< 1 Ljetopisa 27 >

1 Izraelovi sinovi po svome broju. Poglavari porodica, tisućnici, stotnici i nadzornici služili su kralju u svakom poslu. U redovima su dolazili i odlazili od mjeseca do mjeseca, u svim godišnjim mjesecima; svaki je red imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće ljudi.
Now the children of Israel according to their number, the heads of families, captains of thousands and of hundreds, and officers, that served the king according to their companies, who came in and went out every month in the year, under every chief were four and twenty thousand.
2 Nad prvim je redom, prvoga mjeseca, bio Zabdielov sin Jašobam. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće ljudi.
Over the first company the first month Jesboam, the son of Zabdiel was chief, and under him were four and twenty thousand.
3 Pripadao je Peresovim sinovima i bio zapovjednik svih vojvoda u vojsci prvoga mjeseca.
Of the sons of Phares, the chief of all the captains in the host in the first month.
4 Nad redom drugoga mjeseca bio je Ahošanin Dodaj, a predstojnik u njegovu redu bio je Mikelot. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće ljudi.
The company of the second month was under Dudia, an Ahohite, and after him was another named Macelloth, who commanded a part of the army of four and twenty thousand.
5 Vojvoda treće vojske, trećega mjeseca, bio je sin svećenika Jojade, poglavar Benaja. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
And the captain of the third company for the third month, was Banaias the son of Joiada the priest: and in his division were four and twenty thousand.
6 Taj je Benaja bio junak među tridesetoricom i nad tridesetoricom i u njegovu je redu bio sin mu Amizabad.
This is that Banaias the most valiant among the thirty, and above the thirty. And Amizabad his son commanded his company.
7 Četvrti, četvrtoga mjeseca, bio je Joabov brat Asahel, a za njim sin mu Zebadja. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The fourth, for the fourth month, was Asahel the brother of Joab, and Zabadias his son after him: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
8 Peti, petoga mjeseca, bio je vojvoda Jizrahanin Šamhut. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The fifth captain for the fifth month, was Samaoth a Jezerite: and his company were four and twenty thousand.
9 Šesti, šestoga mjeseca, bio je Ikešov sin Ira, Tekoanac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The sixth, for the sixth month, was Hira the son of Acces a Thecuite: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
10 Sedmi, sedmoga mjeseca, bio je Pelonjanin Heles od Efrajimovih sinova. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The seventh, for the seventh month, was Helles a Phallonite of the sons of Ephraim: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
11 Osmi, osmoga mjeseca, bio je Hušaćanin Sibkaj, Zarhijevac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The eighth, for the eighth month, was Sobochai a Husathite of the race of Zarahi: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
12 Deveti, devetoga mjeseca, bio je Anatoćanin Abiezer, Benjaminovac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The ninth, for the ninth month, was Abiezer an Anathothite of the sons of Jemini, and in His company were four and twenty thousand.
13 Deseti, desetoga mjeseca, bio je Netofaćanin Mahraj, Zarhijevac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The tenth, for the tenth month, was Marai, who was a Netophathite of the race of Zarai: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
14 Jedanaesti, jedanaestoga mjeseca, bio je Piratonjanin Benaja, Efrajimovac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The eleventh, for the eleventh month, was Banaias, a Pharathonite of the sons of Ephraim: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
15 Dvanaesti, dvanaestoga mjeseca, bio je Netofaćanin Heldaj, Otnielovac. U svom je redu imao dvadeset i četiri tisuće.
The twelfth, for the twelfth month, was Holdai a Netophathite, of the race of Gothoniel: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
16 Nad Izraelovim plemenima bili su knezovi: nad Rubenovim Zikrijev sin knez Eliezer; nad Šimunovim Maakin sin Šefatja;
Now the chiefs over the tribes of Israel were these: over the Rubenites, Eliezer the son of Zechri was ruler: over the Simeonites, Saphatias the son of Maacha:
17 nad Levijevim Kemuelov sin Hašabja; nad Aronovim Sadok;
Over the Levites, Hasabias the son of Camuel: over the Aaronites, Sadoc:
18 nad Judinim Elihu od Davidove braće; nad Jisakarovim Mihaelov sin Omri;
Over Juda, Eliu the brother of David: over Issachar, Amri the son of Michael:
19 nad Zebulunovim Obadjin sin Jišmaja; nad Naftalijevim Azrielov sin Jerimot.
Over the Zabulonites, Jesmaias the son of Adias: over the Nephtalites, Jerimoth the son of Ozriel:
20 Nad Efrajimovim sinovima Azazjin sin Hošea; nad polovinom Manašeova plemena Pedajin sin Joel,
Over the sons of Ephraim, Osee the: son of Ozaziu: over the half tribe of Manasses, Joel the son of Phadaia:
21 nad drugom polovinom Manašeova plemena u Gileadu Zaharijin sin Jido; nad Benjaminom Abnerov sin Jaasiel;
And over the half tribe of Manasses: in Galaad, Jaddo the son of Zacharias: and over Benjamin, Jasiel the son of Abner.
22 nad Danom Jerohamov sin Azarel. To su bili knezovi izraelskih plemena.
And over Dan, Ezrihel the son of Jeroham: these were the princes of the children of Israel.
23 Ali David nije dao izbrojiti onih kojima bijaše dvadeset godina i manje, jer Jahve bijaše rekao da će umnožiti Izraelce kao nebeske zvijezde.
But David would not number them from twenty years old and under: because the Lord had said that he would multiply Israel like the stars of heaven.
24 Sarvijin je sin Joab počeo vršiti popis, ali ga nije dovršio. Stoga je Srdžba došla na Izrael i zato taj broj nije bio primljen u brojčani izvještaj Ljetopisa kralja Davida.
Joab the son of Sarvia began to number, but he finished not: because upon this there fell wrath upon Israel: and therefore the number of them that were numbered, was not registered in the chronicles of king David.
25 Nadstojnik nad kraljevim blagom bio je Adielov sin Azmavet, a nadstojnik za blago u zemlji, u gradovima, selima i tvrđavama, bio je Uzijin sin Jonatan.
And over the king’s treasures was Azmoth the son of Adiel: and over those stores which were in the cities, and is the villages, and in the castles, was Jonathan the son of Ozias.
26 Nadstojnik nad poljskim radnicima koji su obrađivali zemlju bio je Kelubov sin Ezri.
And over the tillage, and the husbandmen, who tilled the ground, was Ezri the son of Chelub:
27 Nadstojnik nad vinogradarima Ramaćanin Šimej. Nadstojnik nad vinogradrskim klijetima bio je Šifmejac Zabdi.
And over the dressers of the vineyards, was Semeias a Romathite: and over the wine cellars, Zabdias an Aphonite.
28 Nadstojnik nad maslinama i dudovima što su po Šefeli bio je Gederac Hanan; nadstojnik nad skladištima ulja Joaš.
And over the oliveyards and the fig groves, which were in the plains, was Balanam a Gederite: and over the oil cellars, Joas.
29 Nadstojnik nad govedima što su pasla u Šaronu bio je Šaronac Šitraj. Nadstojnik nad krupnom stokom u dolinama bio je Edlajev sin Šafat.
And over the herds that fed in Saron, was Setrai a Saronite: and over the. oxen in the valleys, Saphat the son of Adli:
30 Nadstojnik nad devama Jišmaelac Obil. Nadstojnik nad magaricama Meronoćanin Jehdeja.
And over the camels, Ubil an Ishmahelite: and over the asses, Jadias a Meronathite:
31 Nadstojnik nad ovcama i kozama Hagrijac Jaziz. Svi su oni bili nadstojnici nad imanjem kralja Davida.
And over the sheep Jazia an Agarene. All these were the rulers of the substance of king David.
32 Savjetnik je bio Davidov stric Jonatan, mudar čovjek; bio je i književnik; a Hakmonijev sin Jehiel bio je s kraljevim sinovima.
And Jonathan David’s uncle, a counsellor, a wise and learned man: he and Jahiel the son of Hachamoni were with the king’s sons.
33 Ahitofel je bio kraljev savjetnik, Arkijac Hušaj kraljev prijatelj.
And Achitophel was the king’s counsellor, and Chusai the Arachite, the king’s friend.
34 Ahitofela su naslijedili Benajin sin Jojada i Ebjatar, kraljev je vojvoda bio Joab.
And after Achitophel was Joiada the son of Banaias, and Abiathar. And the general of the king’s army was Joab.

< 1 Ljetopisa 27 >