< 2 Timoteju 3 >
1 A ovo znaj: u posljednjim danima nastat će teška vremena.
But this know, that in the last days there will be difficult times;
2 Ljudi će doista biti sebeljupci, srebroljupci, preuzetnici, oholice, hulitelji, roditeljima neposlušni, nezahvalnici, bezbožnici,
for men will be selfish, covetous, arrogant, proud, blasphemers, undutiful to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 bešćutnici, nepomirljivci, klevetnici, neobuzdanici, goropadnici, neljubitelji dobra,
without natural affection, perfidious, false accusers, intemperate, savage, enemies to the good, traitors,
4 izdajice, brzopletnici, naduti, ljubitelji užitka više nego ljubitelji Boga.
headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God,
5 Imaju obličje pobožnosti, ali snage su se njezine odrekli. I njih se kloni!
having a form of godliness, but strangers to the power of it: from such turn away.
6 Od njih su doista oni što se uvlače u kuće i zarobljuju ženice, natovarene grijesima, vodane najrazličitijim strastima:
For of these are they who insinuate themselves into families, and captivate weak women, that are laden with sins,
7 one uvijek uče, a nikako ne mogu doći do spoznaje istine.
and led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Kao što se Janes i Jambres suprotstaviše Mojsiju, tako se i ovi, ljudi pokvarena uma, u vjeri neprokušani, suprotstavljaju istini.
And as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also withstand the truth; being men of corrupt minds, and of no judgement in the faith.
9 Ali neće više napredovati jer bezumlje će ovih postati očito, kako se to i onima dogodilo.
But they shall not proceed far: for their folly shall be evident to all, as theirs also was.
10 A ti si pošao za nmom u poučavanju, u ponašanju, u naumu, u vjeri, u strpljivosti, u ljubavi, u postojanosti;
But thou art well acquainted with my doctrine, conduct, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions,
11 u progonstvima, u patnjama koje su me zadesile u Antiohiji, u Ikoniju, u Listri. Kakva li sam progonstva podnio! I iz svih me izbavio Gospodin!
sufferings, which befel me at Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and how the Lord delivered me out of them all.
12 A i svi koji hoće živjeti pobožno u Kristu Isusu, bit će progonjeni.
And indeed all, that are desirous to live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.
13 Zli pak ljudi i vračari napredovat će sve više u zlu - kao zavodnici i zavedeni.
But wicked men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
14 Ti, naprotiv, ostani u onome u čemu si poučen i čemu si vjeru dao, svjestan od koga si sve poučen
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learnt, and been assured of, knowing from whom thou hast learned them;
15 i da od malena poznaješ Sveta pisma koja su vrsna učiniti te mudrim tebi na spasenje po vjeri, vjeri u Kristu Isusu.
and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus: for all scripture is by inspiration from God,
16 Sve Pismo, bogoduho, korisno je za poučavanje, uvjeravanje, popravljanje, odgajanje u pravednosti,
and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness;
17 da čovjek Božji bude vrstan, za svako dobro djelo podoban.
that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly fitted for every good work.