< 1 Ljetopisa 29 >
1 Kralj David reče svemu zboru: “Bog je izabrao moga sina Salomona, mlado i nježno momče, a ovo je velik posao, jer neće biti za čovjeka dvor nego za Boga Jahvu.
Then King David said to everyone gathered there, “My son Solomon, chosen by God alone, is young and inexperienced, and the work to be done is great because this Temple will not be for man, but for the Lord God.
2 Pripremio sam, koliko sam mogao, za Dom svoga Boga zlata za zlatne stvari i srebra za srebrne, tuča za tučane, željeza za željezne, drva za drvene; oniksova kamenja i dragulja za ukivanje, dragulja za ukras i šarenih dragulja, svakojakoga dragog kamenja i izobila mramora.
Using all my means I have provided for the house of my God—gold for the articles made of gold, silver for the silver, bronze for the bronze, iron for the iron, and wood for the wood; onyx stones and stones for settings: turquoise, different colored stones, every kind of precious stone; and plenty of marble.
3 Iz ljubavi prema Bogu dajem još i svoga zlata i srebra za Dom svoga Boga, osim svega što sam pripravio za sveti Dom.
More than this, because of my devotion to the house of my God, I'm now giving my personal fortune of gold and silver, in addition to everything that I have provided for this holy house.
4 Tri tisuće zlatnih talenata ofirskoga zlata i sedam tisuća talenata čistoga srebra da se oblože zidovi prostorija.
3,000 talents of gold—the gold of Ophir—and 7,000 talents of refined silver will go to cover the walls of the buildings,
5 Zlato za zlatne stvari, a srebro za srebrne i za svako djelo umjetničkih ruku. Bi li danas još tko htio dragovoljno što priložiti svojom rukom Jahvi?”
gold for the gold work, and silver for the silver work, and for all the work done by the craftsmen. Now who willingly wants to commit themselves to giving to the Lord today?”
6 Tada su dragovoljno priložili knezovi obitelji i knezovi izraelskih plemena, tisućnici, stotnici i nadstojnici nad kraljevskim poslovima.
They gave willingly—the family leaders, those in charge of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, and the officials in charge of the king's work.
7 Dali su za službu u Božjem Domu zlata pet tisuća talenata i deset tisuća zlatnih darika, srebra deset tisuća talenata, tuča osamnaest tisuća talenata, željeza sto tisuća talenata.
They gave to the service of the house of God 5,000 talents and 10,000 darics of gold, 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of bronze, and 100,000 talents of iron.
8 U koga se god našlo dragulja, svi su darivali u riznicu Jahvina Doma na ruke Jehiela Geršonovca.
Those who had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of the Lord, under the supervision of Jehiel the Gershonite.
9 Narod se veselio što su dragovoljno prilagali, jer su prilagali iskrena srca Jahvi; i kralj David radovao se od srca.
The people celebrated because their leaders had been so willing to give to the Lord, freely and wholeheartedly. King David was also really delighted.
10 Potom David blagoslovi Jahvu pred svim zborom. I reče David: “Blagoslovljen da si, Jahve, Bože našeg oca Izraela, od vijeka do vijeka!
Then David praised the Lord before the whole assembly: “Praise to you, Lord, the God of Israel our father, for ever and ever!
11 Tvoja je, Jahve, veličina, sila, slava, sjaj i veličanstvo, jer je tvoje sve što je na nebu i na zemlji; tvoje je, Jahve, kraljevstvo i ti si uzvišen povrh svega, Poglavar svega!
Lord, yours is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendor, and the majesty, for everything in heaven and on earth is yours. Lord, yours is the kingdom, and you are admired as ruler of all.
12 Od tebe je bogatstvo i slava, ti vladaš nad svim, u tvojoj je ruci sila i moć, u tvojoj je vlasti da učiniš velikim i jakim sve.
Riches and honor come from you and you reign supreme. You possess power and might, and have the ability to make people great and to give strength to all.
13 I slavimo te, Bože naš, i hvalimo tvoje dično ime.
Now our God we thank you, and we praise you and your glorious character.
14 Tko sam ja i što je moj narod da bismo imali snage ovoliko prinijeti tebi dragovoljno? Od tebe je sve, i iz tvojih ruku primivši, dali smo tebi!
But who am I, and who are my people, that we are able to give as willingly as this? For everything we have comes from you—we are only giving back what you have given us.
15 Pridošlice smo pred tobom, naseljenici kao svi naši očevi; naši dani na zemlji prolaze kao sjena i nema nade.
In your eyes we are strangers and foreigners, just like our forefathers. Our time here on earth passes like a shadow, we have no hope of staying here long.
16 Jahve, Bože naš, sve ovo mnogo blago koje smo pripravili za gradnju Doma tebi, tvome svetom imenu, iz tvoje je ruke i sve je tvoje!
Lord our God, even all this wealth that we have provided to build you a house for your holy name comes from what you give, and it all belongs to you.
17 Ali znam, o Bože moj, da ti iskušavaš srca i da ljubiš iskrenost; ja sam iskrena srca dragovoljno prinio sve ovo i s radošću sam gledao tvoj narod koji je ovdje kako ti dragovoljno prinosi.
I know, my God, that you look on the inside and are happy when we live right. Everything I have given willingly and with an honest heart, and now I have seen your people here giving happily and willingly to you.
18 Jahve, Bože naših otaca Abrahama, Izaka i Jakova, sačuvaj dovijeka u srcu svoga naroda tu misao i namjeru i upravi njegovo srce k sebi!
Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and our forefathers, please keep these thoughts and commitments in the minds of your people forever, and make sure they stay loyal to you.
19 A mome sinu Salomonu daj pošteno srce da bi se držao tvojih zapovijedi, tvojih odredaba i tvojih uredaba, da bi vršio sve i da bi sagradio dvor za koji sam sve spremio!”
Please also give my son Solomon a desire to whole-heartedly keep your commandments, decrees, and statutes, and to do all he can to build your Temple that I have provided for.”
20 Tada David reče svemu zboru: “Blagoslovite sada Jahvu, svoga Boga!” I sav je zbor blagoslovio Jahvu, Boga svojih otaca, i, pavši ničice, poklonio se Jahvi i kralju.
Then David said to everyone there, “Praise the Lord your God!” So everyone praised the Lord, the God of their fathers. They bowed down in reverence to the Lord and to the king.
21 Žrtvovali su Jahvi klanice i prinijeli Jahvi paljenice sutradan: tisuću junaca, tisuću ovnova, tisuću jaganjaca s njihovim ljevanicama, mnogo drugih žrtava za sav Izrael.
The following day they presented sacrifices and burnt offerings to the Lord: one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, and one thousand lambs, with their drink offerings and plenty of sacrifices for all of Israel.
22 Jeli su i pili pred Jahvom onoga dana vrlo se radujući. Zakraljili su po drugi put Davidova sina Salomona i pomazali ga po Jahvinoj volji za kneza, a Sadoka za svećenika.
Then they ate and drank in the presence of the Lord with great happiness that day. They made Solomon, the son of David, king for a second time, and they anointed him as ruler for the Lord, and anointed Zadok as priest.
23 Tako je Salomon sjeo na Jahvino prijestolje da kraljuje namjesto svoga oca Davida. Bio je sretan i slušao ga je sav Izrael.
So Solomon took the throne of the Lord as king in place of David, his father. He was successful, and all the Israelites obeyed him.
24 Svi su knezovi i junaci i svi sinovi kralja Davida pružili ruku kralju Salomonu i svečano mu obećali pokornost.
All the officials and warriors, as well as all of King David's sons, gave a solemn promise of loyalty to King Solomon.
25 Jahve je vrlo uzvisio Salomona pred očima sveg Izraela i dao njegovu kraljevstvu veličanstvo kakvo nijedan kralj prije njega nije imao u Izraelu.
The Lord made Solomon highly respected throughout Israel, and gave him greater royal majesty than had been given to any king of Israel before him.
26 Tako je Jišajev sin David kraljevao nad svim Izraelom.
So David, son of Jesse, ruled over all of Israel.
27 Nad Izraelom je kraljevao četrdeset godina; u Hebronu je kraljevao sedam godina, u Jeruzalemu je kraljevao trideset i tri godine.
He ruled over Israel forty years—seven in Hebron, and thirty-three in Jerusalem.
28 Umro je u lijepoj starosti, nauživši se života, bogatstva i slave. Na njegovo se mjesto zakraljio sin mu Salomon.
David died at a good old age, having lived a long life, blessed with wealth and honor. Then his son Solomon took over and ruled in his place.
29 Djela kralja Davida, od prvog do posljednjeg, zapisana su u povijesti vidioca Samuela, u povijesti proroka Natana i u povijesti vidioca Gada,
Everything that King David did, from beginning to end, is written down in the Records of Samuel the Seer, the Records of Nathan the Prophet, and the Records of Gad the Seer.
30 sa svim njegovim kraljevanjem, njegovim junaštvom i događajima što prijeđoše preko njega i Izraela i svih drugih kraljevstava zemaljskih.
These include all the details of his reign, his power, and what happened to him, and to Israel, and all to the kingdoms of the neighboring countries.