< 1 Kraljevima 10 >

1 Glas koji je u Jahvinu Imenu stekao Salomon dopro je do kraljice od Sabe; zato ona dođe da Salomona iskuša zagonetkama.
And the queen of Saba heard of the name of Solomon, and the name of the Lord, and she came to try him with riddles.
2 Došla je u Jeruzalem s golemom pratnjom, s devama koje su nosile mirise, nebrojeno zlato i drago kamenje. Došavši k Salomonu, porazgovori se s njim o svemu što joj bijaše na srcu.
And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train; and [there came] camels bearing spices, and very much gold, and precious stones: and she came in to Solomon, and told him all that was in her heart.
3 Salomon joj odgovori na sva pitanja; nije mu bilo skriveno ništa da joj ne bi umio objasniti.
And Solomon answered all her questions: and there was not a question overlooked by the king which he did not answer her.
4 Kad kraljica od Sabe vidje mudrost Salomonovu, dvor koji bijaše sagradio,
And the queen of Saba saw all the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he built,
5 jela na njegovu stolu, odaje njegove i dvorane, otmjenost njegove posluge i njihova odijela, njegove peharnike i paljenice koje je prinio u Domu Jahvinu, zastade joj dah.
and the provision of Solomon and the sitting of his attendants, and the standing of his servants, and his raiment, and his cupbearers, and his whole burnt offering which he offered in the house of the Lord, and she was utterly amazed.
6 Tada reče kralju: “Istina je bila što sam u svojoj zemlji čula o tebi i o tvojoj mudrosti.
And she said to king Solomon, [It was] a true report which I heard in my land of your words and your wisdom.
7 Ali nisam htjela vjerovati što se pripovijeda dokle god nisam došla i vidjela na svoje oči; i doista, ni pola mi nije bilo rečeno: ti nadvisuješ u mudrosti i blagostanju slavu o kojoj sam čula.
But I believed not them that told me, until I came and my eyes saw: and, behold, the words as they reported to me are not the half: you have exceeded in goodness all the report which I heard in my land.
8 Blago tvojim ženama, blago ovim tvojim slugama koji su neprestano pred tobom i slušaju tvoju mudrost!
Blessed [are] your wives, blessed [are] these your servants who stand before you continually, who hear all your wisdom.
9 Neka je blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog tvoj, komu si tako omilio da te postavio na prijestolje Izraelaca; zato što Jahve uvijek ljubi Izraela, postavio te kraljem da činiš pravo i pravicu.”
Blessed be the Lord your God, who has taken pleasure in you, to set you upon the throne of Israel, because the Lord loved Israel to establish [him] for ever; and he has made you king over them, to execute judgement with justice, and in their causes.
10 Dade tada kralju stotinu i dvadeset zlatnih talenata, mnogo miomirisa i dragulja. Nikad više nije bilo takvih miomirisa kakve je kraljica od Sabe dala kralju Salomonu.
And she gave to Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and very many spices, and precious stones: there had not come any other spices so abundant as those which the queen of Saba gave to king Solomon.
11 Pa i Hiramovo brodovlje, koje je donosilo zlato iz Ofira, dovezlo je odande mnogo sandalovine i dragulja.
And the ship of Chiram which brought the gold from Suphir, brought very much hewn timber and precious stones.
12 Kralj je od sandalovine napravio ograde za Dom Jahvin i za kraljevski dvor, i citre i harfe za pjevače; nikada se više nije dovezlo toliko sandalova drveta niti se vidjelo do danas.
And the king made the hewn timber [into] buttresses of the house of the Lord and the king's house, and lyres and harps for singers: such hewn timber had not come upon the earth, nor have been seen anywhere until this day.
13 Kralj Salomon dade kraljici od Sabe što je god zaželjela i zatražila, a povrh toga kraljevski je obdari. Potom ona krenu i sa slugama vrati se u svoju zemlju.
And king Solomon gave to the queen of Saba all that she desired, whatever she asked, besides all that he had given her by the hand of king Solomon: and she returned, and came into her own land, she and her servants.
14 Zlato što je dolazilo Salomonu svake godine bilo je teško šest stotina šezdeset i šest zlatnih talenata,
And the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold.
15 osim onoga što je dolazilo od trgovaca i prodavača-potukača i od svih arapskih kraljeva i upravitelja zemaljskih.
Besides the tributes of them that were subjects, both merchants and all the kings of the [country] beyond [the river], and of the princess of the land.
16 Kralj Salomon načini tri stotine velikih štitova od kovanog zlata; za svaki je štit upotrijebio šest stotina zlatnih šekela;
And Solomon made three hundred spears of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold were upon one spear.
17 i načini trista štitića od kovanog zlata; za svaki je štitić utrošio tri zlatne mine. Pohranio je sve u kuću zvanu Libanonska šuma.
And three hundred shields of beaten gold: and three pounds of gold were in one shield: and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.
18 Kralj je još napravio veliko prijestolje od bjelokosti i obložio ga čistim zlatom.
And the king made a great ivory throne, and gilded it with pure gold.
19 Prijestolje je imalo šest stepenica, straga je na njemu bila teleća glava, a s obje strane sjedala bile su ručice, a kraj ručica stajala dva lava.
The throne [had] six steps, and calves in bold relief to the throne behind it, and side-pieces on either hand of the place of the seat, and two lions standing by the side-pieces,
20 Dvanaest je lavova stajalo s obje strane onih šest stepenica. Takvo što nije bilo izrađeno ni u jednom kraljevstvu.
and twelve lions standing there on the six steps on either side: it was not so done in any [other] kingdom.
21 Sve posude iz kojih je pio kralj Salomon bijahu zlatne, i sve posuđe u kući zvanoj Libanonska šuma bijaše od suhoga zlata; ništa nije bilo od srebra, jer se ono smatralo bezvrijednim u Salomonovo vrijeme.
And all the vessels made by Solomon [were] of gold, and the lavers [were] golden, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; there was no silver, for it was not accounted of in the days of Solomon.
22 Kralj je imao taršiško brodovlje na moru zajedno s Hiramovim brodovljem, i svake treće godine dolazilo je taršiško brodovlje donoseći zlato, srebro i slonovu kost, majmune i paune.
For Solomon had a ship of Tharsis in the sea with the ships of Chiram: one ship came to the king every three years out of Tharsis, [laden with] gold and silver, and wrought stones, and hewn stones.
23 Tako je kralj Salomon natkrilio sve zemaljske kraljeve bogatstvom i mudrošću.
And Solomon increased beyond all the kings of the earth in wealth and wisdom.
24 Sav je svijet želio vidjeti Salomona i čuti mudrost koju mu je Bog ulio u srce.
And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom which the Lord [had] put into his heart.
25 Svatko mu je donosio dar: srebro i zlatno posuđe, haljine, oružje, miomirise, konje i mazge, iz godine u godinu.
And they brought every one their gifts, vessels of gold, and raiment, and stacte, and spices, and horses, and mules, a rate year by year.
26 Uz to je Salomon sakupio bojnih kola i konjanika; imao je tisuću i četiri stotine bojnih kola i dvanaest tisuća konja i rasporedio ih je po gradovima bojnih kola i kod kralja u Jeruzalemu.
And Solomon had four thousand mares for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen: and he put them in the cities of his chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem: and he ruled over all the kings from the river to the land of the Philistines, and to the borders of Egypt.
27 Salomon je učinio da u Jeruzalemu bude srebra kao kamenja, a cedrova kao divljih smokava što rastu u Šefeli.
And the king made gold and silver in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars as the sycamores in the plain for multitude.
28 Salomon je uvozio konje iz Musrija i Koe: kraljevi nabavljači uvozili su ih iz Koe za određenu svotu.
And the goings forth of Solomon's horsemen [was] also out of Egypt, and the king's merchants [were] of Thecue; and they received them out of Thecue at a price.
29 Kola se dovozila iz Egipta po šest stotina srebrnih šekela; a konj se plaćao po stotinu i pedeset. Tako ih preko nabavljača dobivahu svi kraljevi hetitski i aramejski.
And that which proceeded out of Egypt went up [thus, even] a chariot for a hundred [shekels] of silver, and a horse for fifty [shekels] of silver: and thus for all the kings of the Chettians, and the kings of Syria, they came out by sea.

< 1 Kraljevima 10 >