< 1 Samuelova 24 >

1 Kad se Šaul vratio iz potjere za Filistejcima, javiše mu ovo: “David je u Engadskoj pustinji!”
Now when Saul came back from fighting the Philistines, news was given him that David was in the waste land of En-gedi.
2 Tada Šaul uze tri tisuće odabranih ljudi iz svega Izraela i pođe da traži Davida i njegove ljude na istok od Litica divokoza.
Then Saul took three thousand of the best men out of all Israel, and went in search of David and his men on the rocks of the mountain goats.
3 Idući dođe k ovčjim torovima pokraj puta; ondje bijaše pećina i Šaul uđe da čučne; a David je sa svojim ljudima sjedio u dnu pećine.
And on the way he came to a place where sheep were kept, where there was a hollow in the rock; and Saul went in for a private purpose. Now David and his men were in the deepest part of the hollow.
4 I rekoše Davidu ljudi njegovi: “Evo dana za koji ti je rekao Jahve: 'Ja ću predati tvoga neprijatelja u tvoje ruke, postupaj s njim kako ti se mili!'” A David ustade i neprimjetno odsiječe skut od Šaulova plašta.
And David's men said to him, Now is the time when the Lord says to you, I will give up your hater into your hands to do with him whatever seems good to you. Then David, getting up, took the skirt of Saul's robe in his hand, cutting off the end of it without his knowledge.
5 Ali poslije zapeče Davida savjest što je odsjekao skut od Šaulova plašta,
And later, David was full of regret for cutting off Saul's skirt.
6 pa reče svojim ljudima: “Očuvao me Jahve da takvo što učinim svome gospodaru, da dignem ruku na njega, jer je pomazanik Jahvin.”
And David said to his men, Before the Lord, never let it be said that my hand was lifted up against my lord, the man of the Lord's selection, for the Lord's holy oil has been put on him.
7 I David oštrim riječima ukori svoje ljude i ne dopusti im da ustanu na Šaula. A Šaul izađe iz pećine i pođe svojim putem.
So with these words David kept his servants back, and did not let them make an attack on Saul. And Saul got up and went on his way.
8 Zatim ustade David, iziđe iz pećine i vikne za Šaulom: “Gospodaru kralju!” A kad se Šaul obazre, David se baci ničice na zemlju i pokloni mu se.
And after that David came out of the hollow rock, and crying after Saul said, My lord the king. And when Saul gave a look back, David went down on his face and gave him honour.
9 Tada David reče Šaulu: “Zašto slušaš ljude koji ti govore da David snuje tebi propast?
And David said to Saul, Why do you give any attention to those who say that it is my desire to do you wrong?
10 Gle, upravo u ovaj dan tvoje su oči mogle vidjeti da te Jahve predao danas u moje ruke u ovoj pećini. Rekoše mi da te ubijem, ali te poštedjeh i rekoh: 'Neću dići svoje ruke na svoga gospodara, jer je Jahvin pomazanik.'
Look! you have seen today how the Lord gave you up into my hands even now in the hollow of the rocks: and some would have had me put you to death, but I had pity on you: for I said, Never will my hand be lifted up against my lord, who has been marked with the holy oil.
11 O, moj oče, pogledaj i vidi skut od svoga plašta u mojoj ruci: odsjekao sam skut od tvoga plašta, a tebe nisam ubio; spoznaj i vidi da u mojoj ruci nema ni zlobe ni opačine. Ja nisam zgriješio protiv tebe, a ti vrebaš na moj život da mi ga uzmeš!
And see, my father, see the skirt of your robe in my hand: for the fact that I took off the skirt of your robe and did not put you to death is witness that I have no evil purpose, and I have done you no wrong, though you are waiting for my life to take it.
12 Jahve neka sudi između mene i tebe, Jahve neka me osveti na tebi, ali se moja ruka neće dići na tebe.
May the Lord be judge between me and you, and may the Lord give me my rights against you, but my hand will never be lifted up against you.
13 Kako kaže stara poslovica: od nepravednika dolazi nepravda, i zato se moja ruka neće dići protiv tebe.
There is an old saying, From the evil-doer comes evil: but my hand will never be lifted up against you.
14 Za kim je izišao izraelski kralj? Za kim ideš u potjeru? Za mrtvim psom, za običnom buhom!
After whom has the king of Israel come out? for whom are you searching? for a dead dog, an insect.
15 Jahve neka bude sudac, on neka sudi između mene i tebe, neka ispita i brani moju stvar i neka mi pribavi pravdu: neka me izbavi iz tvoje ruke!”
So let the Lord be judge, and give a decision between me and you, and see and give support to my cause, and keep me from falling into your hands.
16 Kad je David izgovorio te riječi Šaulu, odvrati Šaul: “Je li to tvoj glas, sine Davide?” I Šaul glasno zaplaka.
Now when David had said these words to Saul, Saul said, Is this your voice, David, my son? And Saul was overcome with weeping.
17 Zatim reče Davidu: “Pravedniji si od mene jer ti si meni učinio dobro, a ja sam tebi učinio zlo.
And he said to David, You are right and I am wrong: for you have given me back good, but I have given you evil.
18 A danas si okrunio svoju dobrotu prema meni, jer me Jahve predao u tvoje ruke, a ti me nisi ubio.
And you have made clear to me how good you have been to me today: because, when the Lord gave me up into your hands, you did not put me to death.
19 Kad se čovjek namjeri na svoga neprijatelja, pušta li ga da ide mirno svojim putem? Neka ti Jahve naplati za ono dobro što si mi danas učinio!
If a man comes across his hater, will he let him get away safe? so may you be rewarded by the Lord for what you have done for me today.
20 Sada pouzdano znam da ćeš zacijelo biti kralj i da će se kraljevstvo nad Izraelom trajno održati u tvojoj ruci.
And now I am certain that you will be king, and that the kingdom of Israel will be made strong under your authority.
21 Zato mi se sada zakuni Jahvom da nećeš zatrti moga potomstva poslije mene i da nećeš izbrisati moga imena iz moga očinskoga doma!”
So give me your oath by the Lord, that you will not put an end to my seed after me or let my name be cut off from my father's family.
22 David se zakle Šaulu, Šaul ode svojoj kući, a David se sa svojim ljudima vrati u gorska skloništa.
And David gave Saul his oath. And Saul went back to his house; but David and his men went up to their safe place.

< 1 Samuelova 24 >