< 1 Timoteju 4 >
1 Duh izričito govori da će u posljednja vremena neki otpasti od vjere i prikloniti se prijevarnim duhovima i zloduhovskim naucima.
Howbeit, the Spirit, expressly saith—that, in later seasons, some will revolt from the faith, giving heed unto seducing spirits, and unto teachings of demons—
2 A sve to pod utjecajem himbe lažljivaca otupjele savjesti
in hypocrisy, speaking falsehood, [of demons] cauterised in their own conscience, —
3 koji zabranjuju ženiti se i nameću uzdržavati se od jela što ih je Bog stvorio da ih sa zahvalnošću uzimaju oni koji vjeruju i znaju istinu.
Forbidding to marry, [commanding] to abstain from foods which, God, created to be received with thanksgiving by them who believe and personally know the truth;
4 Doista, svako je Božje stvorenje dobro i ne valja odbaciti ništa što se uzima sa zahvalnošću
Because, every creature of God, is good, and nothing to be cast away, if, with thanksgiving, it be received, —
5 jer se posvećuje riječju Božjom i molitvom.
For it is hallowed by the word of God and intercession,
6 To izlaži braći i bit ćeš dobar poslužitelj Krista Isusa, hranjen riječima vjere i dobroga nauka za kojim postojano ideš.
These things, submitting to the brethren, thou shall be, a noble, minister of Christ Jesus, nourishing thyself with the words of the faith, and of the noble teaching which thou hast closely studied.
7 Svjetovne pak i bablje priče odbijaj! Vježbaj se u pobožnosti!
But, from the profane and old-wives’ stories, excuse thyself, and be training thyself unto godliness;
8 Uistinu, tjelesno vježbanje malo čemu koristi, a pobožnost je svemu korisna jer joj je obećan život - sadašnji i budući.
For, the bodily training, for little, is profitable, whereas, godliness, for all things is profitable, —having, promise, of life—the present and the coming.
9 Vjerodostojna je to riječ i vrijedna da se posve prihvati.
Faithful, the saying! and, of all acceptance, worthy;
10 Ta za to se trudimo i borimo jer se pouzdajemo u Boga živoga koji je Spasitelj svih ljudi, ponajpače vjernika.
For, to this end, are we toiling and contending, because we have set our hope on a Living God, Who is Saviour of all men—specially, of such as believe.
11 Zapovijedaj to i naučavaj!
Be giving these things in charge, and be teaching: —
12 Nitko neka ne prezire tvoje mladosti, nego budi uzor vjernicima u riječi, u vladanju, u ljubavi, u vjeri, u čistoći.
Let, no one, despise, thy youth, but, an ensample, become thou of the faithful, —in discourse, in behaviour, in love, in faith, in chastity.
13 Dok ne dođem, posveti se čitanju, poticanju, poučavanju.
While I am coming, be giving heed—to the reading, to the exhorting, to the teaching:
14 Ne zanemari milosnog dara koji je u tebi, koji ti je dan po proroštvu zajedno s polaganjem ruku starješinstva.
Be not careless of the gift of favour, that is in thee, which was given thee through means of prophesying, along with a laying on of the hands of the eldership.
15 Oko toga nastoj, sav u tom budi da tvoj napredak bude svima očit.
These things, be thy care, in these things, be thou, that, thine advancement, may be, manifest, unto all:
16 Pripazi na samog sebe i na poučavanje! Ustraj u tome! Jer to vršeći, spasit ćeš i sebe i one koji te slušaju.
Be giving heed to thyself, and to thy teaching, —abide still in them; for, this doing, both, thyself, shalt thou save, and them that hearken to thee.