< 1 Ljetopisa 22 >

1 Zato David reče: “Ovo je Dom Jahve i ovo je žrtvenik za paljenice Izraelu!”
And he said David this it [is] [the] house Yahweh God and this [is the] altar for burnt offering for Israel.
2 David zapovjedi da se skupe stranci koji su bili u izraelskoj zemlji i odredi klesare da propisno klešu kamenje za gradnju Doma Božjeg.
And he said David to gather the sojourners who [were] in [the] land of Israel and he appointed stone cutters to cut stones of hewn [stone] to build [the] house of God.
3 David je pripravio mnogo željeza za čavle na vratnim krilima i za kvačice; i bez mjere mnogo tuča.
And iron - to abundance for the nails for [the] doors of the gates and for the clamps he prepared David and bronze to abundance there not [was] weight.
4 Mnogo cedrovine, jer su Sidonci i Tirci dovozili mnogo cedrovih drva Davidu.
And wood of cedar to there not [was] number for they had brought the Sidonians and the Tyrians wood of cedar to abundance to David.
5 Jer David mišljaše: “Moj je sin Salomon mlad i nježan, a Dom koji treba graditi Jahvi mora biti veličanstven, na slavu i čast po svim zemljama. Hajde da mu sve pripravim.” I David je pripravio mnogo toga prije svoje smrti.
And he said David Solomon son my [is] a youth and weak and the house to build for Yahweh [is] to make great - upwards for a name and for honor to all the lands I will prepare please for it and he prepared David to abundance before death his.
6 Potom dozva sina Salomona i zapovjedi mu da sagradi Dom Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu.
And he summoned Solomon son his and he commanded him to build a house for Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
7 Još David reče Salomonu: “Sine! Bio sam nakanio u srcu da sagradim Dom imenu Jahve, svoga Boga.
And he said David to Solomon (O son my *Q(K)*) I it was with heart my to build a house for [the] name of Yahweh God my.
8 Ali mi je došla Jahvina riječ: 'Mnogo si krvi prolio i velike si ratove vodio; nećeš ti graditi Doma mome imenu jer si mnogo krvi prolio na zemlju preda mnom.
And it came to me [the] word of Yahweh saying blood to abundance you have shed and wars great you have made not you will build a house for name my for blood much you have shed [the] ground towards before me.
9 Gle, rodit će ti se sin; on će biti miroljubac i dat ću mu mir od svih njegovih neprijatelja odasvud unaokolo; ime će mu biti Salomon. Mir i pokoj dat ću Izraelu za njegova vremena.
Here! a son [is] about to be born to you he he will be a man of rest and I will give rest to him from all enemies his from round about for Solomon it will be name his and peace and quietness I will give to Israel in days his.
10 On će sagraditi Dom mome imenu, on će mi biti sin, a ja ću njemu biti otac i utvrdit ću njegovo kraljevsko prijestolje nad Izraelom zauvijek.'
He he will build a house for name my and he he will become of me a son and I of him a father and I will establish [the] throne of kingdom his over Israel until perpetuity.
11 Sada, moj sine, neka bude Jahve s tobom da izvršiš i sagradiš Dom Jahve, svoga Boga, kao što je rekao za te.
Now O son my may he be Yahweh with you and you will be successful and you will build [the] house of Yahweh God your just as he spoke on you.
12 Samo neka ti Jahve poda razum i mudrost kad te postavi nad Izraelom zato da se držiš Zakona Jahve, svoga Boga!
Only may he give to you Yahweh insight and understanding and he will appoint you over Israel and to keep [the] law of Yahweh God your.
13 Bit ćeš sretan budeš li brižno vršio uredbe i zakone koje je Jahve preko Mojsija dao Izraelu. Budi junak i hrabar, ne boj se i ne plaši se!
Then you will be successful if you will take care to observe the statutes and the judgments which he commanded Yahweh Moses on Israel be strong and be courageous may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed.
14 Ja sam, evo, svojim trudom pripravio za Dom Jahvin sto tisuća zlatnih talenata i milijun srebrnih talenata, a tuča i željeza bez mjere, jer ga je tako mnogo. Pripravio sam i drva i kamenja, a i ti dodaj nešto k tomu.
And here! in affliction my I have prepared for [the] house of Yahweh gold talents one hundred thousand and silver one thousand thousand talents and [belongs] to the bronze and to the iron not weight for to abundance it is and wood and stone I have prepared and to them you will add.
15 Imaš mnogo valjanih radnika, klesara, zidara, tesara i svakovrsnih vještaka u svakom umijeću;
And [are] with you to abundance doers of work stone cutters and craftsmen of stone and wood and every skillful [person] in every work.
16 zlatu, srebru, tuču i željezu nema mjere; idi, dakle, i gradi, i neka Jahve bude s tobom!”
Of gold of silver and of bronze and of iron there not [is] number arise and act so may he be Yahweh with you.
17 Tada David zapovjedi svim izraelskim knezovima da pomažu njegovu sinu Salomonu:
And he commanded David to all [the] officials of Israel to help Solomon son his.
18 “Nije li s vama Jahve, Bog vaš, koji vam je dao mir odasvud unaokolo jer je predao u moje ruke stanovnike ove zemlje i zemlja je pokorena pred Jahvom i pred njegovim narodom.
¿ Not [is] Yahweh God your with you and has he given rest? to you from round about for - he has given in hand my [the] inhabitants of the land and it has been subdued the land before Yahweh and before people his.
19 Sada, dakle, pregnite svojim srcem i svojom dušom da tražite Jahvu, svoga Boga; idite i gradite Svetište Bogu Jahvi, unesite Kovčeg saveza Jahvina i Božje sveto posuđe u Dom koji će se sagraditi Jahvinu imenu!”
Now set heart your and being your to seek Yahweh God your and arise and build [the] sanctuary of Yahweh God to bring [the] ark of [the] covenant of Yahweh and [the] articles of holiness of God to the house that will be built for [the] name of Yahweh.

< 1 Ljetopisa 22 >