< 撒迦利亞書 10 >

1 當春雨的時候, 你們要向發閃電的耶和華求雨。 他必為眾人降下甘霖, 使田園生長菜蔬。
Axe ye of the Lord reyn in late tyme, and the Lord schal make snowis, and reyn of myyt of cloude; and he schal yyue to hem, to ech bi hym silf, erbe in the feeld.
2 因為,家神所言的是虛空; 卜士所見的是虛假; 做夢者所說的是假夢。 他們白白地安慰人, 所以眾人如羊流離, 因無牧人就受苦。
For symylacris spaken vnprofitable thing, and diuynours saien leesyng; and dremeris spaken veynli, ydily thei coumfortiden; therfor thei ben led awei as a floc, thei schulen be turmentid, for a scheepherd is not to hem.
3 我的怒氣向牧人發作; 我必懲罰公山羊; 因我-萬軍之耶和華 眷顧自己的羊群,就是猶大家, 必使他們如駿馬在陣上。
On scheepherdis my strong veniaunce is wrooth, and on buckis of geet Y schal visite; for the Lord of oostis hath visitide his floc, the hous of Juda, and hath put hem as an hors of hys glorie in batel.
4 房角石、釘子、爭戰的弓, 和一切掌權的都從他而出。
Of hym `schal be a cornere, and of hym a litil pale, of hym a bowe of batel, and of hym ech vniust axere schal go out togidere.
5 他們必如勇士在陣上 將仇敵踐踏在街上的泥土中。 他們必爭戰,因為耶和華與他們同在; 騎馬的也必羞愧。
And thei schulen be as stronge men, defoulynge clei of weies in batel, and thei schulen fiyte, for the Lord is with hem; and stieris of horsis schulen be confoundid.
6 我要堅固猶大家,拯救約瑟家, 要領他們歸回。 我要憐恤他們; 他們必像未曾棄絕的一樣, 都因我是耶和華-他們的上帝, 我必應允他們的禱告。
And Y schal coumforte the hous of Juda, and Y schal saue the hous of Joseph; and Y schal conuerte hem, for Y schal haue merci on hem; and thei schulen be as thei weren, whanne Y hadde not cast awei hem; for Y schal be the Lord God of hem, and Y schal graciousli here hem.
7 以法蓮人必如勇士; 他們心中暢快如同喝酒; 他們的兒女必看見而快活; 他們的心必因耶和華喜樂。
And thei schulen be as the stronge of Effraym, and the herte of hem schal be glad, as of wyn; and sones of hem schulen se, and be glad, and the herte of hem schal make ioie withoutforth in the Lord.
8 我要發嘶聲,聚集他們, 因我已經救贖他們。 他們的人數必加增, 如從前加增一樣。
Y schal hisse, `ether softli speke, to hem, and Y schal gadere hem, for Y ayen bouyte hem, and Y schal multiplie hem, as thei weren multiplied bifore.
9 我雖然播散他們在列國中, 他們必在遠方記念我。 他們與兒女都必存活,且得歸回。
And Y schal sowe hem in puplis, and fro fer thei schulen bithenke of me; and thei schulen lyue with her sones, and schulen turne ayen.
10 我必再領他們出埃及地, 招聚他們出亞述, 領他們到基列和黎巴嫩; 這地尚且不夠他們居住。
And Y schal `ayen lede hem fro the lond of Egipt, and Y schal gadere hem fro Assiriens; and Y schal brynge hem to the lond of Galaad and of Liban, and place schal not be foundun to hem.
11 耶和華必經過苦海,擊打海浪, 使尼羅河的深處都枯乾。 亞述的驕傲必致卑微; 埃及的權柄必然滅沒。
And he schal passe in the wawe of the see, and schal smyte wawis in the see, and alle depnessis of flood schulen be confoundid; and the pride of Assur schal be mekid, and the ceptre of Egipt schal go awei.
12 我必使他們倚靠我,得以堅固; 一舉一動必奉我的名。 這是耶和華說的。
Y schal coumforte hem in the Lord, and thei schulen walke in the name of hym, seith the Lord.

< 撒迦利亞書 10 >