< 1 Kraljevima 2 >

1 Kad su se dani Davidovi približavali svome svršetku, zapovjedi David svome sinu Salomonu:
And the days of David drew near that he should die: and he addressed his son Solomon, saying, I go the way of all the earth:
2 “Sada polazim na put sviju smrtnika. Ti budi hrabar i pokaži se čovjekom!
but be you strong, and show yourself a man;
3 Slušaj naredbe Jahve, Boga svoga, idi njegovim stazama, drži se njegovih zakona, zapovijedi, naredaba i njegovih pouka, kako je napisano u Zakonu Mojsijevu, da bi uspio u svemu što poduzmeš i svagdje kamo se okreneš;
and keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, to keep the commandments and the ordinances and the judgments which are written in the law of Moses; that you may understand what you shall do in all things that I command you:
4 da bi Jahve ispunio svoje obećanje koje mi je dao: 'Ako sinovi tvoji budu pazili na svome putu, vjerno hodeći preda mnom, svim srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom, uvijek će jedan od njih sjediti na prijestolju Izraelovu.'
that the Lord may confirm his word which he spoke, saying, If your children shall take heed to their way to walk before me in truth with all their heart, [I promise you], saying, there shall not fail you a man on the throne of Israel.
5 I sam znaš što mi je učinio Joab, sin Sarvijin, kako je učinio obojici vojskovođa Izraelovih: Abneru, sinu Nerovu, i Amasi, sinu Jeterovu, kad ih je ubio i time prolio krv u miru kao u ratu te omastio krvlju pojas oko bokova svojih i obuću na nogama svojim.
Moreover you know all that Joab the son of Saruia did to me, what he did to the two captains of the forces of Israel, to Abenner the son of Ner, and to Amessai the son of Jether, that he killed them, and shed the blood of war in peace, and put innocent blood on his girdle that was about his loins, and on his sandal that was on his foot.
6 Ti postupi po svom razboru i ne daj da mu sijeda kosa mirno počine u Podzemlju. (Sheol h7585)
Therefore you shall deal [with him] according to your wisdom, and you shall not bring down his grey hairs in peace to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
7 A sinovima Barzilaja Gileađanina vrati ljubav: neka budu među onima koji jedu za tvojim stolom jer su mi pomogli kad sam bježao pred tvojim bratom Abšalomom.
But you shall deal kindly with the sons of Berzelli the Galaadite, and they shall be among those that eat at your table; for thus they drew near to me when I fled from the face of your brother Abessalom.
8 Pred sobom imaš Šimeja, sina Gerina, Benjaminovca iz Bahurima, koji me užasnim kletvama proklinjao onoga dana kad sam bježao u Mahanajim. Ali mi je on sišao u susret na Jordan i zakleh mu se Jahvom: 'Neću te pogubiti mačem.'
And, behold, [there is] with you Semei the son of Gera, a Benjamite of Baurim: and he cursed me with a grievous curse in the day when I went into the camp; and he came down to Jordan to meet me, and I swore to him by the Lord, saying, I will not put you to death with the sword.
9 Ali mu ti toga ne opraštaj, jer si čovjek razborit, i već ćeš znati kako treba da postupiš te mu sijedu kosu s krvlju u Podzemlje spremiš.” (Sheol h7585)
But you shall by no means hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man, and will know what you shall do to him, and shall bring down his grey hairs with blood to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
10 I potom počinu David kraj otaca svojih i bi pokopan u Davidovu gradu.
And David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David.
11 David je kraljevao nad Izraelom četrdeset godina: u Hebronu je kraljevao sedam godina, u Jeruzalemu je kraljevao trideset i tri godine.
And the days which David reigned over Israel [were] forty years; he reigned seven years in Chebron, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
12 Salomon sjede na prijestolje Davida, svoga oca, i njegova se vlast veoma učvrsti.
And Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his kingdom was established greatly.
13 Ali Adonija, sin Hagitin, dođe Bat-Šebi, majci Salomonovoj, i pade ničice pred njom. Ona ga upita: “Je li miroljubiv tvoj dolazak?” On odgovori: “Jest, miroljubiv je.”
And Adonias the son of Aggith came in to Bersabee the mother of Solomon, and did obeisance to her: and she said, Do you enter peaceably? and he said, Peaceably:
14 I nastavi: “Imam ti nešto reći.” Ona reče: “Govori.”
I have business with you. And she said to him, Say on.
15 Tada će on: “Znaš i sama da je kraljevstvo pripadalo meni i da je sav Izrael očekivao da ću ja biti kralj. Ali mi je kraljevstvo izmaklo i pripalo je mome bratu, jer mu ga je Jahve namijenio.
And he said to her, You know that the kingdom was mine, and all Israel turned their face toward me for a king; but the kingdom was turned [from me] and became my brother's: for it was [appointed] to him from the Lord.
16 Ja te sada samo jedno molim: nemoj me odbiti.” Ona reče: “Govori.”
And now I make one request of you, do not turn away your face. And Bersabee said to him, Speak [on].
17 A on nastavi: “Reci, molim te, kralju Salomonu - jer tebe neće odbiti - neka mi dade za ženu Abišagu Šunamku!”
And he said to her, Speak, I pray you, to king Solomon, for he will not turn away his face from you, and let him give me Abisag the Somanite for a wife.
18 A Bat-Šeba odgovori: “Dobro, govorit ću kralju o tebi.”
And Bersabee said, Well; I will speak for you to the king.
19 Kada dakle uđe Bat-Šeba kralju Salomonu da govori o Adoniji, ustade kralj i pođe joj u susret, pokloni se pred njom, zatim sjede na svoje prijestolje i zapovjedi te namjestiše sjedalicu za kraljicu majku, i ona mu sjede s desne strane.
And Bersabee went in to king Solomon to speak to him concerning Adonias; and the king rose up to meet her, and kissed her, and sat on the throne, and a throne was set for the mother of the king, and she sat on his right hand.
20 Tada mu reče: “Nešto bih zaiskala od tebe, nemoj me odbiti.” Kralj joj odgovori: “Traži, majko, jer te neću odbiti.”
And she said to him, I ask of you one little request; turn not away my face from you. And the king said to her, Ask, my mother, and I will not reject you.
21 Ona nastavi: “Neka se dade Abišaga Šunamka tvome bratu Adoniji za ženu.”
And she said, Let, I pray you, Abisag the Somanite be given to Adonias your brother to wife.
22 Kralj Salomon odgovori i reče svojoj majci: “Zašto tražiš Abišagu Šunamku za Adoniju? Traži odmah i kraljevstvo za njega! Jer on je moj stariji brat, a uz njega je svećenik Ebjatar i Joab, sin Sarvijin!”
And king Solomon answered and said to his mother, And why have you asked Abisag for Adonias? ask for him the kingdom also; for he [is] my elder brother, and he has for his companion Abiathar the priest, and Joab the son of Saruia the commander-in-chief.
23 Tada se kralj Salomon zakle Jahvom: “Neka mi Bog učini ovo zlo i neka mi doda drugo ako Adonija nije to izrekao danas po cijenu svoga života!
And king Solomon swore by the Lord, saying, God do so to me, and more also, [if it be not] that Adonias has spoken this word against his own life.
24 Živoga mi Jahve, koji me potvrdio i posadio na prijestolje oca moga Davida i koji mi je dao dom kako je obećao: još danas će Adonija umrijeti.”
And now [as] the Lord lives who has established me, and set me on the throne of my father David, and he has made me a house, as the Lord spoke, this day shall Adonias be put to death.
25 I kralj Salomon posla Benaju, sina Jojadina, koji ga udari te Adonija umrije.
So king Solomon sent by the hand of Banaeas the son of Jodae, and he killed him, and Adonias died in that day.
26 Svećeniku Ebjataru kralj zatim naredi: “Idi u Anatot na svoj posjed. Zaslužio si smrt, ali te neću pogubiti danas jer si nosio Jahvin Kovčeg pred ocem mojim Davidom i podijelio si sve patnje s mojim ocem.”
And the king said to Abiathar the priest, Depart you quickly to Anathoth to your farm, for you are worthy of death this day; but I will not kill you, because you have borne the ark of the covenant of the Lord before my father, and because you was afflicted in all things wherein my father was afflicted.
27 I Salomon isključi Ebjatara iz svećenstva Jahvina da tako ispuni Jahvinu riječ koju je izrekao protiv doma Elijeva u Šilu.
And Solomon removed Abiathar from being a priest of the Lord, that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he spoke concerning the house of Heli in Selom.
28 Kada je glas stigao Joabu - Joab bijaše pristao uz Adoniju, premda se nije priključio Abšalomu - on uteče u Šator Jahvin i uhvati se za rogove žrtvenika.
And the report came to Joab son of Saruia; for Joab had turned after Adonias, and he went not after Solomon: and Joab fled to the tabernacle of the Lord, and caught hold of the horns of the altar.
29 I dojaviše kralju Salomonu: “Joab je pobjegao u Šator Jahvin, eno ga pokraj žrtvenika.” Tada Salomon poruči Joabu: “Što se držiš žrtvenika?” Joab odgovori: “Uplašio sam se tebe i pobjegao sam pred Jahvu.” Tada Salomon naredi Benaji, sinu Jojadinu: “Idi i ubij ga!”
And it was told Solomon, saying, Joab has fled to the tabernacle of the Lord, and behold! he has hold of the horns of the altar. And king Solomon sent to Joab, saying, What ails you, that you have fled to the altar? and Joab said, Because I was afraid of you, and fled for refuge to the Lord. And Solomon sent Banaeas son of Jodae, saying, Go and kill him, and bury him.
30 Benaja ode u Šator Jahvin i reče Joabu: “Po naredbi kraljevoj: iziđi!” On odgovori: “Neću, želim ovdje umrijeti!” Benaja javi kralju: “Eto što mi je rekao Joab i što mi je odgovorio.”
And Banaeas son of Jodae came to Joab to the tabernacle of the Lord, and said to him, Thus says the king, Come forth. And Joab said, I will not come forth, for I will die here. And Banaeas son of Jodae returned and spoke to the king, saying, Thus has Joab spoken, and thus has he answered me.
31 Kralj mu reče: “Učini kako je rekao: ubij ga, zatim pokopaj. Tako ćeš danas skinuti s mene i doma oca moga nevinu krv koju je Joab prolio.
And the king said to him, Go, and do to him as he has spoken, and kill him: and you shall bury him, and you shall remove this day the blood which he shed without cause, from me and from the house of my father.
32 Jahve će učiniti da krv njegova padne na njegovu glavu, jer je ubio dva čovjeka pravednika i bolja od sebe; ubio ih je mačem bez znanja moga oca Davida: Abnera, sina Nerova, vođu vojske Izraelove, i Amasu, sina Jeterova, vojvodu judejskoga.
And the Lord has returned upon his own head the blood of his unrighteousness, inasmuch as he attacked two men more righteous and better than himself, and killed them with the sword, and my father David knew not of their blood, [even] Abenner the son of Ner the commander-in-chief of Israel, and Amessa the son of Jether the commander-in-chief of Juda.
33 Neka njihova krv padne na glavu Joaba i njegova potomstva dovijeka, a Davidu, njegovu potomstvu, vladalačkoj kući i prijestolju neka od Jahve bude trajan mir.”
And their blood is returned upon his head, and upon the head of his seed for ever: but to David, and his seed, and his house, and his throne, may there be peace for ever from the Lord.
34 I ode Benaja, sin Jojadin, obori se na Joaba i usmrti ga. Pokopali su Joaba u njegovu domu u pustinji.
So Banaeas son of Jodae went up, and attacked him, and killed him, and buried him in his house in the wilderness.
35 Mjesto njega postavi kralj na čelo vojske Benaju, sina Jojadina, a na mjesto Ebjatara postavi svećenika Sadoka.
And the king appointed Banaeas son of Jodae in his place over the host; and the kingdom was established in Jerusalem; and [as for] Sadoc the priest, the king appointed him to be high priest in the room of Abiathar. And Solomon son of David reigned over Israel and Juda in Jerusalem: and the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and largeness of heart, as the sand by the sea-shore.
36 Salomon pozva Šimeja i reče mu: “Sagradi sebi kuću u Jeruzalemu: tu stanuj, i nikamo odatle ne izlazi.
37 Onoga dana kad iziđeš i prijeđeš potok Kidron, znaj dobro da ćeš umrijeti. Krv tvoja na glavu tvoju.”
38 Šimej odgovori kralju: “Dobro. Kako moj gospodar kralj kaže, tako će učiniti sluga tvoj.” I Šimej dugo življaše u Jeruzalemu.
39 Ali poslije tri godine dogodi se te Šimeju pobjegoše dvojica slugu k Akišu, sinu Maakinu, kralju gatskom. I dojaviše Šimeju: “Eno ti slugu u Gatu.”
40 Tada usta Šimej, osedla magarca i ode u Gat, k Akišu, da traži svoje sluge. I vratio se Šimej i doveo svoje sluge iz Gata.
41 I javiše Salomonu: “Šimej otišao iz Jeruzalema u Gat i vratio se.”
42 Kralj pozva Šimeja i reče mu: “Nisam li ti se zakleo Jahvom i strogo te opomenuo: 'Onoga dana kad budeš izišao i pošao bilo kamo, znaj dobro da ćeš umrijeti!' A ti si mi tada odgovorio: 'Dobra je riječ koju sam čuo.'
43 Zašto nisi održao zakletvu Jahvinu i zapovijed koju sam ti dao?”
44 Još reče kralj Šimeju: “Ti znaš sve zlo koje si učinio mome ocu Davidu. Tvoje je srce toga svjesno. Jahve neka učini da se tvoja zloća obori na tvoju glavu.
45 A blagoslovljen je kralj Salomon, i prijestolje će Davidovo biti čvrsto pred Jahvom dovijeka.”
46 I zapovjedi kralj Benaji, sinu Jojadinu, te on iziđe i udari Šimeja i tako Šimej umrije. Tako se učvrstilo kraljevstvo u ruci Salomonovoj.

< 1 Kraljevima 2 >