< 1 Korinčanima 13 >
1 Kad bih sve jezike ljudske govorio i anđeoske, a ljubavi ne bih imao, bio bih mjed što ječi ili cimbal što zveči.
Though I speak in the “tongues” of people, or even of angels, yet have not love, I have become mere echoing brass, or a clanging cymbal!
2 Kad bih imao dar prorokovanja i znao sva otajstva i sve spoznanje; i kad bih imao svu vjeru da bih i gore premještao, a ljubavi ne bih imao - ništa sam!
Even though I have the gift of preaching, and fathom all hidden truths and all the depths of knowledge; even though I have such faith as might move mountains, yet have not love, I am nothing!
3 I kad bih razdao sav svoj imutak i kad bih predao tijelo svoje da se sažeže, a ljubavi ne bih imao - ništa mi ne bi koristilo.
Even though I dole my substance to the poor, even though I sacrifice my body in order to boast, yet have not love, it avails me nothing!
4 Ljubav je velikodušna, dobrostiva je ljubav, ne zavidi, ljubav se ne hvasta, ne nadima se;
Love is long-suffering, and kind; love is never envious, never boastful, never conceited, never behaves unbecomingly;
5 nije nepristojna, ne traži svoje, nije razdražljiva, ne pamti zlo;
love is never self-seeking, never provoked, never reckons up her wrongs;
6 ne raduje se nepravdi, a raduje se istini;
love never rejoices at evil, but rejoices in the triumph of truth;
7 sve pokriva, sve vjeruje, svemu se nada, sve podnosi.
love bears with all things, ever trustful, ever hopeful, ever patient.
8 Ljubav nikad ne prestaje. Prorokovanja? Uminut će. Jezici? Umuknut će. Spoznanje? Uminut će.
Love never fails. But, whether it be the gift of preaching, it will end; whether it be the gift of “tongues,” it will cease; whether it be knowledge, it, too, will vanish.
9 Jer djelomično je naše spoznanje, i djelomično prorokovanje.
For our knowledge is incomplete, and our preaching is incomplete,
10 A kada dođe ono savršeno, uminut će ovo djelomično.
but, when the perfect has come, that which is incomplete will end.
11 Kad bijah nejače, govorah kao nejače, mišljah kao nejače, rasuđivah kao nejače. A kad postadoh zreo čovjek, odbacih ono nejačko.
When I was a child, I talked as a child, I felt as a child, I reasoned as a child; now that I am a man, I have done with childish ways.
12 Doista, sada gledamo kroza zrcalo, u zagonetki, a tada - licem u lice! Sada spoznajem djelomično, a tada ću spoznati savršeno, kao što sam i spoznat!
As yet we see, in a mirror, dimly, but then – face to face! As yet my knowledge is incomplete, but then I will know in full, as I have been fully known.
13 A sada: ostaju vjera, ufanje i ljubav - to troje - ali najveća je među njima ljubav.
Meanwhile faith, hope, and love endure – these three, but the greatest of these is love.