< 1 Kraljevima 13 >

1 A neki čovjek Božji dođe na riječ Jahvinu iz Judeje u Betel kada Jeroboam stajaše pred žrtvenikom da prinese kad.
One day a prophet, obeying what Yahweh commanded him to do, went from Judah [north] to Bethel. He arrived there right at the time that Jeroboam was standing at the altar, ready to burn incense.
2 I po Jahvinoj zapovijedi povika onaj prema žrtveniku: “Žrtveniče, žrtveniče! Ovako veli Jahve: 'Evo će se roditi u kući Davidovoj sin po imenu Jošija. On će na tebi žrtvovati svećenike uzvišica, te koji na tebi prinose kad, i on će na tebi spaliti ljudske kosti!'”
Saying what Yahweh told him to say, the prophet shouted, “This is what Yahweh says [about this] altar [APO]: ‘I want you to know that [some day] a descendant [MTY] of King David will be born. His name will be Josiah, and he will come here. He will slaughter at this altar the priests who are burning incense for sacrifices on the hills [in this area], and he will burn the bones of dead people on this altar.’” [APO]
3 U isto im vrijeme dade znak: “Ovo je znak da je Jahve govorio: gle, žrtvenik će se raspuknuti i prosut će se pepeo što je na njemu.”
Then the prophet also said, “This is what will prove to you that Yahweh has said this: This altar will be split apart, and the ashes that are on it will be scattered.’”
4 Kada je kralj čuo što je čovjek Božji rekao protiv žrtvenika u Betelu, pruži ruku odande od žrtvenika i reče: “Uhvatite ga!” Ali se osušila ruka koju je ispružio prema čovjeku i nije je mogao vratiti k sebi.
When King Jeroboam heard the prophet say that, he pointed his finger at him and said to his servants, “Seize that man!” But immediately the king’s arm became paralyzed/stiff, with the result that he could not move it.
5 Žrtvenik se raspuknuo i pepeo se prosuo sa žrtvenika, prema znaku što ga je dao čovjek Božji po naredbi Jahvinoj.
And the altar immediately split apart, and the ashes spilled out [on the ground], which is what the prophet said that Yahweh [MTY] had predicted would happen.
6 Kralj progovori i reče čovjeku Božjem: “Umilostivi Jahvu, Boga svoga, da bih mogao vratiti ruku k sebi.” Božji čovjek umilostivi Jahvu i ruka se kraljeva vrati k njemu i bila je kao prije.
Then the king said to the prophet, “Please pray that Yahweh will be merciful to me and heal my arm!” So the prophet prayed, and Yahweh completely healed the king’s arm.
7 Kralj onda reče čovjeku Božjem: “Hodi sa mnom kući da se okrijepiš. I dat ću ti dar.”
Then the king said to the prophet, “Come home with me and eat some food. And I will also give you a reward [for what you have done]!”
8 Ali čovjek Božji odgovori kralju: “Da mi dadeš polovinu svoje kuće, ne bih pošao s tobom. Ni jeo ni pio ne bih na ovom mjestu,
But the prophet replied, “Even if you would [promise to] give me half of everything that you own [MTY], I will not go with you, and I will not eat or drink anything with you here,
9 jer mi je ovako zapovjeđeno riječju Jahvinom: 'Ne jedi kruha i ne pij vode, niti se vraćaj istim putem kojim si došao.'”
because Yahweh commanded me not to eat or drink anything here. He also commanded me not to return home on the road on which I came here.”
10 I otišao je drugim putem, nije se vraćao putem kojim je došao u Betel.
So he started to return home, but he did not go on the road on which he came to Bethel. He went on a different road.
11 A u Betelu živio star prorok. Došli njemu njegovi sinovi te mu pripovjedili sve što je onoga dana učinio čovjek Božji u Betelu; i riječi što ih je onaj kazao kralju pripovjediše sinovi ocu.
At that time there was an old man living in Bethel who was a prophet. His sons came and told him what the prophet [from Judah] had done there on that day, and they also told him what the prophet had said to the king.
12 A on ih upita: “Kojim je putem otišao?” Sinovi pokazaše put kojim je otišao čovjek Božji što bijaše došao iz Judeje.
Their father said, “On which road did he go?” So his sons showed him the road on which the prophet from Judah had gone [when he left Bethel].
13 Prorok će nato sinovima: “Osamarite mi magarca!” I osamariše mu magarca, a on uzjaha.
Then he said to his sons, “Put a saddle on my donkey.” So they did that, and he got on the donkey.
14 Krenuo je za čovjekom Božjim i našao ga gdje sjedi pod hrastom; i upita ga: “Jesi li ti čovjek Božji koji je došao iz Judeje?” A on mu odgovori: “Jesam.”
He went along the road to (find/catch up with) the prophet from Judah. He found him sitting under an oak tree. He said to him, “Are you the prophet who came from Judah?” He replied, “Yes, I am.”
15 Prorok mu reče: “Hodi sa mnom mome domu da štogod pojedeš.”
The old prophet said to him, “Come home with me and eat some food.”
16 Ali on odgovori: “Ne smijem se vratiti s tobom, niti smijem jesti kruha ni piti vode na ovome mjestu,
He replied, “No, I am not allowed to go with you into your house, or to eat or drink anything with you,
17 jer mi je Jahvinom riječju naređeno ovo: 'Ne jedi ondje kruha, ne pij vode, niti se vraćaj putem kojim si onamo pošao'.”
because Yahweh told me, ‘Do not eat or drink anything here, and do not return home on the road on which you came.’”
18 Nato će mu onaj: “I ja sam prorok kao i ti, i anđeo mi je riječju Jahvinom rekao: 'Povedi ga sa sobom kući da jede kruha i pije vode.'” Slagao mu je.
Then the old prophet said to him, “I also am a prophet, like you are. Yahweh sent an angel to tell me that I should take you home with me and give you some food and drink.” But the old man was lying [when he said that].
19 Božji čovjek vrati se s njim, u njegovoj je kući jeo kruha i pio vode.
But because of what the old prophet said, the prophet from Judah returned with him to his home and ate some food and drank some water with him.
20 Dok su sjedili za stolom, dođe riječ Jahvina proroku koji ga je natrag doveo
While they were sitting at the table, Yahweh spoke to the old man.
21 i povika on čovjeku Božjem koji je došao iz Judeje: “Ovako veli Jahve: zato što nisi poslušao zapovijedi Jahvine i nisi držao naredbe koju ti je dao Jahve, Bog tvoj,
Then he cried out to the prophet from Judah, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You have disobeyed him, and you have not done what he commanded you to do.
22 nego si se vratio, jeo kruha i pio vode na mjestu gdje sam ti rekao da ne jedeš kruha i ne piješ vode, zato tijelo tvoje neće leći u grob otaca tvojih.”
Instead, you have come back here and had things to eat and drink in a place where he commanded you not to do that. As a result, you will be killed, and your body will not be buried in the grave where your ancestors are buried.’”
23 Pošto se onaj koga bijaše doveo najeo kruha i napio vode, osedla mu magarca.
When they had finished eating, the old man put a saddle on the donkey for the prophet from Judah, [and the prophet from Judah left].
24 I ode onaj. A na putu ga zaskoči lav i usmrti ga. I tako je mrtvo tijelo ležalo ispruženo na putu, magarac stajao kraj njega, a i lav stajaše kraj tijela.
But as he was going, a lion met him and killed him. The prophet’s corpse was lying on the road, and the donkey was standing beside it, and the lion was also standing beside the corpse.
25 Ljudi prolazeći vidješe mrtvo tijelo ispruženo na putu i lava gdje stoji kraj njega; i odoše i javiše to u gradu gdje je živio stari prorok.
Some men passed by and were surprised to see the corpse on the road and the lion standing next to the corpse. So they went into Bethel and reported what they had seen.
26 Kad je to čuo prorok koji bijaše onoga vratio s puta, reče: “To je čovjek Božji koji se usprotivio riječi Jahvinoj! I Jahve ga je predao lavu, koji ga je napao i ubio, prema riječi koju je Jahve rekao.”
When the old man who had brought the prophet from Judah to his home heard about it, he said, “That is the prophet who disobeyed what Yahweh told him to do! That is why Yahweh allowed the lion to attack him and kill him. That is what Yahweh said would happen!”
27 I reče svojim sinovima: “Osamarite mi magarca!” I oni mu ga osamariše.
Then he said to his sons, “Put a saddle on my donkey.” So they did that.
28 Ode on i nađe mrtvo tijelo bačeno na putu i magarca i lava gdje stoje pokraj tijela: lav nije požderao tijelo niti je rastrgao magarca.
Then he rode on the donkey and found the prophet’s corpse on the road, and his donkey and the lion were still standing there alongside the corpse. But the lion had not eaten any of the flesh of the prophet and had not attacked the donkey.
29 Tada prorok podiže mrtvo tijelo čovjeka Božjeg i prebaci ga na magarca; i vrati se u grad gdje je živio da mrtvoga ožali i pokopa.
The old man picked up the corpse of the prophet and put it on his donkey and brought it back to Bethel, in order to mourn for him and to bury his corpse.
30 Položio je mrtvo tijelo u svoju grobnicu i jecao je nad njim: “Jao, brate moj!”
He buried the prophet’s corpse in the grave where other people in his family [had been buried]. Then he and his sons mourned for him, saying, “[We are very sorry], my brother!”
31 A kad ga je pokopao, reče svojim sinovima: “Poslije moje smrti sahranite me u istu grobnicu gdje je pokopan čovjek Božji; stavite moje kosti kraj njegovih.
After they had buried him, the old man said to his sons, “When I die, bury my corpse in the grave where we buried the prophet from Judah. Lay my corpse next to his corpse.
32 Jer će se sigurno ispuniti riječ koju je po zapovijedi Jahvinoj objavio protiv žrtvenika u Betelu i protiv svih svetišta na uzvišicama u gradovima Samarije.”
[And do not forget what he said, because] the things that Yahweh told him to say about the altar in Bethel, and about the shrines on the hills in the towns in Samaria, will surely happen.”
33 Ni poslije ovoga događaja ne obrati se Jeroboam za svoga zlog puta, nego je i dalje priproste ljude postavljao za svećenike na uzvišicama: tko je želio, davao mu je darove da postane svećenik uzvišica.
But King Jeroboam still did not turn away from continuing to do evil things. Instead, he appointed more priests [who were not descended from Levi]. Anyone who wanted to be a priest, he appointed to be a priest, in order that he could offer sacrifices on the hills.
34 Takvim je postupkom padala u grijeh kuća Jeroboamova, rušila se i nestajala s lica zemlje.
Because he committed that sin, [a few years later] God got rid of most of Jeroboam’s descendants and did not allow them to become kings of Israel.

< 1 Kraljevima 13 >