< 羅馬書 2 >
1 你這論斷人的,無論你是誰,也無可推諉。你在甚麼事上論斷人,就在甚麼事上定自己的罪;因你這論斷人的,自己所行卻和別人一樣。
So if you judge others you don't have any excuse, whoever you are! For in whatever way you condemn others, you're judging yourself, because you're doing the same things.
We know that God's judgment on those who do such things is based on truth.
3 你這人哪,你論斷行這樣事的人,自己所行的卻和別人一樣,你以為能逃脫上帝的審判嗎?
When you judge them do you really think that you however can avoid God's judgment?
4 還是你藐視他豐富的恩慈、寬容、忍耐,不曉得他的恩慈是領你悔改呢?
Or is it that you're treating his wonderful kindness, tolerance, and patience with contempt, not realizing that God in his kindness is trying to lead you to repent?
5 你竟任着你剛硬不悔改的心,為自己積蓄忿怒,以致上帝震怒,顯他公義審判的日子來到。
Due to your hard-hearted attitude and your refusal to repent, you're making things far worse for yourself on the day of retribution when God's judgment is demonstrated to be absolutely right.
God will make sure everyone receives what they deserve according to what they've done.
7 凡恆心行善、尋求榮耀、尊貴和不能朽壞之福的,就以永生報應他們; (aiōnios )
Those who have kept on trying to do what is good and right will receive glory and honor, immortality and eternal life. (aiōnios )
8 惟有結黨、不順從真理、反順從不義的,就以忿怒、惱恨報應他們;
But those who think only of themselves, rejecting the truth and deliberately choosing to do evil, will receive punishment and furious hostility.
9 將患難、困苦加給一切作惡的人,先是猶太人,後是希臘人,
Everyone who does evil will have trouble and suffering—the Jewish people first, and the foreigners too.
10 卻將榮耀、尊貴、平安加給一切行善的人,先是猶太人,後是希臘人。
But everyone who does good will have glory, honor, and peace—the Jewish people first, and the foreigners too.
12 凡沒有律法犯了罪的,也必不按律法滅亡;凡在律法以下犯了罪的,也必按律法受審判。(
Those who sin even though they don't have the written law are still lost, while those who sin that do have the written law will be condemned by that law.
13 原來在上帝面前,不是聽律法的為義,乃是行律法的稱義。
Just listening to what the law says doesn't make you right in God's sight. It's those who do what the law says who are made right.
14 沒有律法的外邦人若順着本性行律法上的事,他們雖然沒有律法,自己就是自己的律法。
The foreigners don't have the written law, but when they instinctively do what it says, they are following the law even without having the written law.
15 這是顯出律法的功用刻在他們心裏,他們是非之心同作見證,並且他們的思念互相較量,或以為是,或以為非。)
In this way they show how the law works that's written in their minds. As they think about what they're doing, their conscience either accuses them for doing wrong or defends them for doing what is good and right.
16 就在上帝藉耶穌基督審判人隱祕事的日子,照着我的福音所言。
The good news I share is that a day is coming when God will judge, through Jesus Christ, everyone's secret thoughts.
What about you who call yourself a Jew? You rely on the written law and boast about having a special relationship to God.
18 既從律法中受了教訓,就曉得上帝的旨意,也能分別是非;
You know what he wants; you do what's right because you've been taught from the law.
You're absolutely sure that you can guide the blind, and that you are a light to those in the dark.
20 是蠢笨人的師傅,是小孩子的先生,在律法上有知識和真理的模範。
You think you can set ignorant people straight, a teacher of “children,” because you know from the law all the truth there is to know.
21 你既是教導別人,還不教導自己嗎?你講說人不可偷竊,自己還偷竊嗎?
So if you're busy teaching others, why don't you teach yourself? You tell people not to steal, but are you stealing?
22 你說人不可姦淫,自己還姦淫嗎?你厭惡偶像,自己還偷竊廟中之物嗎?
You tell people not to commit adultery, but are you committing adultery? You tell people not to worship idols, but do you profane temples?
You boast about having the law, but don't you misrepresent God by breaking it?
24 上帝的名在外邦人中,因你們受了褻瀆,正如經上所記的。
As Scripture says, “God's character is defamed among the foreigners because of you.”
25 你若是行律法的,割禮固然於你有益;若是犯律法的,你的割禮就算不得割禮。
Being circumcised has value only if you do what the law says. But if you break the law, your circumcision is as worthless as those who are not circumcised at all.
26 所以那未受割禮的,若遵守律法的條例,他雖然未受割禮,豈不算是有割禮嗎?
If a man who is not circumcised keeps the law, he should be considered as being circumcised even though he's not.
27 而且那本來未受割禮的,若能全守律法,豈不是要審判你這有儀文和割禮竟犯律法的人嗎?
The uncircumcised foreigners who keep the law will condemn you if you break the law, even though you have the written law and circumcision.
28 因為外面作猶太人的,不是真猶太人;外面肉身的割禮,也不是真割禮。
It's not what's on the outside that makes you a Jew; it's not the physical sign of circumcision.
29 惟有裏面作的,才是真猶太人;真割禮也是心裏的,在乎靈,不在乎儀文。這人的稱讚不是從人來的,乃是從上帝來的。
What makes you a Jew is on the inside, a “circumcision of the heart” that doesn't follow the letter of the law but the Spirit. Someone like that is looking for praise from God, not from people.