< 1 Kraljevima 2 >

1 Kad su se dani Davidovi približavali svome svršetku, zapovjedi David svome sinu Salomonu:
When David [knew that he] was about to die, he gave these final instructions to his son Solomon:
2 “Sada polazim na put sviju smrtnika. Ti budi hrabar i pokaži se čovjekom!
“I am about to die [EUP], like everyone else on earth does. Be courageous and conduct yourself as an adult should.
3 Slušaj naredbe Jahve, Boga svoga, idi njegovim stazama, drži se njegovih zakona, zapovijedi, naredaba i njegovih pouka, kako je napisano u Zakonu Mojsijevu, da bi uspio u svemu što poduzmeš i svagdje kamo se okreneš;
Do what Yahweh our God tells you to do. Conduct yourself as he wants you to do. Obey all of his laws and commands and precepts and instructions that are written in the laws that Moses [gave us]. Do this in order that you will prosper in all that you do and wherever you go.
4 da bi Jahve ispunio svoje obećanje koje mi je dao: 'Ako sinovi tvoji budu pazili na svome putu, vjerno hodeći preda mnom, svim srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom, uvijek će jedan od njih sjediti na prijestolju Izraelovu.'
If you continually do that, Yahweh will do what he promised me: He said, ‘If your descendants do what I tell them to do, and faithfully obey my commands with all their inner beings, they will always be [LIT] the ones who will rule [MTY] Israel.’
5 I sam znaš što mi je učinio Joab, sin Sarvijin, kako je učinio obojici vojskovođa Izraelovih: Abneru, sinu Nerovu, i Amasi, sinu Jeterovu, kad ih je ubio i time prolio krv u miru kao u ratu te omastio krvlju pojas oko bokova svojih i obuću na nogama svojim.
“There is something else [that I want you to do]. You know what Joab did to me. He killed my two army commanders, Abner and Amasa. He murdered them violently [MTY] during a time of peace, pretending that it was a time of war. Those two men (were innocent/had not done what was wrong). But Joab [killed them and] their blood to stain his belt and his sandals.
6 Ti postupi po svom razboru i ne daj da mu sijeda kosa mirno počine u Podzemlju. (Sheol h7585)
Because you are wise, do to him what you think is best [for you to do], but do not allow him to become old [MTY] and then die [IDM] peacefully. (Sheol h7585)
7 A sinovima Barzilaja Gileađanina vrati ljubav: neka budu među onima koji jedu za tvojim stolom jer su mi pomogli kad sam bježao pred tvojim bratom Abšalomom.
“But be kind to the sons of Barzillai, the man from [the] Gilead [region], and be sure that they always have enough food to eat [MTY]. Do that because Barzillai helped me when I was running away from your older brother Absalom.
8 Pred sobom imaš Šimeja, sina Gerina, Benjaminovca iz Bahurima, koji me užasnim kletvama proklinjao onoga dana kad sam bježao u Mahanajim. Ali mi je on sišao u susret na Jordan i zakleh mu se Jahvom: 'Neću te pogubiti mačem.'
Also, [you remember] Gera’s son Shimei from Bahurim [town] in the area where the descendants of Benjamin live. [You know what he did to me]. He cursed me terribly on the day I [left Jerusalem and] went to Mahanaim [town]. But when he later came down to see me at the Jordan [River], I solemnly promised, while Yahweh listened [MTY], that I would not cause him to be executed.
9 Ali mu ti toga ne opraštaj, jer si čovjek razborit, i već ćeš znati kako treba da postupiš te mu sijedu kosu s krvlju u Podzemlje spremiš.” (Sheol h7585)
But now you must [LIT] surely punish him. You are a wise man, so you will know what you should do to him. He is an old man [MTY], but be sure that he [loses/sheds] a lot of blood when you kill him [MTY].” (Sheol h7585)
10 I potom počinu David kraj otaca svojih i bi pokopan u Davidovu gradu.
Then David died [EUP] and was buried in [that part of Jerusalem which was called] ‘The City of David’.
11 David je kraljevao nad Izraelom četrdeset godina: u Hebronu je kraljevao sedam godina, u Jeruzalemu je kraljevao trideset i tri godine.
David had been the king of Israel for 40 years: He ruled for seven years in Hebron and for 33 years in Jerusalem.
12 Salomon sjede na prijestolje Davida, svoga oca, i njegova se vlast veoma učvrsti.
Solomon became the ruler/king [MTY] to take the place of his father David and took control of all of the kingdom.
13 Ali Adonija, sin Hagitin, dođe Bat-Šebi, majci Salomonovoj, i pade ničice pred njom. Ona ga upita: “Je li miroljubiv tvoj dolazak?” On odgovori: “Jest, miroljubiv je.”
[One day] Adonijah came to Solomon’s mother Bathsheba. She said to him, “Have you come because you want things to go well?” He replied, “Yes.”
14 I nastavi: “Imam ti nešto reći.” Ona reče: “Govori.”
But then he said, “I have something to ask you to do.” She said, “Tell me [what you want me to do].”
15 Tada će on: “Znaš i sama da je kraljevstvo pripadalo meni i da je sav Izrael očekivao da ću ja biti kralj. Ali mi je kraljevstvo izmaklo i pripalo je mome bratu, jer mu ga je Jahve namijenio.
He said, “You know that all the Israeli people expected me to be their king [because I am David’s oldest surviving son]. But that did not happen. Instead, my [younger] brother became king, because that is what Yahweh wanted.
16 Ja te sada samo jedno molim: nemoj me odbiti.” Ona reče: “Govori.”
Now I have one thing that I ask you to do. Please do not refuse to do it.” She replied, “Tell me [what you want me to do].”
17 A on nastavi: “Reci, molim te, kralju Salomonu - jer tebe neće odbiti - neka mi dade za ženu Abišagu Šunamku!”
He said, “Please ask King Solomon to give to me Abishag, the woman from Shunem [town], to be my wife. [I am sure that] he will not refuse.”
18 A Bat-Šeba odgovori: “Dobro, govorit ću kralju o tebi.”
Bathsheba replied, “Okay, I will speak to the king for you.”
19 Kada dakle uđe Bat-Šeba kralju Salomonu da govori o Adoniji, ustade kralj i pođe joj u susret, pokloni se pred njom, zatim sjede na svoje prijestolje i zapovjedi te namjestiše sjedalicu za kraljicu majku, i ona mu sjede s desne strane.
So Bathsheba went to King Solomon, to tell him what Adonijah wanted. The king got up [from his throne] and went to greet her and bowed down to her. Then he sat on his throne again and asked someone to bring a chair for her. So she sat down at the king’s right side.
20 Tada mu reče: “Nešto bih zaiskala od tebe, nemoj me odbiti.” Kralj joj odgovori: “Traži, majko, jer te neću odbiti.”
Then she said, “I have one small thing which I want you to do; please do not say that you will not do it.” The king replied, “Mother, what do you want? I will not refuse you.”
21 Ona nastavi: “Neka se dade Abišaga Šunamka tvome bratu Adoniji za ženu.”
She said, “Allow Abishag to be given to your [older] brother Adonijah to be his wife.”
22 Kralj Salomon odgovori i reče svojoj majci: “Zašto tražiš Abišagu Šunamku za Adoniju? Traži odmah i kraljevstvo za njega! Jer on je moj stariji brat, a uz njega je svećenik Ebjatar i Joab, sin Sarvijin!”
The king replied [angrily], “What? Are you requesting me to give Abishag to Adonijah? [Does he want me] to allow him to rule the kingdom, too? Because he is my older brother, [does he think that he should be the king]? Does he think that Abiathar should be the priest [instead of Zadok], and that Joab [should be the army commander instead of Benaiah] because they supported him [when he tried to become the king]?”
23 Tada se kralj Salomon zakle Jahvom: “Neka mi Bog učini ovo zlo i neka mi doda drugo ako Adonija nije to izrekao danas po cijenu svoga života!
Then Solomon solemnly promised, requesting Yahweh to listen, “I wish God would strike me and kill me if I do not cause Adonijah to be executed for requesting this!
24 Živoga mi Jahve, koji me potvrdio i posadio na prijestolje oca moga Davida i koji mi je dao dom kako je obećao: još danas će Adonija umrijeti.”
Yahweh has appointed me to be the king and placed me here to rule [MTY] as my father David did. He has promised that my descendants [MTY] will be the kings of Israel. So just as surely as Yahweh lives, I solemnly promise that Adonijah will be executed today!”
25 I kralj Salomon posla Benaju, sina Jojadina, koji ga udari te Adonija umrije.
So King Solomon gave orders to Benaiah to [go and] kill Adonijah, and Benaiah did that.
26 Svećeniku Ebjataru kralj zatim naredi: “Idi u Anatot na svoj posjed. Zaslužio si smrt, ali te neću pogubiti danas jer si nosio Jahvin Kovčeg pred ocem mojim Davidom i podijelio si sve patnje s mojim ocem.”
Then Solomon said to Abiathar the priest, “Go to Anathoth [town], to your land there. You deserve to be killed, but I will not execute you now, because you were the one who [supervised the men who] carried Yahweh’s Sacred Chest for David my father, and you endured all the troubles that my father endured.”
27 I Salomon isključi Ebjatara iz svećenstva Jahvina da tako ispuni Jahvinu riječ koju je izrekao protiv doma Elijeva u Šilu.
So Solomon dismissed Abiathar from being the priest of Yahweh. By doing that he caused to happen what Yahweh had said [many years previously] at Shiloh, [that some day he would get rid] of the descendants [MTY] of Eli.
28 Kada je glas stigao Joabu - Joab bijaše pristao uz Adoniju, premda se nije priključio Abšalomu - on uteče u Šator Jahvin i uhvati se za rogove žrtvenika.
Joab had not supported Absalom [when he tried to become the king], but he had supported Adonijah. So when Joab heard what had happened, he ran to the Sacred Tent, and he grasped the projections on the corners of the altar, [because he knew that no one would kill him there].
29 I dojaviše kralju Salomonu: “Joab je pobjegao u Šator Jahvin, eno ga pokraj žrtvenika.” Tada Salomon poruči Joabu: “Što se držiš žrtvenika?” Joab odgovori: “Uplašio sam se tebe i pobjegao sam pred Jahvu.” Tada Salomon naredi Benaji, sinu Jojadinu: “Idi i ubij ga!”
When someone told Solomon that Joab had run to the Sacred Tent and was standing alongside the altar, Solomon told Benaiah, “Go and execute Joab.”
30 Benaja ode u Šator Jahvin i reče Joabu: “Po naredbi kraljevoj: iziđi!” On odgovori: “Neću, želim ovdje umrijeti!” Benaja javi kralju: “Eto što mi je rekao Joab i što mi je odgovorio.”
So Benaiah went to the Sacred Tent and said to Joab, “The king commands you to come out!” But Joab replied, “No, I will die here.” So Benaiah went back to the king and reported [what he had said to Joab, and] what Joab had replied.
31 Kralj mu reče: “Učini kako je rekao: ubij ga, zatim pokopaj. Tako ćeš danas skinuti s mene i doma oca moga nevinu krv koju je Joab prolio.
The king replied to him, “Do what he has requested. Kill him and bury his body. If you do that, my descendants [MTY] and I will no longer be punished for what Joab did when he killed [MTY] two men who (were innocent/had not done anything that is wrong).
32 Jahve će učiniti da krv njegova padne na njegovu glavu, jer je ubio dva čovjeka pravednika i bolja od sebe; ubio ih je mačem bez znanja moga oca Davida: Abnera, sina Nerova, vođu vojske Izraelove, i Amasu, sina Jeterova, vojvodu judejskoga.
But Yahweh will punish [MTY] Joab for attacking and killing Abner, the commander of the army of Israel, and Amasa, the commander of the army of Judah, two men who were more righteous and better [DOU] men than he is. My father David did not even know that Joab [was planning to murder them].
33 Neka njihova krv padne na glavu Joaba i njegova potomstva dovijeka, a Davidu, njegovu potomstvu, vladalačkoj kući i prijestolju neka od Jahve bude trajan mir.”
Joab and his descendants will be punished [IDM] forever for his murdering Abner and Amasa. But things will forever go well for David’s descendants [MTY] who rule [MTY] as King David did.”
34 I ode Benaja, sin Jojadin, obori se na Joaba i usmrti ga. Pokopali su Joaba u njegovu domu u pustinji.
So Benaiah went [into the Sacred Tent] and killed Joab. Joab was buried on his property in the desert [part of Judah].
35 Mjesto njega postavi kralj na čelo vojske Benaju, sina Jojadina, a na mjesto Ebjatara postavi svećenika Sadoka.
Then the king appointed Benaiah to be the commander of the army instead of Joab, and he appointed Zadok to be the priest instead of Abiathar.
36 Salomon pozva Šimeja i reče mu: “Sagradi sebi kuću u Jeruzalemu: tu stanuj, i nikamo odatle ne izlazi.
Then the king sent [a messenger] to summon Shimei, and the king said to him, “Build a house for yourself here in Jerusalem. Remain there and do not leave the city to go anywhere.
37 Onoga dana kad iziđeš i prijeđeš potok Kidron, znaj dobro da ćeš umrijeti. Krv tvoja na glavu tvoju.”
Be sure that the day that you leave Jerusalem and go across the Kidron Brook, you will be executed, and it will be (your own fault/what you deserve).”
38 Šimej odgovori kralju: “Dobro. Kako moj gospodar kralj kaže, tako će učiniti sluga tvoj.” I Šimej dugo življaše u Jeruzalemu.
Shimei replied, “Your Majesty, what you say is good. I will do what you have said.” So Shimei remained in Jerusalem for several years.
39 Ali poslije tri godine dogodi se te Šimeju pobjegoše dvojica slugu k Akišu, sinu Maakinu, kralju gatskom. I dojaviše Šimeju: “Eno ti slugu u Gatu.”
But three years later, two of Shimei’s slaves ran away. They went to stay with Maacah’s son Achish, the king of Gath [city]. When someone told Shimei that they were in Gath,
40 Tada usta Šimej, osedla magarca i ode u Gat, k Akišu, da traži svoje sluge. I vratio se Šimej i doveo svoje sluge iz Gata.
he put a saddle on his donkey and [got on it and] went to Gath. He found his slaves staying with King Achish and brought them back home.
41 I javiše Salomonu: “Šimej otišao iz Jeruzalema u Gat i vratio se.”
But someone told King Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had returned.
42 Kralj pozva Šimeja i reče mu: “Nisam li ti se zakleo Jahvom i strogo te opomenuo: 'Onoga dana kad budeš izišao i pošao bilo kamo, znaj dobro da ćeš umrijeti!' A ti si mi tada odgovorio: 'Dobra je riječ koju sam čuo.'
So the king sent [a soldier] to summon Shimei and said to him, “I told you to solemnly promise, knowing that Yahweh [MTY] was listening, that you must not leave Jerusalem. I told you [RHQ], ‘Be sure that if you ever leave Jerusalem, you will be executed.’ And you replied [RHQ] to me, ‘What you have said is good; I will do what you have said.’
43 Zašto nisi održao zakletvu Jahvinu i zapovijed koju sam ti dao?”
So why did you not do what you solemnly promised to Yahweh? Why did you disobey what I commanded you?”
44 Još reče kralj Šimeju: “Ti znaš sve zlo koje si učinio mome ocu Davidu. Tvoje je srce toga svjesno. Jahve neka učini da se tvoja zloća obori na tvoju glavu.
The king also said to Shimei, “You know all the evil things that you did to my father David. So Yahweh will now punish you for the evil things that you did.
45 A blagoslovljen je kralj Salomon, i prijestolje će Davidovo biti čvrsto pred Jahvom dovijeka.”
But Yahweh will bless me, and he will enable David’s descendants [MTY] to rule forever.”
46 I zapovjedi kralj Benaji, sinu Jojadinu, te on iziđe i udari Šimeja i tako Šimej umrije. Tako se učvrstilo kraljevstvo u ruci Salomonovoj.
Then the king gave an order to Benaiah, and he went and killed Shimei. So Solomon was completely in control of the kingdom.

< 1 Kraljevima 2 >