prisne prijatelje.
And, on the morrow, he entered into Caesarea. And, Cornelius, was expecting them, having called together his kinsfolk and intimate friends.
25 Kad je Petar ulazio, pohrli mu Kornelije u susret, padne mu k nogama i pokloni se.
And, when it came about that Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and, falling at his feet, did homage.
26 Petar ga pridigne govoreći: “Ustani! I ja sam čovjek.”
But, Peter, raised him up, saying—Arise! I also myself, am, a man.
27 I razgovarajući s njime, uđe i nađe sabrane mnoge
And, conversing with him, he went in, and findeth many come together;
28 te im reče: “Vi znate kako je Židovu zabranjeno družiti se sa strancem ili k njemu ulaziti, ali meni Bog pokaza da nikoga ne zovem okaljanim ili nečistim.
And said unto the—Ye, well know, how unlawful it is, for, a Jew, to be joining himself or coming in unto one of another race. And yet, unto me, hath God pointed out that I should be calling no man, common or unclean.
29 Stoga, pozvan, i dođoh bez pogovora. Da čujemo dakle zbog čega me pozvaste!”
Wherefore, even without gainsaying, came I when sent for. I ask, therefore, for what reason ye sent for me.
30 Kornelije reče: “Prije četiri dana baš u ovo doba, o devetoj uri, molio sam se u kući kad gle: čovjek neki u sjajnoj odjeći stane preda me
And Cornelius said—Four days ago, counting unto this very hour, I was keeping, the ninth hour, as one of prayer, in my house. And lo! a man stood before me, in bright clothing,
31 i reče: 'Kornelije, uslišana ti je molitva i milostinje su tvoje spomenute pred Bogom!
And saith—Cornelius! thy prayer hath been heard, and, thine alms, have been remembered before God.
32 Pošalji dakle u Jopu i dozovi Šimuna koji se zove Petar. On je gost u kući Šimuna kožara uz more.'
Send, therefore, unto Joppa, and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter. The same is being entertained in the house of one Simon a tanner, by the sea.
33 Odmah sam dakle poslao k tebi, a ti si dobro učinio što si došao. Evo nas dakle sviju pred Bogom da čujemo sve što ti zapovjedi Gospodin!”
Immediately, therefore, I sent unto thee: Thou, also hast, well, done in coming. Now, therefore, all we, before God are present, to hear all things that have been enjoined upon thee by the Lord.
34 Petar tada prozbori i reče: “Sad uistinu shvaćam da Bog nije pristran,
And Peter, opening his mouth, said—Of a truth, I find that God is no respecter of persons;
35 nego - u svakom je narodu njemu mio onaj koji ga se boji i čini pravdu.
But, in every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is acceptable unto him.
36 Riječ posla sinovima Izraelovim navješćujući im evanđelje: mir po Isusu Kristu; on je Gospodar sviju.
As touching the word he hath sent unto the sons of Israel, announcing the glad tidings of peace through Jesus Christ—the same, is Lord, of all,
37 Vi znate što se događalo po svoj Judeji, počevši od Galileje, nakon krštenja koje je propovijedao Ivan:
Ye yourselves, know what hath come to pass throughout the whole of Judaea, beginning from Galilee, after the immersion which John proclaimed, respecting Jesus who was of Nazareth: —
38 kako Isusa iz Nazareta Bog pomaza Duhom Svetim i snagom, njega koji je, jer Bog bijaše s njime, prošao zemljom čineći dobro i ozdravljajući sve kojima bijaše ovladao đavao.”
How God anointed him with Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the adversary, because, God, was with him.
39 “Mi smo svjedoci svega što on učini u zemlji judejskoj i Jeruzalemu. I njega smakoše, objesivši ga na drvo!
We also, are witnesses of all things which he did, both in the country of the Jews and Jerusalem; whom they even slew by suspending upon a tree; —
40 Bog ga uskrisi treći dan i dade mu da se očituje -
The same, God raised up on the third day, and gave him to become, manifest,
41 ne svemu narodu, nego svjedocima od Boga predodređenima - nama koji smo s njime zajedno jeli i pili pošto uskrsnu od mrtvih.”
Not unto all the people, but unto witnesses who had been fore-appointed by God, unto us, who, indeed, did eat and drink with him after his rising from among the dead.
42 “On nam i naloži propovijedati narodu i svjedočiti: Ovo je onaj kojega Bog postavi sucem živih i mrtvih!”
And he charged us to proclaim unto the people, and bear full witness, that—This, is he that hath been marked out by God to be judge of living and dead.
43 “Za nj svjedoče svi proroci: da tko god u nj vjeruje, po imenu njegovu prima oproštenje grijeha.”
Unto the same, do all the prophets bear witness, That, remission of sins, is to be received through his name, by every one that believeth on him.
44 Dok je Petar još govorio te riječi, siđe Duh Sveti na sve koji su slušali tu besjedu.
While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were hearing the word.
45 A vjernici iz obrezanja, koji dođoše zajedno s Petrom, začudiše se što se i na pogane izlio dar Duha Svetoga.
And the faithful, of the circumcision, who had come with Peter, were amazed, —in that, upon the nations also, the free-gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out;
46 Jer čuli su ih govoriti drugim jezicima i veličati Boga. Tada Petar reče:
For they heard them speaking with tongues, and magnifying God. Then answered Peter—
47 “Može li tko uskratiti vodu da se ne krste ovi koji su primili Duha Svetoga kao i mi?”
Surely then, the water, can no man forbid, that these should not be immersed, —seeing that, the Holy Spirit, they have received, as well as we.
48 I zapovjedi da se krste u ime Isusa Krista. Tada ga zamole da ostane ondje nekoliko dana.
And he commanded them in the name of Jesus Christ to be immersed. Then, requested they him, to abide still some days.

< Djela apostolska 10 >