< 2 Korinčanima 4 >

1 Zato, budući da po milosrđu imamo ovu službu, ne malakšemo.
ON this account we have not weariness in this ministry which we have received, according to the mercies that are upon us.
2 Ali odrekosmo se sramotnoga prikrivanja: ne nastupamo lukavo niti izopačujemo riječ Božju, nego se objavljivanjem istine preporučujemo svakoj savjesti ljudskoj pred Bogom.
But we have rejected the secrets of shamefulness; and walk not with craft, nor deal deceitfully (with) the word of Aloha; but by the revelation of the truth make we ourselves manifest to the minds of all men before Aloha.
3 Ako je i zastrto evanđelje naše, u onima je zastrto koji propadaju:
But if our gospel is hid, to those who perish is it hid:
4 u onima kojima bog ovoga svijeta oslijepi pameti nevjerničke da ne zasvijetli svjetlost evanđelja slave Krista koji je slika Božja. (aiōn g165)
(to) them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them. (aiōn g165)
5 Jer ne propovijedamo same sebe, nego Krista Isusa Gospodinom, a sebe slugama vašim poradi Isusa.
For we preach not ourselves, but the Meshiha, Jeshu our Lord; but ourselves that we are your servants for the sake of Jeshu.
6 Ta Bog koji reče: Neka iz tame svjetlost zasine!, on zasvijetli u srcima našim da nam spoznanje slave Božje zasvijetli na licu Kristovu.
For Aloha, who said, Let light arise from darkness, hath arisen in our hearts; that we should be illuminated by the knowledge of the glory of Aloha in the face of Jeshu Meshiha.
7 To pak blago imamo u glinenim posudama da izvanredna ona snaga bude očito Božja, a ne od nas.
BUT we have this treasure in a vase of earth, that the greatness of the power might be from Aloha, and not from us.
8 U svemu pritisnuti, ali ne pritiješnjeni; dvoumeći, ali ne zdvajajući;
But in every thing we are afflicted, yet not strangled; we are beaten, yet not condemned;
9 progonjeni, ali ne napušteni; obarani, ali ne oboreni -
persecuted, yet not forsaken; cast down, yet we perish not.
10 uvijek umiranje Isusovo u tijelu pronosimo da se i život Isusov u tijelu našem očituje.
In all time the dying of Jeshu in our bodies we bear, that the life also of Jeshu might in our bodies be revealed.
11 Doista, mi se živi uvijek na smrt predajemo poradi Isusa da se i život Isusov očituje u našem smrtnom tijelu.
For if we, the living, unto death are delivered on account of Jeshu, so also will the life of Jeshu be revealed in this our body of death.
12 Tako smrt djeluje u nama, život u vama.
Now death in us worketh earnestly, but life in you.
13 A budući da imamo isti duh vjere kao što je pisano: Uzvjerovah, zato besjedim, i mi vjerujemo pa zato i besjedimo.
We then also who have one spirit of faith, as it is written, I have believed, and therefore also spoken; we believe, therefore also we speak.
14 Ta znamo: onaj koji je uskrisio Gospodina Isusa i nas će s Isusom uskrisiti i zajedno s vama uza se postaviti.
And we know that He who raised up our Lord Jeshu, will by Jeshu raise us also, and will present us with you unto himself.
15 A sve je to za vas: da milost - umnožena - zahvaljivanjem mnogih izobiluje Bogu na slavu.
For every thing is for your sake, that grace, abounding by many, may multiply praise to the glory of Aloha.
16 Zato ne malakšemo. Naprotiv, ako se naš izvanji čovjek i raspada, nutarnji se iz dana u dan obnavlja.
For this cause we have not weariness; for if our outward man is wasted, yet the interior man is renovated day by day.
17 Ta ova malenkost naše časovite nevolje donosi nam obilato, sve obilatije, breme vječne slave (aiōnios g166)
For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us. (aiōnios g166)
18 jer nama nije do vidljivog nego do nevidljivog: ta vidljivo je privremeno, a nevidljivo - vječno. (aiōnios g166)
While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity. (aiōnios g166)

< 2 Korinčanima 4 >