< 1 Kraljevima 15 >

1 Osamnaeste godine kraljevanja Jeroboama, sina Nebatova, zakraljio se Abijam u Judeji.
After Jeroboam had been the king of Israel for almost 18 years, Abijah became the king of Judah.
2 Tri je godine kraljevao u Jeruzalemu; njegova se majka zvala Maaka, a bila je kći Abšalomova.
He ruled for three years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Maacah, the granddaughter of [David’s son] Absalom.
3 On je hodio u svim grijesima što ih je njegov otac činio prije njega, i njegovo srce nije bilo potpuno odano Jahvi, Bogu svome, kao srce njegova praoca Davida.
Abijah committed the same kind of sins that his father had committed. He was not fully dedicated/committed to Yahweh his God, as his grandfather David had been.
4 Ipak, zbog Davida, dao mu je Jahve, Bog njegov, svjetiljku u Jeruzalemu, podigavši sinove njegove poslije njega i sačuvavši Jeruzalem.
But, because of [what Yahweh his God had promised to] David, Yahweh gave Abijah a son [MET] to rule in Jerusalem after him, and in order to protect Jerusalem [from their enemies].
5 Jer je David činio sve što je pravo u očima Jahvinim i za svega svoga života nije odstupio ni od čega što mu je zapovjedio, osim onog što je učinio Uriji Hetitu.
Yahweh did that because David had always done what pleased Yahweh and because David had always obeyed Yahweh. The only time when he disobeyed Yahweh was when he caused Uriah [to be killed].
There were wars between [the armies of] Rehoboam and Jeroboam all during the time that Abijah ruled.
7 Ostala povijest Abijamova, sve što je učinio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva judejskih? A bijaše rat između Abijama i Jeroboama.
Everything else that Abijah did is written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
8 Potom je Abijam počinuo sa svojim ocima. Sahraniše ga u Davidovu gradu; na njegovo se mjesto zakralji sin mu Asa.
Abijah died [EUP] and was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, and his son Asa became king.
9 Dvadesete godine Jeroboamova kraljevanja nad Izraelom postade Asa kraljem Judeje.
After Jeroboam had been the king of Israel for almost 20 years, Asa started to rule Judah.
10 Kraljevao je četrdeset i jednu godinu u Jeruzalemu; njegova se baka zvala Maaka, a bila je kći Abšalomova.
He ruled in Jerusalem for 41 years. His grandmother was Maacah, the granddaughter of Absalom.
11 Asa je činio što je pravo u očima Jahvinim, kao i njegov praotac David.
Asa did what was pleasing to Yahweh, as his ancestor David had done.
12 Protjerao je iz zemlje posvećene bludnice i uklonio sve idole koje njegovi oci bijahu načinili.
He got rid of the male prostitutes that were at the places where the people worshiped idols, and he also got rid of all the idols that his ancestors had made.
13 Sam je uklonio svoju baku s dostojanstva velike kneginje, jer bijaše načinila gada Ašeri. Asa je sasjekao njezina gada i spalio ga u potoku Kidronu.
He also removed his grandmother Maacah so that she no longer had influence in the government [because of] being the mother of a previous king. He did that because she had made a disgusting [wooden] statue of the goddess Asherah. Asa [told his workers to] cut down the statue and burned it in the Kidron Valley.
14 Ali uzvišice nisu bile uklonjene; ipak je Asino srce bilo privrženo Jahvi svega njegova života.
He was not able to destroy all the places where the people worshiped [idols] on the high hills, but he continued to be dedicated/committed to Yahweh his entIre life.
15 Unio je u Dom Jahvin posvećene darove svoga oca i svoje: srebro, zlato i posuđe.
He [told his workers to] place in the temple all the items that his father had dedicated to God, and all the gold and silver things that he had dedicated to God.
16 Bio je rat između Ase i Baše, kralja izraelskoga, u sve njihove dane.
There were wars between [the armies of] Asa and Baasha, the king of Israel, all during the time that they ruled.
17 Izraelski kralj Baša navali na Judeju i stade utvrđivati Ramu da spriječi svako kretanje judejskom kralju Asi.
Baasha’s army invaded Judah. They captured Ramah [town north of Jerusalem]. Then they started to build a wall around it in order to prevent people from entering or leaving the area in Judah that was ruled by King Asa.
18 Asa tada uze srebra i zlata koje je preostalo u riznicama Doma Jahvina i u riznicama kraljevskog dvora i dade ga svojim slugama te ih posla Ben-Hadadu, sinu Tabrimonovu, sinu Hezjonovu, aramejskom kralju, koji je stolovao u Damasku, i poruči mu:
So Asa [told] his workers [to] take all the silver and gold that was still in the storerooms in the temple and in the palace. He told them to take it to Damascus and give it to King Ben-Hadad who ruled Syria. Ben-Hadad was the son of Tabrimmon and grandson of Hezion. He told the workers to say this to Ben-Hadad:
19 “Neka bude savez između mene i tebe, između moga i tvoga oca; evo, šaljem ti na dar srebra i zlata: hajde, raskini savez s izraelskim kraljem Bašom da bi otišao od mene.”
“I want there to be a peace treaty between you and me, like there was between your father and my father. For that reason, I am giving you this silver and gold. So now please cancel the treaty that you made with Baasha, the king of Israel, in order that he will take his soldiers away from attacking mine, [because he will be afraid of your army].”
20 Ben-Hadad posluša kralja Asu i posla svoje vojskovođe na izraelske gradove te oni pokoriše Ijon, Dan, Abel Bet-Maaku, sav Kineret i svu zemlju Naftali.
[So the workers went and gave the message to] Ben-Hadad, [and he] did what Asa suggested. He sent his army commanders [and their soldiers] to attack some of the towns in Israel. They captured Ijon, Dan, Abel-Beth-Maacah, the area near Galilee Lake, and all the land of [the tribe of] Naphtali.
21 A kada to Baša dozna, presta utvrđivati Ramu i vrati se u Tirsu.
When Baasha heard about that, he [told his soldiers to] stop working at Ramah. He [and his soldiers returned to] Tirzah [and] stayed there.
22 Kralj Asa sazva sve Judejce, bez izuzetka, i oni odnesoše kamenje i drvo kojima je Baša utvrđivao Ramu, i kralj Asa utvrdi time Gebu Benjaminovu i Mispu.
Then King Asa sent a message to all the [people in the] towns in Judah, stating that they all were required to go to Ramah and carry away the stones and timber that Baasha’s soldiers had been using to build a wall around the city. With those stones and timber they fortified Mizpah [city north of Jerusalem], and Geba, [a town] in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin.
23 Ostala povijest Asina, sve njegove pobjede i sve što je učinio i gradovi koje je utvrdio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva judejskih? A u starosti bolovao je od nogu.
Everything else that Asa did, the armies that his soldiers defeated, and the names of the cities that he caused to be fortified, are [RHQ] written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’. But when Asa became old, he got a disease in his feet.
24 Asa je počinuo sa svojim ocima i sahranjen je sa svojim ocima u gradu Davida, svoga praoca. Njegov sin Jošafat zakralji se mjesto njega.
He died [EUP] and was buried where his ancestors were buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. Then his son Jehoshaphat became king.
25 Nadab, sin Jeroboamov, postade kraljem Izraela druge godine Asina kraljevanja Judejom i vladao je dvije godine Izraelom.
After Asa had been the king of Judah for almost two years, King Jeroboam’s son Nadab started to rule Israel. He ruled for two years.
26 Činio je zlo u očima Jahvinim. Hodio je putem svoga oca i oponašao njegov grijeh na koji je navodio Izraela.
He did things that Yahweh considered to be evil. His behavior was sinful like his father’s behavior had been, and what he did led the people of Israel to sin.
27 Baša, sin Ahijin, iz kuće Jisakarove, uroti se protiv njega i ubi ga u Gibetonu, koji pripada Filistejcima i koji su opsjedali Nadab i sav Izrael.
[A man named] Baasha, from the tribe of Issachar, planned to harm him. He killed Nadab when Nadab and his army had surrounded Gibbethon [city] in the Philistia area.
28 Baša ga ubi treće godine Asina kraljevanja Judejom i zavlada mjesto njega.
That [DOU] was when Asa had been [the king ruling] Judah for almost three years. Then Baasha became the king of Israel.
29 Kad je postao kraljem, pobi svu kuću Jeroboamovu i ne poštedi nikoga od Jeroboamovih dokle sve ne istrijebi po riječi koju je Jahve rekao preko sluge svoga Ahije iz Šila.
As soon as Baasha became king, [he commanded his soldiers to] kill all of Jeroboam’s family. Doing what Yahweh had told the prophet Ahijah from Shiloh would happen, they killed all of Jeroboam’s family. None of them (was left/remained alive).
30 Zbog grijeha što ih je učinio i na koje je naveo Izraela i zbog gnjeva kojim je raspalio Jahvu, Boga Izraelova.
That happened because Yahweh had become very angry with Jeroboam because of all the sins that Jeroboam had committed, and because of the sins that he had persuaded the people of Israel to commit.
31 Ostala povijest Nadabova, i sve što je učinio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva izraelskih?
Everything else that Nadab did is written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
32 Između Ase i Izraelova kralja Baše vladao je rat u sve njihove dane.
There were wars between [the armies of] King Asa and King Baasha all the time that they ruled.
33 Treće godine Asina kraljevanja Judejom postade Baša, sin Ahijin, kraljem nad svim Izraelom u Tirsi i vladao je dvadeset i četiri godine.
After Asa had been the king of Judah for almost three years, Baasha, the son of Ahijah, started to rule Israel at Tirzah [city]. He ruled for 24 years.
34 Činio je zlo u očima Jahvinim i hodio je putem Jeroboama i njegovih grijeha kojima je zavodio Izraelce.
He did things that Yahweh considered to be evil, and his behavior was sinful like his father’s had been, and he led the people of Israel to sin.

< 1 Kraljevima 15 >