< 1 Timoteju 2 >

1 Dakle, preporučujem prije svega da se obavljaju prošnje, molitve, molbenice i zahvalnice za sve ljude,
First of all then, I am urging that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered regularly for all men;
2 za kraljeve i sve koji su na vlasti, da provodimo miran i spokojan život u svoj bogoljubnosti i ozbiljnosti.
for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and peaceful life in all godliness an gravity.
3 To je dobro i ugodno pred Spasiteljem našim Bogom,
For this is good and pleasing in the eyes of our Saviour God,
4 koji hoće da se svi ljudi spase i dođu do spoznanja istine.
whose will it is that all men should be saved, and come into full knowledge of the truth.
5 Jer jedan je Bog, jedan je i posrednik između Boga i ljudi, čovjek - Krist Isus,
For God is one; and one is mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus,
6 koji sebe samoga dade kao otkup za sve. To je u svoje vrijeme dano svjedočanstvo,
who gave himself as a ransom in behalf of all, to be attested in due time.
7 za koje sam ja postavljen propovjednikom i apostolom - istinu govorim, ne lažem - učiteljem naroda u vjeri i istini.
It was for this testimony that I myself was appointed a herald and apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), to be a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
8 Hoću dakle da muškarci mole na svakome mjestu, podižući čiste ruke bez srdžbe i raspre;
My wish, then, is that in every place the men should offer prayer, lifting up holy hands, free from anger and disputation;
9 isto tako žene - u doličnu držanju: neka se rese stidljivošću i razborom, ne pletenicama i zlatom ili biserjem ili skupocjenim odijelom,
in like manner also the women. I desire women to clothe themselves in suitable apparel, adorning themselves with reverence and self- restraint; not with hair plaited with gold or pearls, or with expensive clothes,
10 nego - dobrim djelima, kako dolikuje ženama koje ispovijedaju bogoljubnost.
but (as becomes women proclaiming godliness) with the ornament of good deeds.
11 Žena neka u miru prima pouku sa svom podložnošću.
Let a woman learn quietly in entire submission.
12 Poučavati pak ženi ne dopuštam, ni vladati nad mužem, nego - neka bude na miru.
I allow no woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man; but let her keep quiet.
13 Jer prvi je oblikovan Adam, onda Eva;
It was Adam who was first formed, then Eve.
14 i Adam nije zaveden, a žena je, zavedena, učinila prekršaj.
And it was not Adam who was deceived; but it was the woman who was thoroughly deceived, and who became involved in transgression.
15 A spasit će se rađanjem djece ako ustraje u vjeri, ljubavi i posvećivanju, s razborom.
Notwithstanding she will be saved by the Child-bearing; (so will they all), if they live in faith and love and holiness, with self- restraint.

< 1 Timoteju 2 >