< 2 Ljetopisa 12 >

1 Kad je Roboam utvrdio kraljevstvo i ojačao, napustio je Jahvin zakon i on i sav Izrael s njim.
And it comes to pass, at the establishing of the kingdom of Rehoboam, and at his strengthening himself, he has forsaken the Law of YHWH, and all Israel with him.
2 Ali pete godine Roboamova kraljevanja navali egipatski kralj Šišak na Jeruzalem, koji se bijaše iznevjerio Jahvi.
And it comes to pass, in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt has come up against Jerusalem—because they trespassed against YHWH—
3 Došao je sa tisuću i dvjesta bojnih kola i sa šezdeset tisuća konjanika, a narodu koji je došao s njim iz Egipta - Libijcima, Sukijcima i Etiopljanima - nije bilo broja.
with one thousand and two hundred chariots, and with sixty thousand horsemen, and there is no number to the people who have come with him out of Egypt—Lubim, Sukkiim, and Cushim—
4 Osvojivši tvrde judejske gradove, dopro je do Jeruzalema.
and he captures the cities of the bulwarks that [are] of Judah, and comes to Jerusalem.
5 Tada dođe prorok Šemaja k Roboamu i judejskim knezovima, koji se bijahu skupili u Jeruzalemu bježeći od Šišaka, i reče im: “Ovako veli Jahve: 'Vi ste ostavili mene, pa i ja ostavljam vas u ruke Šišaku.'”
And Shemaiah the prophet has come to Rehoboam and the heads of Judah who have been gathered to Jerusalem [to escape] from the presence of Shishak, and says to them, “Thus said YHWH: You have forsaken Me, and also, I have left you in the hand of Shishak”;
6 Tada se poniziše izraelski knezovi i kralj i rekoše: “Pravedan je Jahve!”
and the heads of Israel are humbled—and the king—and they say, “YHWH [is] righteous.”
7 Kad ih Jahve vidje gdje se poniziše, dođe njegova riječ Šemaji: “Ponizili su se; neću ih uništiti, nego ću im uskoro dati spasenje te se moja srdžba neće oboriti na Jeruzalem preko Šišaka.
And when YHWH sees that they have been humbled, a word of YHWH has been [sent] to Shemaiah, saying, “They have been humbled; I do not destroy them, and I have given to them as a little thing for an escape, and I do not pour out My fury in Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak;
8 Bit će mu sluge, da vide što znači služiti meni, a što zemaljskim kraljevstvima.”
but they become servants to him, and they know My service, and the service of the kingdoms of the lands.”
9 Tako egipatski kralj Šišak navali na Jeruzalem, opljačka blago iz Doma Jahvina i riznicu kraljeva dvora; sve je uzeo; uze i zlatne štitove što ih bijaše napravio Salomon.
And Shishak king of Egypt comes up against Jerusalem, and takes the treasures of the house of YHWH and the treasures of the house of the king—he has taken the whole—and he takes the shields of gold that Solomon had made;
10 Namjesto njih kralj Roboam napravi tučane štitove i povjeri ih zapovjednicima straže koja je čuvala vrata kraljevskoga dvora.
and King Rehoboam makes shields of bronze in their stead, and has given [them] a charge on the hand of the heads of the runners who are keeping the opening of the house of the king;
11 Kad je god kralj išao u Dom Jahvin, stražari su ih uzimali, a poslije ih vraćali u stražaru.
and it comes to pass, from the time of the going in of the king to the house of YHWH, the runners have come in and lifted them up, and brought them back to the chamber of the runners.
12 Kad se, dakle, ponizio, odvratio se od njega Jahvin gnjev te ga nije sasvim uništio, jer i u Judeji bijaše dobra.
And in his being humbled, the wrath of YHWH has turned back from him, so as not to destroy to completion; and also, there have been good things in Judah.
13 Potom se kralj Roboam utvrdi u Jeruzalemu i stade kraljevati. Roboamu je bila četrdeset i jedna godina kad se zakraljio, a sedamnaest je godina kraljevao u Jeruzalemu, u gradu koji Jahve izabra između svih izraelskih plemena da ondje postavi Ime svoje. Majka mu se zvala Naama, a bila je Amonka.
And King Rehoboam strengthens himself in Jerusalem and reigns; for Rehoboam [is] a son of forty-two years in his reigning, and he has reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city that YHWH has chosen to put His Name there, out of all the tribes of Israel, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess,
14 Činio je zlo, jer nije pregnuo srcem da traži Jahvu.
and he does evil, for he has not prepared his heart to seek YHWH.
15 Roboamova prva i posljednja djela - i ratovi koji su se neprestano vodili između Roboama i Jeroboama - zapisani su u povijesti proroka Šemaje i u plemenskom popisu vidioca Adona.
And the matters of Rehoboam, the first and the last, are they not written among the matters of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the seer, concerning genealogy? And the wars of Rehoboam and Jeroboam [are for] all the days;
16 Potom Roboam počinu sa svojim ocima i bi sahranjen u Davidovu gradu; na njegovo se mjesto zakraljio sin mu Abija.
and Rehoboam lies with his fathers, and is buried in the City of David, and his son Abijah reigns in his stead.

< 2 Ljetopisa 12 >