< 撒迦利亞書 9 >

1 耶和華的默示應驗在哈得拉地大馬士革 -世人和以色列各支派的眼目都仰望耶和華-
The birthun of the word of the Lord, in the lond of Adrach, and of Damask, the reste therof; for `of the Lord is the iye of man, and of alle lynagis of Israel.
2 和靠近的哈馬,並泰爾、西頓; 因為這二城的人大有智慧。
And Emath in termes therof, and Tirus, and Sidon; for thei token to hem wisdom greetli.
3 泰爾為自己修築保障, 積蓄銀子如塵沙, 堆起精金如街上的泥土。
And Tirus bildide his strengthing, and gaderide siluer as erthe, and gold as fen of stretis.
4 主必趕出她, 打敗她海上的權利; 她必被火燒滅。
Lo! the Lord schal welde it, and schal smyte in the see the strengthe therof, and it schal be deuourid bi fier.
5 亞實基倫看見必懼怕; 迦薩看見甚痛苦; 以革倫因失了盼望蒙羞。 迦薩必不再有君王; 亞實基倫也不再有居民。
Ascalon schal see, and schal drede; and Gasa, `and schal sorewe ful myche; and Accaron, for the hope therof is confoundid; and the kyng schal perische fro Gasa, and Ascalon schal not be enhabited;
6 私生子必住在亞實突; 我必除滅非利士人的驕傲。
and a departere schal sitte in Asotus, and Y schal distrie the pride of Filisteis.
7 我必除去他口中帶血之肉 和牙齒內可憎之物。 他必作為餘剩的人歸與我們的上帝, 必在猶大像族長; 以革倫人必如耶布斯人。
And Y schal take awei the blood therof fro the mouth of him, and abhomynaciouns of hym fro the myddil of teeth of hym, and he also schal be left to our God; and he schal be as a duyk in Juda, and Accaron as Jebusei.
8 我必在我家的四圍安營, 使敵軍不得任意往來, 暴虐的人也不再經過, 因為我親眼看顧我的家。
And Y schal cumpasse myn hous of these that holden kniythod to me, and goen, and turnen ayen; and `an vniust axere schal no more passe on hem, for now Y siy with myn iyen.
9 錫安的民哪,應當大大喜樂; 耶路撒冷的民哪,應當歡呼。 看哪,你的王來到你這裏! 他是公義的,並且施行拯救, 謙謙和和地騎着驢, 就是騎着驢的駒子。
Thou douyter of Sion, make ioie withoutforth ynow, synge, thou douyter of Jerusalem; lo! thi kyng schal come to thee, he iust, and sauyour; he pore, and stiynge on a sche asse, and on a fole, sone of a sche asse.
10 我必除滅以法蓮的戰車 和耶路撒冷的戰馬; 爭戰的弓也必除滅。 他必向列國講和平; 他的權柄必從這海管到那海, 從大河管到地極。
And Y schal leese foure horsid carte of Effraym, and an hors of Jerusalem, and the bouwe of batel schal be distried; and he schal speke pees to hethene men, and the power of him schal be fro see til to see, and fro floodis til to the endis of erthe.
11 錫安哪,我因與你立約的血, 將你中間被擄而囚的人從無水的坑中釋放出來。
And thou in blood of thi testament sentist out thi boundun men fro lake, in which is not water.
12 你們被囚而有指望的人都要轉回保障。 我今日說明,我必加倍賜福給你們。
Ye boundun of hope, be conuertid to strengthing; and to dai Y schewynge schal yelde to thee double thingis,
13 我拿猶大作上弦的弓; 我拿以法蓮為張弓的箭。 錫安哪,我要激發你的眾子, 攻擊希臘的眾子,使你如勇士的刀。
for Y schal stretche forthe to me Juda as a bowe, Y fillide `the lond of Effraym. And Y schal reise thi sones, thou Sion, on thi sones, thou lond of Grekis, and Y schal sette thee as the swerd of stronge men.
14 耶和華必顯現在他們以上; 他的箭必射出像閃電。 主耶和華必吹角, 乘南方的旋風而行。
And the Lord God schal be seyn on hem, and the dart of him schal go out as leit.
15 萬軍之耶和華必保護他們; 他們必吞滅仇敵,踐踏彈石。 他們必喝血吶喊,猶如飲酒; 他們必像盛滿血的碗, 又像壇的四角滿了血。
And the Lord God schal synge in a trumpe, and schal go in whirlwynd of the south; the Lord of oostis schal defende hem, and thei schulen deuoure, and make suget with stoonys of a slynge; and thei drynkynge schulen be fillid as with wyn, and schulen be fillid as viols, and as hornes of the auter.
16 當那日,耶和華-他們的上帝 必看他的民如群羊,拯救他們; 因為他們必像冠冕上的寶石, 高舉在他的地以上。
And the Lord God `of hem schal saue hem in that dai, as a floc of his puple, for hooli stoonus schulen be reisid on the lond of hym.
17 他的恩慈何等大! 他的榮美何其盛! 五穀健壯少男; 新酒培養處女。
For what is the good of hym, and what is the faire of hym, no but whete of chosun men, and wyn buriownynge virgyns?

< 撒迦利亞書 9 >