< 1 Ŵakolinto 11 >

1 Muusyasye une mpela une inguti pakwasyasya Kilisito.
Imitate me, as I myself imitate Christ.
2 Ngunlapa ŵanyamwe pakuŵa nkungumbuchila mu indu yose, mwanya nkamulisye majiganyo ilaila mpela inatite pakumpa.
I praise you, indeed, because you never forget me, and are keeping my injunctions in mind, exactly as I laid them on you.
3 Nambo ngusaka mmanyilile kuti Kilisito ali ntwe wa jwannume jwalijose, ni jwannume ali ntwe wa ŵankwakwe, ni Akunnungu ali ntwe wa Kilisito.
But I am anxious that you should understand that the Christ is the head of every man, that man is the head of woman, and that God is the head of the Christ.
4 Jwannume jwali jose jwakuunichila ntwe katema pakupopela pane jwakulalichila utenga wa Akunnungu, akuujalusya ntwe wakwe ŵali Kilisito.
Any man who keeps his head covered, when praying or preaching in public, dishonors him who is his head;
5 Nambo jwankongwe jwalijose jwakupopela pane jwakulalichila utenga wa Akunnungu jwangaunichila ntwe akunjalusya ŵankwakwe jwali ntwe wakwe, jwankongwe jo ali chisau ni jwankongwe jwammyole umbo sya ntwe wakwe.
while any woman, who prays or preaches in public bare-headed, dishonors him who is her head; for that is to make herself like one of the shameless women who shave their heads.
6 Iŵaga jwankongwe ngakuliunichila ntwe wakwe mbaya amyole umbo syakwe, nambo iŵaga ili soni jwankongwe kuutula umbo syakwe pane kumyola mbaya aunichile ntwe wakwe.
Indeed, if a woman does not keep her head covered, she may as well cut her hair short. But, since to cut her hair short, or shave it off, marks her as one of the shameless women, she should keep her head covered.
7 Jwannume ngakusachilwa kuunichila ntwe wakwe pakuŵa ŵelewo ali chisau ni Akunnungu ni ukulu wa Akunnungu. Nambo jwankongwe ali ukulu wa jwannume.
A man ought not to have his head covered, for he has been from the beginning the likeness of God and the reflection of his glory, but woman is the reflection of man’s glory.
8 Pakuŵa jwannume nganagumbikwa kutyochela kwa jwankongwe nambo jwankongwe ni juŵagumbikwe kutyochele kwa jwannume.
For it was not man who was taken from woman, but woman who was taken from man.
9 Sooni jwannume nganagumbikwa kwaligongo lya jwankongwe nambo jwankongwe ni juŵagumbikwe kwaligongo lya jwannume.
Besides, man was not created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man.
10 Kwa ligongo li ni kwa ligongo lya achikatumetume ŵa Kwinani, jwankongwe aunichile ntwe ŵakwe, kuti chiŵe chimanyisyo cha ulamusi wauli pachanya pao.
And, therefore, a woman ought to wear on her head a symbol of her subjection, because of the presence of the angels.
11 Natamuno yeleyo, nkulumbikana ni Ambuje, jwankongwe pangali jwannume ngaŵa chindu, ni jwannume pangali jwankongwe ngaŵa chindu, wose akukulupililana.
Still, when in union with the Lord, woman is not independent of man, or man of woman;
12 Pakuŵa, iŵaga jwankongwe ŵagumbikwe kutyochela kwa jwannume, iyoyo jwannume nombe akupagwa ni jwankongwe, ni indu yose yo ikutyochela kwa Akunnungu.
for just as woman came from man, so man comes by means of woman; and all things come from God.
13 Nlamule mwachinsyene. Ana ikuŵajilwa jwankongwe ŵapopele Akunnungu pangaunichila ntwe?
Judge for yourselves. Is it fitting that a woman should pray to God in public with her head uncovered?
14 Ana upagwe usyene ngaukujiganya kuti jwannume aŵaga ni umbo syasileu akulitesya soni nsyene?
Does not nature herself teach us that, while for a man to wear his hair long is degrading to him,
15 Nambo jwankongwe akolaga umbo syasileu, chili chindu chakuchimbichikwa kukwakwe, pakuŵa atekupegwa umbo syasileu kuti syaunichile.
a woman’s long hair is her glory? Her hair has been given her to serve as a covering.
16 Iŵaga mundu akukola makani kwa yeleyo, kukwetu uwe atamuno mu mipingo ja ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito, uweji nganitukola masyoŵelo ga makani.
If, however, anyone still thinks it right to contest the point – well, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.
17 Nambo mmalajisyo ga gangumpa ngangunlapa, pakuŵa pankusimana kwapopela Akunnungu, nkutendekanya indu yangalumbana kwipunda indu yambone.
In giving directions on the next subject, I cannot praise you; because your meetings do more harm than good.
18 Kundanda napilikene kuti, pankusimana pamo nti mpingo wa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito, kukutyochela kulekangana, ni une ngukulupilila kanandi kuti pane ili isyene.
To begin with, I am told that when you meet together as a church there are divisions among you. In part I believe this,
19 Pakuŵa iŵele yambone kupagwe kulekangana pasikati jenu kuti aŵala ŵakukundikwa ni Akunnungu amanyiche pangasisika.
indeed, there must be parties among you, so that the people of real worth become known.
20 Nipele pankusimana, nkuganisya kuti nkulya nkate kwa kuchikumbuchila chiwa cha Ambuje nambo ngaŵa,
When you meet together, as I understand, it is not possible to eat the Lord’s Supper;
21 pakuŵa pankulya, kila mundu akulya chakulya pangaalindilila achinjakwe, ni kwatenda ŵane asigalile ni sala ni ŵane akolelwe.
for, as you eat, each of you tries to secure his own supper first, with the result that one has too little to eat, and another has too much to drink!
22 Ana ngankukombola kulya ni kung'wa mmajumba genu? Pane ana nkuunyelusya mpingo wa ŵandu ŵakunkulupilila Kilisito ni kwachembulusya ŵandu ŵangali ni chindu? Ana sambano nansalile ichichi? Ana nanlape kwa yeleyo? Ngwamba, ngangunlapa kwaligongo lya chindu cho.
Have you no houses in which you can eat and drink? Or are you trying to show your contempt for the church of God, and to humiliate the poor? What can I say to you? Should I praise you? In this matter I cannot praise you.
23 Pakuŵa une napochele kutyochela kwa Ambuje majiganyo ganampele ŵanyamwe, yakuti, Ambuje Che Yesu, chilo chila paŵangalawiche, ŵaujigele nkate,
For I myself received from the Lord the account which I have in turn given to you – how the Lord Jesus, on the very night of his betrayal, took some bread,
24 ni paŵatogolele Akunnungu ŵaugaŵenye nkate ni kuti, “Achi ni chiilu changu chachityochekwe kwaliwamba lyenu. Ntendeje nyi kwakungumbuchila une.”
and, after saying the thanksgiving, broke it and said “This is my own body given on your behalf. Do this in memory of me.”
25 Iyoyo paŵamasile kulya ŵachinyakwile chikombe ni kuti, “Achi chikombe chi chili lilangano lya sambano lyalikulimbichikwa kwa miasi jangu. Ntendeje nyi kila pankung'wa, kwakungumbuchila une.”
And in the same way with the cup, after supper, saying “This cup is the new covenant made by my blood. Do this, whenever you drink it, in memory of me.”
26 Pakuŵa kila pankulya nkate wu, ni kuching'welela chikombe chi, nkwenesya chiwa cha Ambuje mpaka pachaiche sooni.
For whenever you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death – until he comes.
27 Kwapele kila mundu juchalye nkate wu ni kuching'welela chikombe chi kwa litala lyangasachilwa, jwelejo chakole magambo mchiilu ni mmiasi ja Ambuje.
Therefore, whoever eats the bread, or drinks the Lord’s cup, in an irreverent spirit, will have to answer for an offense against the Lord’s body and blood.
28 Kwapele kila mundu alilolechesye kaje nsyene nipele akukombola kulya nkate wo ni kuching'welela chikombe cho.
Let everyone look into their own heart, and only then eat of the bread and drink from the cup.
29 Pakuŵa jwalijose jwakulya ni kung'wa pangaimanyilila malumbo ga chiilu cha Ambuje, jwelejo akulilamula nsyene.
For the person who eats and drinks brings a judgment on themselves by their eating and drinking, when they do not discern the body.
30 Kwa ligongo lyo, ŵandu achajinji mŵa ŵanyamwe ali ŵakulepetala ni ŵakulwala, ni ŵane ŵakwe ajasiche.
That is why so many among you are weak and ill, and why some are sleeping.
31 Nambo tukalilolechesye yambone twachinsyene, ngatukalamulikwe ni Akunnungu.
But, if we judged ourselves rightly, we should not be judged.
32 Nambo patukulamulikwa ni Ambuje akutujamuka kuti tukasalamulwa pamo ni ŵandu ŵa pachilambo.
Yet, in being judged by the Lord, we are undergoing discipline, so that we may not have judgment passed on us with the rest of the world.
33 Kwayele achalongo achinjangu pankusimana pamo kulya nkate kwa kuchikumbuchila chiwa cha Ambuje ndindililane.
Therefore, my friends, when you meet together to eat the Supper, wait for one another.
34 Naga mundu jakwete sala alye kaje kumusi, melepe pankusimana pamo Akunnungu akasanlamula. Indu ine yo chinjinjiganya pachiiche.
If anyone is hungry, they should eat at home, so that your meetings may not bring a judgment on you. The other details I will settle when I come.

< 1 Ŵakolinto 11 >