< 路得記 3 >

1 路得的婆婆拿俄米對她說:「女兒啊,我不當為你找個安身之處,使你享福嗎?
Forsothe aftir that Ruth turnede ayen to hir modir in lawe, Ruth herde of hir, My douytir, Y schal seke reste to thee, and Y schal purueye that it be wel to thee.
2 你與波阿斯的使女常在一處,波阿斯不是我們的親族嗎?他今夜在場上簸大麥;
This Booz, to whose damesels thou were ioyned in the feeld, is oure kynesman, and in this niyt he wyndewith the corn floor of barli.
3 你要沐浴抹膏,換上衣服,下到場上,卻不要使那人認出你來。你等他吃喝完了,
Therfor be thou waischun, and anoyntid, and be thou clothid with onestere clothis, and go doun in to the corn floor; the man, `that is, Booz, se not thee, til he haue endid the mete and drynke.
4 到他睡的時候,你看準他睡的地方,就進去掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裏,他必告訴你所當做的事。」
Forsothe whanne he goth to slepe, marke thou the place `in which he slepith; and thou schalt come and vnhile the cloth, `with which he is hilid, fro the part of the feet, and thou schalt caste thee doun, and thou schalt ly there. Forsothe he schal seie to thee, what thou `owist to do.
5 路得說:「凡你所吩咐的,我必遵行。」
Which answeride, What euer thing thou comaundist, Y schal do.
6 路得就下到場上,照她婆婆所吩咐她的而行。
And sche yede doun in to the corn floor, and dide alle thingis whiche hir modir in lawe comaundide to hir.
7 波阿斯吃喝完了,心裏歡暢,就去睡在麥堆旁邊。路得便悄悄地來掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裏。
And whanne Booz hadde ete and drunke, and was maad gladere, and hadde go to slepe bisidis the `heep of handfuls, sche cam, and hidde hir silf; and whanne the cloth was vnhilid fro `hise feet, sche castide doun hir silf.
8 到了夜半,那人忽然驚醒,翻過身來,不料有女子躺在他的腳下。
And lo! now at mydnyyt `the man dredde, and was troblid; and he siy a womman lyggynge at hise feet;
9 他就說:「你是誰?」回答說:「我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮蓋我,因為你是我一個至近的親屬。」
and he seide to hir, Who art thou? Sche answeride, Y am Ruth, thin handmayde; stretche forth thi cloth on thi seruauntesse, for thou art nyy of kyn.
10 波阿斯說:「女兒啊,願你蒙耶和華賜福。你末後的恩比先前更大;因為少年人無論貧富,你都沒有跟從。
And he seide, Douytir, thou art blessid of the Lord, and thou hast ouercome the formere mercy with the lattere; for thou `suedist not yonge men, pore ethir riche.
11 女兒啊,現在不要懼怕,凡你所說的,我必照着行;我本城的人都知道你是個賢德的女子。
Therfor `nyle thou drede, but what euer thing thou schalt seie to me, Y schal do to thee; for al the puple that dwellith with ynne the yatis of my cytee woot, that thou art a womman of vertu.
12 我實在是你一個至近的親屬,只是還有一個人比我更近。
And Y forsake not, that Y am of nyy kyn, but another man is neer than Y;
13 你今夜在這裏住宿,明早他若肯為你盡親屬的本分,就由他吧!倘若不肯,我指着永生的耶和華起誓,我必為你盡了本分,你只管躺到天亮。」
reste thou in this nyyt, and whanne the morewtid is maad, if he wole holde thee bi riyt of nyy kyn, the thing is wel doon; forsothe if he nyle, Y schal take thee with outen ony doute, the Lord lyueth, `that is, bi the Lord lyuynge; slepe thou til the morewtid.
14 路得便在他腳下躺到天快亮,人彼此不能辨認的時候就起來了。波阿斯說:「不可使人知道有女子到場上來」;
Therfore sche slepte at `hise feet til to the goyng awey of nyyt, and so sche roos bifor that men knewen `hem silf togidere. And Booz seide to hir, Be thou war lest ony man knowe, that thou camest hidir.
15 又對路得說:「打開你所披的外衣。」她打開了,波阿斯就撮了六簸箕大麥,幫她扛在肩上,她便進城去了。
And eft he seide, Stretche forth thi mentil `with which thou `art hilid, and holde thou with euer either hond. And while sche stretchide forth and helde, he mete sixe buyschels of barly, and `puttide on hir; and sche bar, and entride in to the citee,
16 路得回到婆婆那裏,婆婆說:「女兒啊,怎麼樣了?」路得就將那人向她所行的述說了一遍,
and cam to hir modir in lawe. Which seide to Ruth, What hast thou do, douyter? And Ruth telde to hir alle thingis, whyche `the man hadde do to hir.
17 又說:「那人給了我六簸箕大麥,對我說:『你不可空手回去見你的婆婆。』」
And Ruth seide, Lo! he yaf to me sixe buyschels of barly; and he seide, Y nyle that thou turne ayen voide to thi modir in lawe.
18 婆婆說:「女兒啊,你只管安坐等候,看這事怎樣成就,因為那人今日不辦成這事必不休息。」
And Noemy seide, Abide, douytir, til we sien what issu the thing schal haue; for the man schal not ceesse, no but he fille tho thingis whiche he spak.

< 路得記 3 >