< 2 Samuelova 4 >

1 Kad je Šaulov sin Išbaal čuo da je poginuo Abner u Hebronu, klonuše mu ruke i sav se Izrael zaprepasti.
And the son of Saul hears that Abner [is] dead in Hebron, and his hands are feeble, and all of Israel has been troubled.
2 A Šaulov sin Išbaal imaše dvojicu vođa svojih četa; jedan se zvao Baana, a drugi Rekab; bili su sinovi Rimona Beeroćanina iz Benjaminova plemena, jer se Beerot pribraja k Benjaminu.
And two men, heads of troops, have been [to] the son of Saul, the name of the first [is] Baanah, and the name of the second Rechab, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the sons of Benjamin, for Beeroth is also reckoned to Benjamin,
3 A Beeroćani bijahu pobjegli u Gitajim, gdje su ostali kao došljaci do današnjeg dana.
and the Beerothites flee to Gittaim, and are sojourners there to this day.
4 Šaulov sin Jonatan imao je sina hroma na obje noge. Njemu je bilo pet godina kad je iz Jizreela došao glas o Šaulovoj i Jonatanovoj pogibiji. Njegova ga dadilja uze i pobježe, ali u brzini bijega dijete pade i osta hromo. Ime mu bijaše Meribaal.
And to Jonathan son of Saul [is] a son—lame; he was a son of five years at the coming in of the rumor of [the death of] Saul and Jonathan, out of Jezreel, and his nurse lifts him up, and flees, and it comes to pass in her hastening to flee, that he falls, and becomes lame, and his name [is] Mephibosheth.
5 Sinovi Rimona Beeroćanina, Rekab i Baana, digoše se i dođoše za najveće dnevne vrućine Išbaalu do kuće, a on upravo spavaše podnevni počinak.
And the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, go, and come in at the heat of the day to the house of Ish-Bosheth, and he is lying down—the lying down of noon;
6 A vratarica, čisteći pšenicu, bijaše zadrijemala te je spavala. Rekab i njegov brat Baana prošuljaše se kraj nje.
and they have come there, to the midst of the house, taking wheat, and they strike him to the fifth [rib], and Rechab and his brother Baanah have escaped;
7 Kad su ušli u kuću, on je ležao na postelji u svojoj spavaonici. Oni ga ubiše, odsjekoše mu glavu i uzeše je i cijelu su onu noć išli putem kroz Arabu.
indeed, they come into the house, and he is lying on his bed, in the inner part of his bed-chamber, and they strike him, and put him to death, and turn his head aside, and they take his head, and go the way of the plain all the night,
8 Glavu Išbaalovu donesoše Davidu u Hebron i rekoše kralju: “Evo glave Išbaala, sina Šaulova, tvoga neprijatelja koji ti je radio o glavi. Jahve je danas krvavo osvetio moga gospodara i kralja na Šaulu i njegovu rodu.”
and bring in the head of Ish-Bosheth to David in Hebron, and say to the king, “Behold, the head of Ish-Bosheth, son of Saul, your enemy, who sought your life; and YHWH gives vengeance to my lord the king this day, of Saul and of his seed.”
9 Ali David odvrati Rekabu i njegovu bratu Baani, sinovima Rimona iz Beerota, i reče im: “Tako mi živog Jahve koje me izbavio iz svake nevolje!
And David answers Rechab and his brother Baanah, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and says to them, “YHWH lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all adversity,
10 Onaj koji mi je javio da je poginuo Šaul mislio je da mi javlja radosnu vijest, a ja sam ga uhvatio i pogubio u Siklagu da mu platim za njegovu dobru vijest!
when one is declaring to me, saying, Behold, Saul is dead, and he was as a bearer of tidings in his own eyes, then I take hold on him, and slay him in Ziklag, instead of my giving to him [for] the tidings.
11 Što ću tek učiniti sa zlikovcima koji su ubili poštena čovjeka u njegovoj kući, na njegovoj postelji! Zar da ne tražim od vas račun za njegovu krv i da vas ne istrijebim sa zemlje?”
Also—when wicked men have slain the righteous man in his own house, on his bed; and now, do I not require his blood from your hand, and have taken you away from the earth?”
12 Nato David zapovjedi vojnicima te ih pogubiše. Potom im odsjekoše ruke i noge i objesiše ih kod jezera u Hebronu. Išbaalovu glavu uzeše i pokopaše u Abnerovu grobu u Hebronu.
And David commands the young men, and they slay them, and cut off their hands and their feet, and hang [them] over the pool in Hebron, and they have taken the head of Ish-Bosheth, and bury [it] in the burying-place of Abner in Hebron.

< 2 Samuelova 4 >